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3427 lines (2983 loc) · 315 KB

Ansible 6 Release Notes

This changelog describes changes since Ansible 5.0.0.

Release Date: 2022-06-21

Porting Guide

  • community.kubernetes (previously included version: 2.0.1)
  • community.kubevirt (previously included version: 1.0.0)
  • cisco.dnac (version 6.4.0)
  • (version 1.0.0)
  • community.sap_libs (version 1.1.0)
  • vmware.vmware_rest (version 2.1.5)

Ansible 6.0.0 contains Ansible-core version 2.13.0. This is a newer version than version 2.12.0 contained in the previous Ansible release.

The changes are reported in the combined changelog below.

If not mentioned explicitly, the changes are reported in the combined changelog below.

Collection Ansible 5.0.0 Ansible 6.0.0 Notes 2.1.0 3.2.0  
ansible.netcommon 2.4.0 3.0.1  
ansible.posix 1.3.0 1.4.0  
ansible.utils 2.4.2 2.6.1 1.8.0 1.10.0  
arista.eos 3.1.0 5.0.1  
awx.awx 19.4.0 21.0.0 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
azure.azcollection 1.10.0 1.12.0 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
check_point.mgmt 2.1.1 2.3.0 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
chocolatey.chocolatey 1.1.0 1.2.0  
cisco.aci 2.1.0 2.2.0  
cisco.asa 2.1.0 3.0.0  
cisco.dnac   6.4.0 The collection was added to Ansible
cisco.intersight 1.0.17 1.0.19 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
cisco.ios 2.5.0 3.0.0  
cisco.iosxr 2.5.0 3.0.0  
cisco.ise 1.2.1 2.4.1  
cisco.meraki 2.5.0 2.6.2  
cisco.mso 1.2.0 2.0.0  
cisco.nxos 2.7.1 3.0.0  
cisco.ucs 1.6.0 1.8.0 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
cloud.common 2.1.0 2.1.1 2.2.0 2.2.2 2.1.0 3.2.1  
community.ciscosmb 1.0.4 1.0.5  
community.crypto 2.0.1 2.3.2  
community.digitalocean 1.12.0 1.19.0  
community.dns 2.0.3 2.1.1  
community.docker 2.0.1 2.6.0  
community.general 4.0.2 5.0.2  
community.grafana 1.2.3 1.4.0  
community.hashi_vault 2.0.0 3.0.0  
community.hrobot 1.2.1 1.3.1  
community.libvirt 1.0.2 1.1.0  
community.mongodb 1.3.2 1.4.0 There are no changes recorded in the changelog.
community.mysql 2.3.1 3.2.1 3.0.0 4.0.1  
community.okd 2.1.0 2.2.0  
community.postgresql 1.5.0 2.1.5  
community.proxysql 1.3.0 1.4.0  
community.rabbitmq 1.1.0 1.2.1  
community.routeros 2.0.0 2.1.0   1.0.0 The collection was added to Ansible
community.sap_libs   1.1.0 The collection was added to Ansible
community.sops 1.2.0 1.2.2  
community.vmware 1.16.0 2.5.0 1.8.0 1.10.0  
community.zabbix 1.5.0 1.7.0  
containers.podman 1.8.2 1.9.3  
cyberark.pas 1.0.13 1.0.14 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
dellemc.enterprise_sonic 1.1.0 1.1.1  
dellemc.openmanage 4.2.0 5.4.0  
f5networks.f5_modules 1.12.0 1.17.0  
fortinet.fortimanager 2.1.4 2.1.5 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
fortinet.fortios 2.1.3 2.1.6  
frr.frr 1.0.3 2.0.0  
hpe.nimble 1.1.3 1.1.4 The collection did not have a changelog in this version.
ibm.qradar 1.0.3 2.0.0  
infinidat.infinibox 1.3.0 1.3.3 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
infoblox.nios_modules 1.1.2 1.2.2 1.3.0 2.0.0  
junipernetworks.junos 2.6.0 3.0.1  
kubernetes.core 2.2.1 2.3.1  
netapp.cloudmanager 21.12.0 21.17.0  
netapp.ontap 21.13.1 21.19.1  
netapp.storagegrid 21.7.0 21.10.0  
netapp_eseries.santricity 1.2.13 1.3.0  
netbox.netbox 3.3.0 3.7.1  
ngine_io.cloudstack 2.2.2 2.2.4  
ngine_io.vultr 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.5.3 1.8.0 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
openvswitch.openvswitch 2.0.2 2.1.0  
ovirt.ovirt 1.6.5 2.0.4  
purestorage.flasharray 1.11.0 1.13.0  
purestorage.flashblade 1.8.1 1.9.0  
sensu.sensu_go 1.12.0 1.13.1 1.0.2 2.0.0  
t_systems_mms.icinga_director 1.24.0 1.29.0  
theforeman.foreman 2.2.0 3.4.0  
vmware.vmware_rest   2.1.5 The collection was added to Ansible
vyos.vyos 2.6.0 3.0.1  
  • Add a ansible-community CLI tool that allows to print the version of the Ansible community distribution. Use ansible-community --version to print this version.
  • Jinja2 Controller Requirement - Jinja2 3.0.0 or newer is required for the control node (the machine that runs Ansible) (ansible/ansible#75881)
  • Templating - remove safe_eval in favor of using NativeEnvironment but utilizing literal_eval only in cases when safe_eval was used (ansible/ansible#75587)
  • collection - The collection has dropped support for botocore<1.19.0 and boto3<1.16.0. Most modules will continue to work with older versions of the AWS SDK, however compatability with older versions of the SDK is not guaranteed and will not be tested. When using older versions of the SDK a warning will be emitted by Ansible (ansible-collections/
  • cli_parse - this module has been moved to the ansible.utils collection. ansible.netcommon.cli_parse will continue to work to reference the module in its new location, but this redirect will be removed in a future release
  • network_cli - Change default value of ssh_type option from paramiko to auto. This value will use libssh if the ansible-pylibssh module is installed, otherwise will fallback to paramiko.
  • Minimum required ansible.netcommon version is 2.5.1.
  • Updated base plugin references to ansible.netcommon.
  • eos_facts - change default gather_subset to min from !config (ansible-collections/arista.eos#306).
  • win_chocolatey - Added choco_args option to pass additional arguments directly to Chocolatey.
  • Minimum required ansible.netcommon version is 2.5.1.
  • Updated base plugin references to ansible.netcommon.
  • Minimum required ansible.netcommon version is 2.5.1.
  • Updated base plugin references to ansible.netcommon.
