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SAM Coupé Library Reference

dandoore edited this page Jul 22, 2021 · 19 revisions

To aid conversion of Sam C programs to z88DK's SAM Coupé Platform this table represents the libraries and functions offered in SamC and their equivalents in the Z88DK libraries.

Features that are particular to the platform are called out, not all of these may be available yet or fully working.

A series of routines are being written to test these functions and any deviation recorded in the Status column.

Missing functions are rated in priority, low priority functions may exist as part of other libraries or easily replicated using other functions.

Original compiler and assembler source available Sam C on GitHub, SAM C manual and copies of the demos, headers and Z80 assembler source of most libraries.

Total functions: 158

Missing/Unaccounted for: 62

Note: Do not update this table, it is generated off-site.

SAM C Library Type Function Sam Specific Addional Details Matching Matching Lib Priority Status
conio.h void blocks(int b); Y BASIC Blocks toggle UDG Graphics for foreign chars(1=on/0=off) 1 - High MISSING
conio.h void csize(int x,int y); Y BASIC CSIZE (x can be 6 or 8, y can be 8,9 or 16) 1 - High MISSING
conio.h void over(int o); ? Set OVER status for text (0-Normal 1-XOR 2-OR 3-AND) 1 - High MISSING - extension to ZX OVER command?
graphics.h unsigned grab(int x, int y, int w, int l); ? Sprite Grab 1 - High MISSING
graphics.h void put(int x, int y, int mode); ? Sprite Put x,y,mode (1-Inverse 2-OR 4-ovewrite(default) 5-using mask) 1 - High MISSING
graphics.h void roll (int x, int y, int width, int length, int direct, int size); ? ROLL command - scroll section of the screen wrapping around 1 - High MISSING
graphics.h void scroll(int x, int y, int width, int length, int direct, int size); Y SCROLL command - scroll section of the screen no wrapping 1 - High MISSING
graphics.h void setover(int m); Y Graphics writing mode (0 -Normal, 1-XOR, 2-OR, 3-AND) 1 - High MISSING
misc.h int button(void ); Read Mouse Button value (left/right/both) 1 - High MISSING - Add to input.h
misc.h int getpixel(int x, int y); POINT command, return pixel pot colour from x,y or attribute from MODE1/2 point() graphics.h 1 - High #1748 SAM point(x,y) needs to return pot colour of pixel in high colour modes, not just binary set/not set
misc.h int mdriver(void ); Mouse Init /init (return false if no driver) 1 - High MISSING - Add to input.h
misc.h int xmouse(void ); Read Mouse X 1 - High MISSING - Add to input.h
misc.h int ymouse(void ); Read Mouse Y 1 - High MISSING - Add to input.h
stdlib.h int is512kb(); Y Return true if 256kb memory expansion fitted 1 - High MISSING
stdlib.h void nosound(); Y Turn SAA1099 off (SOUND 0x1c,0) 1 - High MISSING
stdlib.h void sound(...); Y Send SAA1099 byte array of register/values (SOUND r1,v1;r2,v2;r3,v3…..) example: SOUND 0x2,255;0xa,195;&0x11,4;0x14,4;0x1c,1 gives continuous tone 1 - High MISSING
system.h int escape(); ? Detect Escape key pressed (returns 1 if pressed) 1 - High MISSING
conio.h void bright(int b); Assert BRIGHT by selecting pot +8 of current (1=on/0=off), BRIGHT 8 or 16 is like ZX 'transparent' 2 - Med MISSING - refactor zx_setattrbright(b)?
conio.h void flash(int f); Assert FLASH in MODE1/2 only (1=on/0=off) FLASH 8 or 16 is like ZX 'transparent' 2 - Med MISSING - refactor zx_setattrflash(b)?
conio.h void inverse(int i); Invert text pen/paper (1=on/0=off) 2 - Med MISSING - refactor zx_setattrinverse(b) ?
conio.h void window(int a,int b,int c,int d); ? Text Window create 2 - Med MISSING
