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Who is who

Chris Oelmueller edited this page May 8, 2014 · 4 revisions

When on our IRC channel with a question, you might wonder whom to bug now and be afraid to pick the wrong person. Below we list our core team members together with

  • their general tasks and field of work as well as
  • their role in this year's SoC.

A few tips in general:

  1. You can always ask your mentor.
  2. If mentors are not sure about an answer, they'll do the same as you can and should do: ask a person that is more apt to answering your question.
  3. This especially means that even if your mentor is not around or nobody of the below listed devs seems to react, you can always throw your question in the chan and we will try to tell you whom to ask best concerning this question!

Do not be afraid to ask! You can easily lose hours of highly worthwhile time if stuck somehow or heading in an odd direction. Asking questions is no sign of ignorance but of great integration into our team and acuteness of mind!



  • Also christop` at times
  • debian and ubuntu package maintainer
  • hosted our server for years. Check Admins to find out which parts of the big picture belong to christoph.



  • successful participant in GSoC 2011
  • AI core engineer ;-)
  • wrote random map algorithms and is familiar with almost everything else
  • a gentleman and a scholar


helios actually belongs to another client of FIFE, Zero Projekt, but nonetheless has implemented many FIFE feature requests which Zero had (just giving the lighting support as example). He is knowledgeable about huge parts of the FIFE code and will help you with any questions concerning its codebase.


Kilian (stubb) has done a lot of work on the game design part of the game as well as taking care of various other tasks like gui design, updating graphics, licenses, the list goes on. He knows quite a bit about every part of UH, so feel free to ask him anything. In the unlikely event he doesn't know the answer, he will know who to ask.



  • Project Manager
  • GSoC Mentor 2011/2012
  • Knows large parts of the code-base
  • nihathrael once, several years ago, gave the development of UH a new spin and has been a valuable member of the coding department since then. Without his various commits, UH would by no means look like it does today.


The other part of our project management team. And it has to be said that he thoroughly is a sysadmin. If you need anything done concerning UH's website, our public relations or other project infrastructure, Nightraven is all you ever wanted.

prock, vtchill

UTC-5, UTC-6
These two are the current lead developers of our engine FIFE which is written in C++. Since our projects are related, we try to help the FIFE team as much as possible, be it only finding bugs/addressing possible issues or fixing them even if no SoC takes place ;-)

You hopefully won't need the particular experience of prock and vtchill if working on an UH idea, but … who knows: maybe you're also interested in their work? Both were mentors in 2011 and 2012!

When working on a FIFE idea, these two are most probably the best help you can ever get. Try catching them at #fife or #unknown-horizons or any other way of communication you arrange with your mentor!


squiddy is clearly the one to blame whenever a unit tests annoys you about a crash you just commited to the repo :) ; he is responsible for making the game testable as well as the game test and gui test framework. Starting from that, he has been extending the scope of the work to basically all of the different modules, where quality assurance and proper coding standards are among his main focuses.


UTC+2 totycro has been around for far longer and contributed so much more than mentioning him as last item on this list would indicate. The alphabet sometimes is just unfair! To the point: There is little lines in our folder horizons/ that neither nihathrael nor totycro are able to make head or tail of. totycro also volunteered as a mentor in 2011 and is open to any question concerning our code. He maintains the gentoo ebuilds if you encounter any problems with these.



  • Graphics go-to guy, shepherd of our Artists
  • Joined the project in November 2011
  • Can't code but continues to try ;)
  • Has comparable functionality to a machine that processes biscuits into art.
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