  • facts - default value for gather_subset is changed to min instead of !config.
  • Minimum required ansible.netcommon version is 2.5.1.
  • Updated base plugin references to ansible.netcommon.
  • facts - default value for gather_subset is changed to min instead of !config.
  • Update ciscoisesdk requirement to 1.2.0
  • anc_endpoint_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content.
  • anc_policy_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content.
  • backup_last_status_info - change return value, it returns response content.
  • device_administration_authentication_rules - deletes parameter identitySourceId.
  • device_administration_authentication_rules_info - change return value, it returns response content.
  • device_administration_authorization_rules_info - change return value, it returns response content.
  • device_administration_conditions - deletes parameter attributeId.
  • device_administration_conditions_for_authentication_rule_info - change return value, it returns response content.
  • device_administration_conditions_for_authorization_rule_info - change return value, it returns response content.
  • device_administration_conditions_for_policy_set_info - change return value, it returns response content.
  • device_administration_conditions_info - change return value, it returns response content.
  • device_administration_dictionary_attributes_authentication_info - change return value, it returns response content.
  • device_administration_dictionary_attributes_authorization_info - change return value, it returns response content.
  • device_administration_dictionary_attributes_policy_set_info - change return value, it returns response content.
  • device_administration_global_exception_rules_info - change return value, it returns response content.
  • device_administration_network_conditions_info - change return value, it returns response content.
  • device_administration_time_date_conditions - deletes parameter attributeId.
  • device_administration_time_date_conditions_info - change return value, it returns response content.
  • egress_matrix_cell_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content.
  • network_access_authentication_rules - deletes parameter identitySourceId.
  • network_access_conditions - deletes parameter attributeId.
  • network_access_time_date_conditions - deletes parameter attributeId.
  • node_deployment - update parameters.
  • node_deployment_info - add filter and filterType parameters.
  • node_group - fixes response recollection.
  • node_group_info - fixes response recollection.
  • repository_files_info - change return value, it returns response content.
  • repository_info - change return value, it returns response content.
  • sg_acl_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content.
  • sg_mapping_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content.
  • sg_mapping_group_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content.
  • sg_mapping_group_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content.
  • sg_to_vn_to_vlan_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content.
  • sgt - change generationId type from int to str.
  • sgt_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content.
  • sxp_connections_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content.
  • sxp_local_bindings_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content.
  • sxp_vpns_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content.
  • system_certificate - new parameters portalTagTransferForSameSubject and roleTransferForSameSubject.
  • system_certificate - portalTagTransferForSameSubject parameter renamed to allowPortalTagTransferForSameSubject.
  • system_certificate - roleTransferForSameSubject parameter renamed to allowRoleTransferForSameSubject.
  • system_certificate_import - new parameters portalTagTransferForSameSubject and roleTransferForSameSubject.
  • system_certificate_import - portalTagTransferForSameSubject parameter renamed to allowPortalTagTransferForSameSubject.
  • system_certificate_import - roleTransferForSameSubject parameter renamed to allowRoleTransferForSameSubject.
  • trustsec_nbar_app_info - change type from str to list.
  • trustsec_vn_info - change type from str to list.
  • meraki_mr_radio - New module
  • The minimum required ansible.netcommon version has been bumped to v2.6.1.
  • Updated base plugin references to ansible.netcommon.
  • nxos_facts - change default gather_subset to min from !config (ansible-collections/cisco.nxos#418).
  • nxos_file_copy has been rewritten as a module. This change also removes the dependency on pexpect for file_pull operation. Since this now uses AnsibleModule class for argspec validation, the validation messages will be slighlty different. Expect changes in the return payload in some cases. All functionality remains unchanged.
  • collection - The collection has dropped support for botocore<1.19.0 and boto3<1.16.0. Most modules will continue to work with older versions of the AWS SDK, however compatability with older versions of the SDK is not guaranteed and will not be tested. When using older versions of the SDK a warning will be emitted by Ansible (ansible-collections/
  • s3_bucket_notifications - refactor module to support SNS / SQS targets as well as the existing support for Lambda functions (ansible-collections/
  • The community.general collection no longer supports Ansible 2.9 and ansible-base 2.10. While we take no active measures to prevent usage, we will remove a lot of compatibility code and other compatility measures that will effectively prevent using most content from this collection with Ansible 2.9, and some content of this collection with ansible-base 2.10. Both Ansible 2.9 and ansible-base 2.10 will very soon be End of Life and if you are still using them, you should consider upgrading to ansible-core 2.11 or later as soon as possible (ansible-collections/community.general#4548).
  • The community.mysql collection no longer supports Ansible 2.9 and ansible-base 2.10. While we take no active measures to prevent usage and there are no plans to introduce incompatible code to the modules, we will stop testing against Ansible 2.9 and ansible-base 2.10. Both will very soon be End of Life and if you are still using them, you should consider upgrading to the latest Ansible / ansible-core 2.11 or later as soon as possible (ansible-collections/community.mysql#343).
  • The collection no longer supports Ansible 2.9 and ansible-base 2.10. While we take no active measures to prevent usage, we will remove compatibility code and other compatility measures that will effectively prevent using most content from this collection with Ansible 2.9, and some content of this collection with ansible-base 2.10. Both Ansible 2.9 and ansible-base 2.10 will very soon be End of Life and if you are still using them, you should consider upgrading to ansible-core 2.11 or later as soon as possible (ansible-collections/
  • The community.postgresql collection no longer supports Ansible 2.9 and ansible-base 2.10. While we take no active measures to prevent usage and there are no plans to introduce incompatible code to the modules, we will stop testing against Ansible 2.9 and ansible-base 2.10. Both will very soon be End of Life and if you are still using them, you should consider upgrading to the latest Ansible / ansible-core 2.11 or later as soon as possible (ansible-collections/community.postgresql#245).
  • postgresql_privs - the usage_on_types feature have been deprecated and will be removed in community.postgresql 3.0.0. Please use the type option with the type value to explicitly grant/revoke privileges on types (ansible-collections/community.postgresql#207).
  • postgresql_query - the path_to_script and as_single_query options as well as the query_list and query_all_results return values have been deprecated and will be removed in community.postgresql 3.0.0. Please use the community.postgresql.postgresql_script module to execute statements from scripts (ansible-collections/community.postgresql#189).
  • postgresql_query - the default value of the as_single_query option changes to yes. If the related behavior of your tasks where the module is involved changes, please adjust the parameter's value correspondingly (ansible-collections/community.postgresql#85).
