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Kilian Köppchen edited this page Jan 26, 2014 · 2 revisions

This page gives an overview of our testing system.

Continuous Integration

Our continuous integration server can be found at:

Manually running tests

Before you can run the tests, the following python modules have to be installed:

We're using nose as test runner, but you have to use the script instead of nosetests that comes with nose. However exposes the same command line interface as nosetests, therefore both commands should behave the same.


This command will run all tests in the tests/ directory.

Run a subset of tests

To run only specific tests, you may either pass a directory path or a python package path.

python tests/unittests/                                                      # run every test in this directory (including sub-directories)
python                                                 # run every test in this package/module
python                 # run a specific test case
python tests/unittests/world/   # run a specific test in the test case

For more information, check out the documentation on nose.

Hide unnecessary logging output

Sometimes failing tests produce a lot of output to the console which makes relevant information harder to read. In order to hide it, run tests with additional parameters.

Hide logging:

python --nologcapture

Disable printing:

python -s > /dev/null

Running both, e.g.

python --nologcapture -s > /dev/null

Should leave you only with relevant unit test output.

Test types

Unit tests

TODO: Add explanation how to write one

AI tests

AI tests take longer to run, therefore by default they will not run. They are tagged with the attribute 'long', using -a long will include them in the test discovery:

python -a long

TODO: Add explanation how to write one

GUI tests

GUI tests work differently than unit/ai tests. For each test, a new game will be started and the test interacts with the game. This takes some time, therefore they are disabled by default.

python -a gui

How to write: Writing GUI tests

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