graphics.h void close_scr(int scr); Y Close screen (number) 2 - Med MISSING
graphics.h void cls(int a); Y CLS different screen areas (0=screen/1=window) 2 - Med MISSING - Support for clearing text window
graphics.h void display(int scr); Y Display screen (number) 2 - Med MISSING
graphics.h void open_scr(int scr, int mode); Y Open new screen (number, MODE) 2 - Med MISSING
stdio.h char * fgets(char *string, int max, int stream); Crippled FileIO - only works for streams in SAMC *fgets() stdio.h 2 - Med No FileIO yet
stdio.h int fgetc(int strm); Crippled FileIO - only works for streams in SAMC fgetc() stdio.h 2 - Med No FileIO yet
stdio.h int fprintf(...); Crippled FileIO - only works for streams in SAMC fprintf() stdio.h 2 - Med No FileIO yet
stdio.h void fputc(int c, int strm); Crippled FileIO - only works for streams in SAMC fputc() stdio.h 2 - Med No FileIO yet
stdio.h void fputs(char *s, int strm); Crippled FileIO - only works for streams in SAMC fputs() stdio.h 2 - Med No FileIO yet
stdio.h int fscanf(...); Crippled FileIO - only works for streams in SAMC fscanf() stdio.h 2 - Med No FileIO yet
stdio.h void stream(int stream); Y Crippled FileIO - only works for streams in SAMC 2 - Med No FileIO yet
conio.h void tab(int t); Y Move text cursor position right by tab value t 3 - Low MISSING
graphics.h void fill(int x, int y, int mode); Fill area - Does not support fill with pattern fill() graphics.h 3 - Low Missing Fill support
graphics.h int setpattern(int p); Y Fill pattern 3 - Low MISSING
graphics.h void triangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); ? Pointless - can be replicated in vanilla C 3 - Low MISSING
misc.h int blitz(...); Y BASIC Blitz function 3 - Low MISSING
misc.h int getgraphmode(void ); Y Return current MODE value 3 - Low MISSING IOCTL_GENCON_GET_MODE needed?
misc.h void outtextxy(int x, int y, char *s); ? Print string at x,y - Code does a gotoxy() followed 3 - Low MISSING
misc.h extern REGS regs; ? What is this? 3 - Low MISSING
misc.h int user(unsigned addr); ? What is this? 3 - Low MISSING
stdio.h char * input(int line, int column, int max); Y BASIC INPUT at x,y of length (non standard) 3 - Low MISSING
stdio.h char * MEMPTR_; // pointer to first free byte ? Pointer used by malloc and calloc? Same as free? 3 - Low MISSING
stdio.h char * skip(char *string); Skip whitespace in string? Not in manual 3 - Low MISSING
stdio.h const unsigned heaplen_; ? Holds Heap length 3 - Low MISSING
stdio.h const unsigned stklen_; ? Holds Stack Length 3 - Low MISSING
stdlib.h void gdump(); Bitmap output entire screen to printer 3 - Low MISSING - Refactor zx_hardcopy()?
stdlib.h int outprn(int c); Text output value to printer 3 - Low MISSING - Refactor zx_lprintc()
stdlib.h void tdump(); Text output entire screen to printer 3 - Low MISSING - Refactor zx_print_buf()?
string2.h char * itod(int nbr, char *str, int sz); ? Convert integer number as string to decimal as string - needed? 3 - Low MISSING
string2.h char * itoo(int nbr, char *str, int sz); ? Convert integer number as string to octal as string - needed? 3 - Low MISSING
string2.h char * itou(int nbr, char *str, int sz); ? Convert integer number as string to unsigned as string - needed? 3 - Low MISSING
string2.h char * itox(int nbr, char *str, int sz); ? Convert integer number as string to hex as string - needed? 3 - Low MISSING
string2.h int dtoi(char *decstr, int nbr); ? Convert dec number as string to integer as string - needed? 3 - Low MISSING
string2.h void left(char *s); ? Left adjusts and terminates a string -needed? 3 - Low MISSING
string2.h int otoi(char *octstr, int nbr); ? Convert oct number as string to integer as string - needed? 3 - Low MISSING