  • postgresql_user - the priv argument has been deprecated and will be removed in community.postgresql 3.0.0. Please use the postgresql_privs module to grant/revoke privileges instead (ansible-collections/community.postgresql#212).
  • Add podman_tag module
  • Add secrets driver and driver opts support
  • All modules can read custom or organizational CA signed certificate from the environment variables. Please refer to SSL Certificate Validation section in the for modification to existing playbooks or setting environment variable.
  • All modules now support SSL over HTTPS and socket level timeout.
  • idrac_server_config_profile - The module is enhanced to support export, import, and preview the SCP configuration using Redfish and added support for check mode.
  • bigip_device_info - pagination logic has also been added to help with api stability.
  • bigip_device_info - the module no longer gathers information from all partitions on device. This change will stabalize the module by gathering resources only from the given partition and prevent the module from gathering way too much information that might result in crashing.
  • Support FortiOS 7.0.2, 7.0.3, 7.0.4, 7.0.5.
  • Minimum required ansible.netcommon version is 2.5.1.
  • Updated base plugin references to ansible.netcommon.
  • Minimum required ansible.netcommon version is 2.5.1.
  • Updated base plugin references to ansible.netcommon.
  • Minimum required ansible.netcommon version is 2.5.1.
  • Updated base plugin references to ansible.netcommon.
  • junos_facts - change default gather_subset to min from !config.
  • Minimum required ansible.netcommon version is 2.5.1.
  • Updated base plugin references to ansible.netcommon.
  • Add 'pool' as value to server key in ntp_global.
  • Minimum required ansible.netcommon version is 2.5.1.
  • Updated base plugin references to ansible.netcommon.
  • vyos_facts - change default gather_subset to min from !config (vyos/vyos.vyos#231).
  • Action Plugins - Add helper method for argument spec validation, and extend to pause and async_wrapper
  • Added AIX root CA certs folders - enhance the TLS support in uri task on AIX
  • Added module_utils.compat.typing to facilitate type-hinting on all supported Python versions.
  • Ansible.Basic - small changes to allow use in PowerShell modules running on non-Windows platforms (ansible/ansible#76924).
  • AnsibleModule.run_command() now has a toggle to allow caller to decide to handle exceptions from executing the command itself
  • Attach concat function to an environment class (ansible/ansible#76282)
  • Clarify in a comment that unrolling an iterator in Templar._finalize is actually necessary. Also switch to using the _unroll_iterator decorator directly to deduplicate code in Templar._finalize. (ansible/ansible#76436)
  • Installation - modernize our python installation, to reduce dynamic code in, and migrate what is feasible to setup.cfg. This will enable shipping wheels in the future.
  • PlayIterator - introduce public methods to access PlayIterator._host_states (ansible/ansible#74416)
  • PlayIterator - use enums for Iterating and Failed states (ansible/ansible#74511)
  • Reduce number of iterations through PlayIterator (ansible/ansible#74175)
  • Remove more Python 2.x compatibility code from controller (ansible/ansible#77320).
  • Start of moving away from using Six, Python 2 and 3 compatibility library (ansible/ansible#75863)
  • The collection loader now reports a Python warning if an attempt is made to install the Ansible collection loader a second time. Previously this condition was reported using an Ansible warning.
  • ansible-galaxy collection [install|verify] - allow user-provided signature sources in addition to those from the Galaxy server. Each collection entry in a requirements file can specify a signatures key followed by a list of sources. Collection name(s) provided on the CLI can specify additional signature sources by using the --signatures CLI option. Signature sources should be URIs that can be opened with urllib.request.urlopen(), such as "" or "file:///path/to/detached_signature.asc". The --keyring option must be specified if signature sources are provided.
  • ansible-galaxy collection [install|verify] - use gpg to verify the authenticity of the signed MANIFEST.json with ASCII armored detached signatures provided by the Galaxy server. The keyring (which is not managed by ansible-galaxy) must be provided with the --keyring option to use signature verification. If no --keyring is specified and the collection to install|verify has associated detached signatures on the Galaxy server, a warning is provided.
  • ansible-galaxy collection install - Add a global configuration to modify the required number of signatures that must verify the authenticity of the collection. By default, the number of required successful signatures is 1. Set this option to all to require all signatures verify the collection. To ensure signature verification fails if there are no valid signatures, prepend the value with '+', such as +all or +1.
  • ansible-galaxy collection install - Add a global ignore list for gpg signature errors. This can be used to ignore certain signatures when the number of required successful signatures is all. When the required number of successful signatures is a positive integer, the only effect this has is to display fewer errors to the user on failure (success is determined by having the minimum number of successful signatures, in which case all errors are disregarded).
  • ansible-galaxy collection install - Add a global toggle to turn off GPG signature verification.
  • ansible-galaxy collection install - Store Galaxy server metadata alongside installed collections for provenance. Signatures obtained from the Galaxy server can be used for offline verification with ansible-galaxy collection verify --offline.
  • ansible-console - Provide a way to customize the stdout callback
  • ansible-core modules - Remove unused Python shebangs from built-in modules.
  • ansible-doc metadata dump - add option --no-fail-on-errors which allows to not fail the ansible-doc invocation when errors happen during docs parsing or processing. Instead they are reported in the JSON result in an error key for the affected plugins (ansible/ansible#77035).
  • ansible-galaxy - the option to skip certificate verification now also applies when cloning via SCM (git/hg) (ansible/ansible#41077)
  • ansible-test - Accept new-style Python modules without a shebang.
  • ansible-test - Add --version support to show the ansible-core version.
  • ansible-test - Add support for rhel/8.5 remote instances.
  • ansible-test - Add support for remote testing of FreeBSD 12.3.
  • ansible-test - Add support for running container tests with podman remote (ansible/ansible#75753)
  • ansible-test - Added the fedora35 test container.
  • ansible-test - Change the maximum number of open files in a test container from the default to 10240.
  • ansible-test - Declare public dependencies of ansible-core and use to limit unguarded imports in plugins.
  • ansible-test - Importing distutils now results in an error.
  • ansible-test - Installation of cryptography is no longer version constrained when openssl 1.1.0 or later is installed.
  • ansible-test - Miscellaneous code cleanup and type hint fixes.
  • ansible-test - PowerShell in the base and default containers has been upgraded to version 7.1.4.
  • ansible-test - Remove RHEL 8.4 remote (rhel/8.4) support.
  • ansible-test - Remove idna constraint.
  • ansible-test - Remove obsolete MAXFD display.
  • ansible-test - Remove obsolete constraints for Python 2.6.
  • ansible-test - Remove support for FreeBSD 12.2 remote provisioning.
