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900_100_Annotate_add ins

Francois Vancoppenolle edited this page Dec 30, 2016 · 17 revisions

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Annotate Add-ins (Add-ins\annotate.js)



By default, annotates are displayed next to the mouse cursor. With the annotate.js add-ins, it is possible to display the annotate at other places : in the middle, on top, at the bottom, on a specific place in the chart, etc... It is also possible to display annotates with special shapes : a bubble, a rectangle with an arrow, ...

How to implement

If you want to use the annotate.js add-ins, you have to insert it AFTER the ChartNew.js module (annotate.js replaces some functions from ChartNew.js). The specification about where the annotates have to be displayed is done through new options that are only working when then annotate.js module is used - See chapter "Additional options for specifying the location of the annotates. If you want to use another shape for the annotate (something else than the normal rectangle), it is explained in the chapter "Shape of the annotate".

Additional options for specifying the location of the annotates

###annotatePaddingX ####Description : ####Chart Type : Pie, Doughnut, PolarArea ####Values : "center", "middle", "start", "end", "atMousePosition".
####default value : 10

###annotatePaddingY ####Description : ####Chart Type : Pie, Doughnut, PolarArea ####Values : "center", "middle", "start", "end", "atMousePosition".
####default value : 10

###annotatePositionAngle ####Description : ####Chart Type : Pie, Doughnut, PolarArea ####Values : "center", "middle", "start", "end", "atMousePosition".
####default value : "atMousePosition"

###annotatePositionRadius ####Description : ####Chart Type : Pie, Doughnut, PolarArea ####Values : "center", "middle", "start", "end", "atMousePosition".
####default value : "atMousePosition"

###annotatePositionY ####Description : ####Chart Type : Pie, Doughnut, PolarArea ####Values : "center", "middle", "start", "end", "atMousePosition".
####default value : "atMousePosition"

###annotatePositionX ####Description : ####Chart Type : Pie, Doughnut, PolarArea ####Values : "center", "middle", "start", "end", "atMousePosition".
####default value : "atMousePosition"

Shape of the annotate

Bubble shape

Arrow shape


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