string2.h void reverse(char *s); ? Reverses character order of NULL terminated string and leaves it terminated 3 - Low MISSING
string2.h int utoi(char *decstr, int nbr); ? Convert unsigned number as string to integer asstring - needed? 3 - Low MISSING
string2.h int xtoi(char *hexstr, int nbr); ? Convert hex number as string to integer as string - needed? 3 - Low MISSING
system.h int callcode (int a,int b,int d,int h,unsigned adr); Y Call machine code routine (A, BC, DE, HL,Address) 3 - Low MISSING
system.h int getsp(); ? Get Stack pointer value - needed? 3 - Low MISSING
system.h int gettime(); ? Return frame counter SVAR FRAMES 0X5c78 3 - Low MISSING
conio.h void border(int b); Set border colour (pot) bordercolor() conio.h
conio.h void paper(int p); Text/Graphics background (pot) (MODE1/2 can set 16 'transparent' and 17 'contrast' like ZX) textbackground() conio.h
conio.h void pen(int i); Text/Graphics colour(pot) (MODE1/2 can set 16 'transparent' and 17 'contrast' like ZX) textcolor() conio.h
ctype.h char isalnum(int c); isalnum(int) ctype.h
ctype.h char isalpha(int c); isalpha(int) ctype.h
ctype.h char isascii(int c); isascii(int) ctype.h
ctype.h char iscntrl(int c); iscntrl(int) ctype.h
ctype.h char isgraph(int c); isgraph(int) ctype.h
ctype.h char islower(int c); islower(int) ctype.h
ctype.h char isprint(int c); isprint(int) ctype.h
ctype.h char ispunct(int c); ispunct(int) ctype.h
ctype.h char isupper(int c); isupper(int) ctype.h
ctype.h char isxdigit(int c); isxdigit(int) ctype.h
ctype.h char toascii(int c); toascii(int) ctype.h
ctype.h char tolower(int c); tolower(int) ctype.h
ctype.h char toupper(int c); toupper(int) ctype.h
graphics.h void allpalette(int pal); Set all palette entries sam_load_palette arch/sam.h
graphics.h void box(int x, int y, int w, int l); Draw an unfilled box drawb() graphics.h
graphics.h void circle(int x, int y, int r); Draw a circle circle() graphics.h
graphics.h void drawto(int x, int y); Draw from current position to x,y drawto() graphics.h
graphics.h void fatpix(int a); Y FATPIX mode for MODE 3 pixels (also sets xrg to 256) gfx_set_fatpix graphics.h Request #1772
graphics.h int getx(); Current X graphics position getx() graphics.h
graphics.h int gety(); Current Y graphics position gety() graphics.h
graphics.h void line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1); Draw linefrom x1,y1 to x2,y2 draw() graphics.h
graphics.h void mode(int m); Set screen MODE (MODE) console_ioctl() ioctl.h
graphics.h void moveto(int x, int y); Move graphics plot position setpos() graphics.h
graphics.h void palette(int pos, int col); Set palette entries (pot, value) sam_set_palette arch/sam.h
graphics.h void plot(int x, int y); Plot pixel at x,y plot() graphics.h
stdio.h #define clrscr() clscr() clrscr() conio.h
stdio.h void * calloc(unsigned n, unsigned size); *calloc() malloc.h
stdio.h void * free(unsigned block); free() malloc.h
stdio.h char * gets(char *string); *gets() stdio.h
stdio.h char * itoa(int value, char *string, int radix); *itoa() stdlib.h
stdio.h void * malloc(unsigned size); *malloc() malloc.h
stdio.h void assert(int e); assert() assert.h
stdio.h void at(int line, int column); Move text cursor to X/Y gotoxy() conio.h
stdio.h int atoi(char *s, int radix); atoi() stdlib.h
stdio.h void clscr(void ); Clear screen clrscr() conio.h
stdio.h void exit(int c); Exit with specified errorlevel exit() stdlib.h
stdio.h int getc( void ); Get character getc() stdio.h
stdio.h int getch( void ); Get character getch() conio.h
stdio.h int getchar( void ); Get character getchar() stdio.h
stdio.h int getche( void ); // as per getch(), but with echo Get character with echo to screen? getche() conio.h