  • ansible-test - Remove support for macOS 11.1 remote provisioning.
  • ansible-test - Remove support for provisioning remote AIX instances.
  • ansible-test - Remove the centos8 test container since CentOS 8 will reach end-of-life soon.
  • ansible-test - Remove the fedora33 test container since Fedora 33 will reach end-of-life soon.
  • ansible-test - Remove unused Python 2.x compatibility code.
  • ansible-test - Removed support for Sherlock from the Azure provisioning plugin.
  • ansible-test - Removed used MarkupSafe constraint for Python 3.5 and earlier.
  • ansible-test - Requirements for the plugin import test are now frozen.
  • ansible-test - Shellcheck in the base and default containers has been upgraded to version 0.7.0.
  • ansible-test - Stop early with an error if the current working directory contains an invalid collection namespace or name.
  • ansible-test - The --help option is now available when an unsupported cwd is in use.
  • ansible-test - The --help output now shows the same instructions about cwd as would be shown in error messages if the cwd is unsupported.
  • ansible-test - The pip and wheel packages are removed from all sanity test virtual environments after installation completes to reduce their size. Previously they were only removed from the environments used for the import sanity test.
  • ansible-test - The explanation about cwd usage has been improved to explain more clearly what is required.
  • ansible-test - The hash for all managed sanity test virtual environments has changed. Containers that include ansible-test sanity --prime-venvs will need to be rebuilt to continue using primed virtual environments.
  • ansible-test - Update base container to version 2.1.0.
  • ansible-test - Update base container to version 2.2.0.
  • ansible-test - Update default containers to version 5.2.0.
  • ansible-test - Update default containers to version 5.4.0.
  • ansible-test - Update default containers to version 5.5.0.
  • ansible-test - Update default containers to version 5.6.2.
  • ansible-test - Update default containers to version 5.7.0.
  • ansible-test - Update default containers to version 5.8.0.
  • ansible-test - Update default containers to version 5.9.0.
  • ansible-test - Update pip used to bootstrap remote FreeBSD instances from version 20.3.4 to 21.3.1.
  • ansible-test - Update sanity test requirements.
  • ansible-test - Update the NIOS test plugin container to version 1.4.0.
  • ansible-test - Update the alpine container to version 3.3.0. This updates the base image from 3.14.2 to 3.15.0, which includes support for installing binary wheels using pip.
  • ansible-test - Update the base and default containers from Python 3.10.0rc2 to 3.10.0.
  • ansible-test - Update the base and default containers from a Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 20.04 base image.
  • ansible-test - Update the default containers to version 5.1.0.
  • ansible-test - Update the galaxy test plugin to get its container from a copy on
  • ansible-test - Update the openshift test plugin to get its container from a copy on
  • ansible-test - Use Python 3.10 as the default Python version for the base and default containers.
  • ansible-test - add macOS 12.0 as a remote target (ansible/ansible#76328)
  • ansible-test - handle JSON decode error gracefully in podman environment.
  • ansible-test pslint - Added the AvoidLongLines rule set to a length of 160.
  • ansible-test pslint - Added the PlaceCloseBrace rule set to enforce close braces on a newline.
  • ansible-test pslint - Added the PlaceOpenBrace rule set to enforce open braces on the same line and a subsequent newline.
  • ansible-test pslint - Added the UseConsistentIndentation rule to enforce indentation is done with 4 spaces.
  • ansible-test pslint - Added the UseConsistentWhitespace rule to enforce whitespace consistency in PowerShell.
  • ansible-test pslint - Updated PowerShellScriptAnalyzer to 1.20.0
  • ansible-test sanity validate-modules - the validate-modules sanity test now also checks the documentation of documentable plugin types (ansible/ansible#71734).
  • ansible-test validate-modules sanity test - add more schema checks to improve quality of plugin documentation (ansible/ansible#77268).
  • ansible-test validate_modules - allow choices for return values (ansible/ansible#76009).
  • apt - Add support for using ">=" in package version number matching.
  • apt - Adds APT option --allow-change-held-packages as module parameter allow_change_held_packages to allow APT up- or downgrading a package which is on APTs hold list (ansible/ansible#65325)
  • auto inventory plugin will now give plugin loading information on verbose output
  • callbacks - Add result serialization format options to _dump_results allowing plugins such as the default callback to emit YAML serialized task results in addition to JSON
  • dnf - add more specific error message for GPG validation (ansible/ansible#76192)
  • env lookup, add default option
  • facts - report prefix length for IPv4 addresses in Linux network facts.
  • get_parsable_locale now logs result when in debug mode.
  • git - display the destination directory path in error msg when local_mods detects local modifications conflict so that users see the exact location
  • iptables - add the chain_management parameter that controls iptables chain creation and deletion
  • jinja2_native - keep same behavior on Python 3.10.
  • junit callback - Add support for replacing the directory portion of out-of-tree relative task paths with a placeholder.
  • k8s - scenario guides for kubernetes migrated to kubernetes.core collection.
  • module_utils.distro - Add missing typing import from original code.
  • package_facts - add pkg_info support for OpenBSD and NetBSD (ansible/ansible#76580)
  • services_facts - Add support for openrc (ansible/ansible#76373).
  • setting DEFAULT_FACT_PATH is being deprecated in favor of the generic module_defaults keyword
  • uri - Avoid reading the response body when not needed
  • uri - Eliminate multiple requests to determine the final URL for file naming with dest
  • validate-modules - do some basic validation on the M(...), U(...), L(..., ...) and R(..., ...) documentation markups (ansible/ansible#76262).
  • vmware - migrated vmware scenario guides to community.vmware repo.
  • yum, dnf - add sslverify option to temporarily disable certificate validation for a repository
  • Copied the cliconf, httpapi, netconf, and terminal base plugins and NetworkConnectionBase into netcommon. These base plugins may now be imported from netcommmon instead of ansible if a collection depends on netcommon versions newer than this version, allowing features and bugfixes to flow to those collections without upgrading ansible.
  • Make ansible_network_os as optional param for httpapi connection plugin.
  • Redirected ipaddr filters to ansible.utils (ansible-collections/ansible.netcommon#359).
  • Support removal of non-config lines from running config while taking backup.
  • network_cli - added new option 'become_errors' to determine how privilege escalation failures are handled.
  • httpapi - new parameter retries in send() method limits the number of times a request is retried when a HTTP error that can be worked around is encountered. The default is to retry indefinitely to maintain old behavior, but this default may change in a later breaking release.
  • 'consolidate' filter plugin added.
  • 'keep_keys' filter plugin added.
  • 'remove_keys' filter plugin added.
