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Ideas 2013:Fifechan improvements

Chris Oelmueller edited this page Mar 25, 2013 · 2 revisions

Fifechan, pychan, and tools improvements

Our problem

FIFE recently forked the Guichan GUI library to fifechan because Guichan is no longer in active development. We require additional features in fifechan to support our clients needs as well as our tools. Pychan (the python implementation of fifechan) will also need to be updated to reflect any changes in fifechan. As a result we would like to see the fife map editor improved.

Our idea

Some features we would like to see implemented, but not limited to are:

What you need

  • Strong python programming skills
  • Strong C++ skills (must)
  • Ideas and features you want to implement (must)
  • Finding problems and solutions to them independently (generally important)
  • Experience working with UI APIs (must)
  • Estimated difficulty: Hard

What we provide

  • Existing base implementation
  • List of feature requests

As a pre-GSoC task you could try some of the following:

What we expect

You can shift around release goals and target dates in the planning stage as you like. Once your mentor and you agreed on a rough timetable, only light modifications should occur if there happens nothing unforeseeable.

  • No milestones from our side. Propose some to your mentors!

What you can add

In general: If your mentor agrees, you can change almost everything in our descriptions. They are just meant to provide guidance if you are not sure where to start or which way to choose.

You are especially free to alter the following parts:

  • Features
  • Additional widgets

Who looks after you

Your mentors for this task will probably be: vtchill, prock

These devs might also help out if your mentors are not around right now: helios

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