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Build Environment

Robert Spencer edited this page May 10, 2024 · 2 revisions

Build Environment

Shell Scripts

  1. Start vagrant - vagrant up on the project root dir
  2. Log in to vagrant - ssh vagrant@ / vagrant
  3. cd /vagrant/vagrant

UI Dependency Management

See composer.json in the root dir.


See vagrant/

To add/update a new ui dependency:

  1. Update `composer.json
  2. Update if needed
  3. ssh into vagrant box (vagrant/vagrant)
  4. Run ./vagrant/
  5. Review changes
  6. Commit changes


See vagrant/ and vagrant/

  1. Update src/skin/churchcrm.scss as needed
  2. ssh into vagrant box (vagrant/vagrant)
  3. Run once
  4. Run
  5. Review changes
  6. Commit changes
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