  • 'replace_keys' filter plugin added.
  • Add cli_merge ipaddr filter plugin.
  • Add ip4_hex filter plugin.
  • Add ipaddr filter plugin.
  • Add ipmath filter plugin.
  • Add ipsubnet filter plugin.
  • Add ipv4 filter plugin.
  • Add ipv6 filter plugin.
  • Add ipwrap filter plugin.
  • Add network_in_network filter plugin.
  • Add network_in_usable filter plugin.
  • Add next_nth_usable filter plugin.
  • Add nthhost filter plugin.
  • Add previous_nth_usable filter plugin.
  • Add reduce_on_network filter plugin.
  • Add slaac,hwaddr,mac filter plugin.
  • New validate sub-plugin "config" to validate device configuration against user-defined rules (ansible-collections/
  • setup - Added ipv4, ipv6, mtu and speed data to ansible_interfaces
  • win_dsc - deduplicated error writing code with a new function. No actual error text was changed.
  • win_environment - Trigger WM_SETTINGCHANGE on a change to notify other host processes of an environment change
  • win_path - Migrate to newer style module parser that adds features like module invocation under -vvv
  • win_path - Trigger WM_SETTINGCHANGE on a change to notify other host processes of an environment change
  • win_powershell - Added $Ansible.Verbosity for scripts to adjust code based on the verbosity Ansible is running as
  • Add eos_hostname resource module.
  • Add eos_snmp_server resource module.
  • eos_acls - Fix examples typos
  • All modules - Ported away from the Ansible.Legacy format, using Ansible.Basic.Module instead.
  • win_chocolatey - Added state: upgrade as an alias for state: latest.
  • win_chocolatey - Improved automatic URL handling for getting the install.ps1 script from a custom source URL.
  • win_chocolatey - Improved handling of Chocolatey bootstrapping installation script.
  • win_chocolatey - Removed warning for installing Chocolatey if when specifically installing it with name: chocolatey.
  • Add access_mode and enable_vm_folder attributes to aci_domain
  • Add aci_bgp_rr_asn and aci_bgp_rr_node module and tests
  • Add aci_dhcp_relay and aci_dhcp_relay_provider modules and test files (#211)
  • Add aci_dns_profile, aci_dns_domain and aci_dns_provider modules and test files (#221)
  • Add aci_epg_to_contract_interface module and test file
  • Add aci_esg, aci_esg_contract_master, aci_esg_epg_selector, aci_esg_ip_subnet_selector and aci_esg_tag_selector modules (#212)
  • Add aci_fabric_leaf_profile and aci_fabric_leaf_switch_assoc modules and test files
  • Add aci_fabric_switch_policy_group module and test file
  • Add aci_l3out_interface_secondary_ip module and test file
  • Add description to aci_fabric_spine_switch_assoc module
  • Add destination_epg, source_ip, destination_ip, span_version, flow_id, ttl, mtu, dscp, and version_enforced attributes to aci_tenant_span_dst_group module
  • Add mtu and ipv6_dad attributes to aci_l3out_interface
  • Add new aci_vmm_uplink and aci_vmm_uplink_container modules and test files (#189)
  • Add new priorities in the aci_epg_to_contract priority module attribute
  • Add support for contract_label and subject_label into aci_epg_to_contract module
  • Add support for tagging with new module aci_tag (#210)
  • Add useg attribute to aci_epg module
  • ios_acls - Added enable_fragment attribute to enable fragments under ace.
  • ios_acls - feature: Remarks can be configured for ACLs.
  • ios_bgp_global - Deprecate aggregate_address with aggregate_address which supports list of dict attributes.
  • ios_bgp_global - Deprecate bestpath with bestpath_options which supports a dict attribute.
  • ios_bgp_global - Deprecate distribute_list with distributes which supports list of dict attributes.
  • ios_bgp_global - Deprecate inject_map with inject_maps which supports list of dict attributes.
  • ios_bgp_global - Deprecate listen.ipv4_with_subnet/ipv6_with_subnet with host_with_subnet which enables common attribute for facts rendering.
  • ios_bgp_global - Deprecate neighbors.address/tag/ipv6_adddress with neighbor_address which enables common attribute for facts rendering.
  • ios_bgp_global - Deprecate neighbors.password with password_options which allows encryption and password.
  • ios_bgp_global - Deprecate neighbors.route_map with route_maps which supports list of dict attributes.
  • ios_bgp_global - Deprecate nopeerup_delay with nopeerup_delay_options which supports a dict attribute.
  • ios_bgp_global - Deprecates route_server_context, scope, template as they were not implemented with the scope of the module.
  • ios_hostname - New Resource module added.
  • ios_snmp_server - Enables configuration of v3 auth and encryption password for each user.
  • ios_snmp_server - New Resource module added.
  • Add commit_confirmed functionality in IOSXR.
  • Add disable_default_comment option to disable default comment in iosxr_config module.
  • Add iosxr_snmp_server resource module.
  • Add new keys ge, eq, le for iosxr_prefix_lists.
  • Added support for keys net_group, port_group to resolve issue with fact gathering against IOS-XR 6.6.3.
  • IOSXR - Fix sanity for missing elements tag under list type attribute.
  • iosxr_hostname - New Resource module added.
  • Add ise_uses_csrf_token parameter to modules
  • Update requirements to use ciscoisesdk >= 1.4.0.
  • aci_bindings_info - change default response to [].
  • active_directory_info - change default response to [].
  • admin_user_info - change default response to [].
  • allowed_protocols_info - change default response to [].
  • anc_endpoint_info - change default response to [].
  • anc_policy_info - change default response to [].
  • authorization_profile_info - change default response to [].
  • backup_schedule_config_update - new module.
  • byod_portal_info - change default response to [].
  • certificate_profile_info - change default response to [].
  • certificate_template_info - change default response to [].
  • csr_export_info - Instead of returning the data string, it now returns a dictionary. The dictionary has property data with the previous string value.
  • csr_export_info - add parameter filename.
  • csr_info - change default response to [].
  • downloadable_acl_info - change default response to [].
  • egress_matrix_cell_info - change default response to [].
  • endpoint_bulk_monitor_status_info - change default response to [].
  • endpoint_certificate - Instead of returning the data string, it now returns a dictionary. The dictionary has property data with the previous string value.
  • endpoint_certificate - add parameter filename.
  • hotpatch_info - new module.
  • hotpatch_install - new module.
  • hotpatch_rollback - new module.
  • licensing_connection_type_info - new module.
  • licensing_eval_license_info - new module.
  • licensing_feature_to_tier_mapping_info - new module.