stdio.h int isdigit(int c); isdigit(int) ctype.h
stdio.h int isspace(int c); isspace(int) ctype.h
stdio.h int kbhit( void ); kbhit() conio.h
stdio.h void print(char *s); printf() a string printf() stdio.h No FileIO yet
stdio.h int printf(...); // this six functions are variable !!! printf() stdio.h
stdio.h void putc(int c); Put character diretcly onto stdout putc() stdio.h
stdio.h void putchar(int c); putchar() stdio.h
stdio.h void puts(char *s); puts() stdio.h
stdio.h int scanf(...); scanf() stdio.h
stdio.h int sprintf(...); sprintf() stdio.h
stdio.h int sscanf(...); sscanf() stdio.h
stdio.h unsigned strlen(char *s); strlen() string.h
stdio.h void ungetc(int c); ungetc() stdio.h
stdlib.h int abs(int x); abs() stdlib.h
stdlib.h int atexit(int fnc); atexit() stdlib.h
stdlib.h void beep(int duration, int pitch); bit_beep() sound.h
stdlib.h int max (int a, int b); Returns greater of two integers max() bdscio.h
stdlib.h int min (int a, int b); Returns lesser of two integers min() bdscio.h
stdlib.h int rand(); Return Random Number rand() stdlib.h
stdlib.h void sort(char *base,int offset, int size, int items, int (*comp)(), int (*swap)()); Sort function qsort_sccz80() stdlib.h
stdlib.h void srand(int seed); Set random seed srand() stdlib.h
stdlib.h void swap(unsigned width, unsigned from, unsigned to); Swaps characters - part of sort routine qsort_sccz80() stdlib.h
string.h char * memchr(char *s, int c, unsigned width); *memchr() string.h
string.h void * memcpy(char *a,char *b,unsigned c); *memcpy() string.h
string.h void * memset(char *a,int b,unsigned c); *memset() string.h
string.h char * stpcpy(char *dest, const char *src); *stpcpy() string.h
string.h char * strcat(char *a,char *b); *strcat() string.h
string.h char * strchr(char *a,int b); *strchr() string.h
string.h char * strcmp(char *a,char *b); strcmp() string.h
string.h char * strcpy(char *a,char *b); *strcpy() string.h
string.h char * stricmp(char *a,char *b); stricmp() string.h
string.h char * strlwr(char *s); *strlwr() string.h
string.h char * strncat(char *a,char *b,unsigned c); *strncat() string.h
string.h char * strncmp(char *a,char *b,unsigned c); strncmp() string.h
string.h char * strncpy(char *a,char *b,unsigned c); *strncpy string.h
string.h char * strnicmp(char *a,char *b,unsigned c); strnicmp() string.h
string.h char * strnset(char *s, int ch, unsigned w); *strnset string.h
string.h char * strrchr(char *a,int b); *strrchr() string.h
string.h char * strset(char *s, int ch); *strset string.h
string.h char * strstr(char *a,char *b); *strstr string.h
string.h char * strupr(char *s); *strupr string.h
string.h int memcmp(char *a,char *b,unsigned c); memcmp() string.h
system.h int avail(); Free memory that may be used by malloc and calloc free() malloc.h
system.h void disable(); Disable interrupts intrinsic_di() intrinsic.h
system.h int dpeek(unsigned a); PEEK 16 bit value (double byte) wpoke() stdlib.h
system.h void dpoke(unsigned a, int b); POKE 16 bit value (double byte) wpeek() stdlib.h
system.h void enable(); Enable interrupts intrinsic_ei() intrinsic.h
system.h unsigned inp(unsigned p); Read IN port inp() stdlib.h
system.h unsigned outp(unsigned p,int v); Write OUT port outp() stdlib.h
system.h void pause(int c); Wait until number of frame interrupts received Equivelent of pause(1) for actual pausing in milliseconds use msleep() in stdlib.h makes more sense if specifing intrinsic_halt() intrinsic.h
system.h char peek(unsigned a); PEEK 8 bit value bpoke() stdlib.h
system.h void poke(unsigned a, char b); POKE 8 bit value bpeek() stdlib.h
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