  • licensing_registration_create - new module.
  • licensing_registration_info - new module.
  • licensing_smart_state_create - new module.
  • licensing_smart_state_info - new module.
  • licensing_tier_state_create - fix function call.
  • licensing_tier_state_create - new module.
  • licensing_tier_state_info - new module.
  • node_deployment_sync - new module.
  • node_group_node_create - new module.
  • node_group_node_delete - new module.
  • node_group_node_info - new module.
  • node_primary_to_standalone - new module.
  • node_secondary_to_primary - new module.
  • node_services_interfaces_info - new module.
  • node_services_profiler_probe_config - new module.
  • node_services_profiler_probe_config_info - new module.
  • node_services_sxp_interfaces - new module.
  • node_services_sxp_interfaces_info - new module.
  • node_standalone_to_primary - new module.
  • pan_ha_update - new module.
  • patch_info - new module.
  • patch_install - new module.
  • patch_rollback - new module.
  • proxy_connection_settings - new module.
  • proxy_connection_settings_info - new module.
  • pxGrid_node_approve - new module
  • pxGrid_node_delete - new module
  • pxGrid_node_info - new module
  • pxGrid_settings_auto_approve - new module
  • radius_server_sequence_info - change default response to [].
  • repository - change path parameter from name to repositoryName
  • repository_files_info - change path parameter from name to repositoryName
  • repository_info - change path parameter from name to repositoryName
  • rest_id_store_info - change default response to [].
  • self_registered_portal_info - change default response to [].
  • selfsigned_certificate_generate - new module.
  • sg_acl_info - change default response to [].
  • sg_to_vn_to_vlan_info - change default response to [].
  • sgt_info - change default response to [].
  • sponsor_group_info - change default response to [].
  • sponsor_portal_info - change default response to [].
  • sponsored_guest_portal_info - change default response to [].
  • support_bundle_download - Instead of returning the data string, it now returns a dictionary. The dictionary has property data with the previous string value.
  • support_bundle_download - add parameter filename.
  • support_bundle_status_info - change default response to [].
  • sxp_connections_info - change default response to [].
  • sxp_local_bindings_info - change default response to [].
  • sxp_vpns_info - change default response to [].
  • system_certificate_export_info - Instead of returning the data string, it now returns a dictionary. The dictionary has property data with the previous string value.
  • system_certificate_export_info - add parameter filename.
  • tacacs_command_sets_info - change default response to [].
  • tacacs_external_servers_info - change default response to [].
  • tacacs_profile_info - change default response to [].
  • tacacs_server_sequence_info - change default response to [].
  • telemetry_info - change default response to [].
  • transport_gateway_settings - new module.
  • transport_gateway_settings_info - new module.
  • trusted_certificate - change default response to [].
  • trusted_certificate_export_info - Instead of returning the data string, it now returns a dictionary. The dictionary has property data with the previous string value.
  • trusted_certificate_export_info - add parameter filename.
  • trustsec_nbar_app - new module.
  • trustsec_nbar_app_info - new module.
  • trustsec_nbarapp - new playbook.
  • trustsec_sg_vn_mapping - new module.
  • trustsec_sg_vn_mapping - new playbook.
  • trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_create - new module.
  • trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_delete - new module.
  • trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_update - new module.
  • trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_info - new module.
  • trustsec_vn - new module.
  • trustsec_vn - new playbook.
  • trustsec_vn_bulk_create - new module.
  • trustsec_vn_bulk_delete - new module.
  • trustsec_vn_bulk_update - new module.
  • trustsec_vn_info - new module.
  • trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping - new module.
  • trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping - new playbook.
  • trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_create - new module.
  • trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_delete - new module.
  • trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_update - new module.
  • trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_info - new module.
  • Add execution-environment.yml in meta as the base to a Meraki ee
  • meraki_mx_l7_firewall - Allow passing an empty ruleset to delete all rules
  • meraki_network - Add Products to net_type list
  • meraki_ssid - Add support for enterprise_admin_access and splash_guest_sponsor_domains with the latter required for creating a sponsor portal.
  • meraki_utils - Add debugging output for failed socket connections
  • Add container_overlay and underlay_context_profile support to mso_schema_site_vrf_region
  • Add description support to various modules
  • Add hosted_vrf support to mso_schema_site_vrf_region_cidr_subnet
  • Add module mso_schema_validate to check schema validations
  • Add private_link_label support to mso_schema_site_anp_epg and mso_schema_site_vrf_region_cidr_subnet
  • Add qos_level and Service EPG support to mso_schema_template_anp_epg
  • Add qos_level, action and priority support to mso_schema_template_contract_filter
  • Add schema and template description support to mso_schema_template
  • Add subnet as primary support to mso_schema_template_bd_subnet
  • Add support for automatically creating anp structure at site level when using mso_schema_site_anp_epg
  • Add support for encap-flood as multi_destination_flooding in mso_schema_template_bd
  • Add test file for mso_schema_site_anp, mso_schema_site_anp_epg, mso_schema_template_external_epg_subnet mso_schema_template_filter_entry
  • Improve scope attribute documentation in mso_schema_template_external_epg_subnet
  • Update Ansible version used in automated testing to v2.9.27, v2.10.16 and addition of v2.11.7 and v2.12.1
  • Add nxos_hostname resource module.
  • Add nxos_snmp_server resource module.
  • nxos_snmp_server - add support for BGP, OSPF and OSPFv3 traps.
  • Move the content of README_ansible_turbo.module.rst in the main to get visibility on Ansible Galaxy.
  • Fixed inventory documentation.
  • Updated documentation: ssh_keys is a YAML list, not a string.
  • CI change <plugin_type> <name> to name <name> for validate-module
  • CI - add ansible 2.13 to test matrix
  • Adjust error messages that indicate cryptography is not installed from Can't to Cannot (ansible-collections/community.crypto#374).
  • Prepare collection for inclusion in an Execution Environment by declaring its dependencies. Please note that system packages are used for cryptography and PyOpenSSL, which can be rather limited. If you need features from newer cryptography versions, you will have to manually force a newer version to be installed by pip by specifying something like cryptography >= 37.0.0 in your Execution Environment's Python dependencies file (ansible-collections/community.crypto#440).
  • Support automatic conversion for Internalionalized Domain Names (IDNs). When passing general names, for example Subject Altenative Names to community.crypto.openssl_csr, these will automatically be converted to IDNA. Conversion will be done per label to IDNA2008 if possible, and IDNA2003 if IDNA2008 conversion fails for that label. Note that IDNA conversion requires the Python idna library to be installed. Please note that depending on which versions of the cryptography library are used, it could try to process the converted IDNA another time with the Python idna library and reject IDNA2003 encoded values. Using a new enough cryptography version avoids this (ansible-collections/community.crypto#426, ansible-collections/community.crypto#436).
  • acme_* modules - add parameter request_timeout to manage HTTP(S) request timeout (ansible-collections/community.crypto#447, ansible-collections/community.crypto#448).
  • luks_devices - added perf_same_cpu_crypt, perf_submit_from_crypt_cpus, perf_no_read_workqueue, perf_no_write_workqueue for performance tuning when opening LUKS2 containers (ansible-collections/community.crypto#427).
  • luks_devices - added persistent option when opening LUKS2 containers (ansible-collections/community.crypto#434).
  • openssh_cert - added ignore_timestamps parameter so it can be used semi-idempotent with relative timestamps in valid_to/valid_from (ansible-collections/community.crypto#379).
  • openssl_csr_info - add name_encoding option to control the encoding (IDNA, Unicode) used to return domain names in general names (ansible-collections/community.crypto#436).
  • openssl_pkcs12 - allow to provide the private key as text instead of having to read it from a file. This allows to store the private key in an encrypted form, for example in Ansible Vault (ansible-collections/community.crypto#452).
  • x509_certificate_info - add name_encoding option to control the encoding (IDNA, Unicode) used to return domain names in general names (ansible-collections/community.crypto#436).
  • x509_crl - add name_encoding option to control the encoding (IDNA, Unicode) used to return domain names in general names (ansible-collections/community.crypto#436).
  • x509_crl_info - add name_encoding option to control the encoding (IDNA, Unicode) used to return domain names in general names (ansible-collections/community.crypto#436).
  • Remove requirement for ds_type and ds_url parameters when deleting a datasource
  • add grafana action group in meta/runtime.yml to support for module group defaults
  • community.grafana.grafana_datasource supports aws_auth_type of default.
  • refactor grafana_notification_channel module
  • Added explicit description of the supported versions of databases and connectors. Changes to the collection are NOT tested against database versions older than mysql 5.7.31 and mariadb 10.2.37 or connector versions older than pymysql 0.7.10 and mysqlclient 2.0.1. (ansible-collections/community.mysql#141)
  • mysql_user - added the force_context boolean option to set the default database context for the queries to be the mysql database. This way replication/binlog filters can catch the statements (ansible-collections/community.mysql#265).
  • mysql_user and mysql_role: Add the argument subtract_privs (boolean, default false, mutually exclusive with append_privs). If set, the privileges given in priv are revoked and existing privileges are kept (ansible-collections/community.mysql#333).
  • win_disk_facts - Added filter option to filter returned facts by type of disk information - ansible-collections/
  • win_disk_facts - Converted from #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy to #AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.Basic
  • win_domain_user - Add support for managing service prinicpal names via the spn param and principals allowed to delegate via the delegates param (ansible-collections/
  • win_domain_user - Added the groups_missing_behaviour option that controls the behaviour when a group specified does not exist - ansible-collections/
  • win_hotfix - Added the identifiers and kbs return value that is always a list of identifiers and kbs inside a hotfix
  • win_iis_virtualdirectory - Added the connect_as, username, and password options to control the virtual directory authentication - ansible-collections/
  • win_power_plan - Added guid option to specify plan by a unique identifier - ansible-collections/
  • win_psmodule - Add credential support for through the username and password options
  • win_psrepository - Add credential support for through the username and password options
  • Enabled usage of environment variables for modules by adding a fallback lookup in the module_utils/ - zabbix_common_argument_spec
  • all modules - prepare for deprecation of distutils LooseVersion.
  • collection - Add dependencies to other collections. This helps Ansible Galaxy automatically downloading collections that this collection relies on to run.
  • connection.httpapi (plugin) - add initial httpapi connection plugin.
  • helpers.helper_compare_lists() changed logic to not consider the order of elements in lists. (ansible-collections/community.zabbix#683)
  • httpapi.jsonrpc (plugin) - add initial httpapi for future handling of json-rpc.
  • new module zabbix authentication for configuring global authentication settings in Zabbix Server's Settings section of GUI.
  • new module zabbix_autoregister for configuring global autoregistration settings in Zabbix Server's Settings section of GUI.
  • new module zabbix_housekeeping for configuring global housekeeping settings in Zabbix Server's Settings section of GUI.
  • test_zabbix_host_info - fix Template/Group names for 5.4
  • test_zabbix_screen - disable testing for screen in 5.4 (deprecated)
  • zabbix_action - additional fixes to make module work with Zabbix 6.0 (ansible-collections/community.zabbix#664)
  • zabbix_action - module ported to work with Zabbix 6.0 (ansible-collections/community.zabbix#648, ansible-collections/community.zabbix#653)
  • zabbix_action - should now correctly actions with maintenance_status conditions (ansible-collections/community.zabbix#667)
  • zabbix_action, zabbix_maintenance, zabbix_mediatype, zabbix_proxy, zabbix_service - updated to work with Zabbix 6.0. (ansible-collections/community.zabbix#683)
  • zabbix_agent - Check if 'firewalld' exist and is running when handler is executed.
  • zabbix_agent - Fixed use of bare variables in conditions (ansible-collections/community.zabbix#663)
  • zabbix_agent - Install the correct Python libxml2 package on SLES15
  • zabbix_agent - Move inclusion of the apache.yml tasks to later stage during execution of role.
  • zabbix_agent - Prepare for Zabbix 6.0.
  • zabbix_agent - Specify a minor version with zabbix_agent_version_minor for RH systems.
  • zabbix_agent - There was no way to configure a specific type for the macro.
  • zabbix_agent - Use multiple aliases in the configuration file with zabbix_agent_zabbix_alias or zabbix_agent2_zabbix_alias.
  • zabbix_maintenance - added new module parameter tags, which allows configuring Problem Tags on maintenances.
  • zabbix_maintenance - fixed to work with Zabbix 6.0+ and Python 3.9+ (ansible-collections/community.zabbix#665)
  • zabbix_proxy - Prepare for Zabbix 6.0.
  • zabbix_proxy - Specify a minor version with zabbix_proxy_version_minor for RH systems.
  • zabbix_proxy - Support for Sangoma and treat it like a RHEL system.
  • zabbix_script module added (ansible-collections/community.zabbix#634)
  • zabbix_server - Check the 'zabbix_server_install_database_client' variable in RedHat tasks.
  • zabbix_server - Prepare for Zabbix 6.0.
  • zabbix_server - Specify a minor version with zabbix_server_version_minor for RH systems.
  • zabbix_user - change alias property to username (changed in 5.4) (alias is now an alias for username)
  • zabbix_user_info - change alias property to username (changed in 5.4) (alias is now an alias for username)
  • zabbix_web - Change format ENCRYPTION, VERIFY_HOST from string to boolean.
  • zabbix_web - Specify a minor version with zabbix_web_version_minor for RH systems.
  • Add a second example to podman_pod_module.html
  • Add new options for pod module
  • Add requires option to podman_container module
  • Fix sanity issues with a new Ansible version
  • Use yaml syntax highlighting where appropriate
  • idrac_redfish_storage_controller - This module is enhanced to support the following settings with check mode and idempotency - UnassignSpare, EnableControllerEncryption, BlinkTarget, UnBlinkTarget, ConvertToRAID, ConvertToNonRAID, ChangePDStateToOnline, ChangePDStateToOffline.
  • ome_application_network_address - The module is enhanced to support check mode and idempotency.
  • ome_device_info - The module is enhanced to return a blank list when devices or baselines are not present in the system.
  • ome_diagnostics - Added "supportassist_collection" as a choice for the log_type argument to export SupportAssist logs. (dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules#309)
  • ome_diagnostics - The module is enhanced to support check mode and idempotency. (dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules#345)
  • ome_diagnostics - The module is enhanced to support debug logs. (dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules#308)
  • ome_diagnostics - This module is enhanced to extract log from lead chassis. (dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules#310)
  • ome_firmware - The module is enhanced to support check mode and idempotency (dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules#274)
  • ome_firmware_baseline_compliance_info - The module is enhanced to return a blank list when devices or baselines are not present in the system.
  • ome_firmware_baseline_info - The module is enhanced to return a blank list when devices or baselines are not present in the system.
  • ome_identity_pool - The iSCSI Initiator and Initiator IP Pool attributes are not mandatory to create an identity pool. (dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules#329)
  • ome_identity_pool - The module is enhanced to support check mode and idempotency. (dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules#328)
  • ome_profile - The module is enhanced to support check mode and idempotency.
  • ome_profile - The module is enhanced to support modifying a profile based on the attribute names instead of the ID.
  • ome_smart_fabric_uplink - The module is enhanced to support idempotency. (dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules#253)
  • ome_template - An example task is added to create a compliance template from reference device (dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules#339)
  • ome_template - The module is enhanced to support check mode and idempotency. (dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules#255)
  • ome_template - The module is enhanced to support modifying a template based on the attribute names instead of the ID. (dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules#358)
  • ome_template_identity_pool - The module is enhanced to support check mode and idempotency.
  • redfish_event_subscription - The module is enhanced to support check mode and idempotency.
  • redfish_storage_volume - The module is enhanced to support check mode and idempotency. (dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules#245)
  • Added no_log=True to content parameters in bigip_ssl_key and bigip_ssl_key_cert module to stop key and cert content fomr being logged.
  • bigip_device_info - Added a new meta choice, packages, which groups information about as3, do, cfe and ts. This change was done to ensure users with non admin access can use this module to get information that does not require admin access.
  • bigip_device_info - add UCS creation date to the data gathered
  • bigip_device_info - add fqdn related parameters to be gathered on nodes
  • bigip_device_info - add parent to the data gathered for ServerSSL Profiles
  • bigip_device_info - added stats parameter for each virtual_server resource attached to a gtm_server
  • bigip_device_info - this module can gather information about ucs backup files.
  • bigip_pool_member - add checkmode bypass so that existence checks for pool is always returns true when using check mode
  • bigip_profile_http_compression - Add content_type_include parameter to bigip_profile_fastl4 module
  • bigip_virtual_server - add service_down_immediate_action parameter
  • bigiq_regkey_license - add addon_keys parameter to the module
  • Added tags 'cloud' and 'networking' in 'galaxy.yaml'
  • Allow specifying a template when creating a network #105
  • Expanding for disable value #119
  • Fix to create PTR record in different network views #103
  • Fix unit and sanity test issues #117
  • Following options are made required in the modules | Record | Option made required | | ------ | -------------------- | | A | ipv4addr | | AAAA | ipv6addr | | CNAME | canonical | | MX | mail_exchanger, preference | | PTR | ptrdname |
  • Remove use_option for DHCP option 60 #104
  • Updated 'required' field in modules #99
  • Add the onboard_disk_info module.
  • Modified logical disk Settings, added logical disk Settings for M6 PMC card.
  • Modify the edit_pdisk function to add new parameters.
  • The user module adds the mailbox field.
  • Add junos_hostname resource module.
  • Add junos_routing_options resource module.
  • Add junos_snmp_server resource module.
  • Added junos_security_policies module.
  • Added junos_security_policies_global module.
  • Added junos_security_zones module.
  • Allow interfaces resource module to configure and gather logical interface description.
  • Add update_svm_password for svm_password update on AWS, AZURE and GCP CVOs. Update svm_password if update_svm_password is true.
  • Add ontap image upgrade on AWS, AZURE and GCP CVOs if upgrade_ontap_version is true and ontap_version is provided with a specific version. use_latest_version has to be false.
  • Add the description of client_id based on the cloudmanager UI.
  • Set license_type default value 'capacity-paygo' for single node 'ha-capacity-paygo' for HA and 'capacity_package_name' value 'Essential'
  • na_cloudmanager_aws_fsx - Import AWS FSX to CloudManager by adding new parameters import_file_system and file_system_id.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_aws - automatically fetch client_id and instance_id for delete.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_aws - make the module idempotent for create and delete.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_aws - report client_id and instance_id if connector already exists.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_azure - Support user defined storage_account name. The storage_account can be created automatically. When storage_account is not set, the name is constructed by appending 'sa' to the connector name.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_gcp - when using the user application default credential authentication by running the command gcloud auth application-default login, gcp_service_account_path is not needed.
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_aws - Support instance_type update
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_aws - Support license_type update
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_azure - Support instance_type update
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_azure - Support license_type update
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_gcp - Support instance_type update
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_gcp - Support license_type update
  • na_cloudmanager_info - new subsets - account_info, agents_info, active_agents_info
  • na_cloudmanager_snapmirror - Add FSX to snapmirror.
  • na_cloudmanager_volume - Report error if the volume properties cannot be modified. Add support tiering_policy and snapshot_policy_name modification.
  • all modules that only support ZAPI - warn when use_rest with a value of always is ignored.
  • na_ontap_aggregate - Added REST support.
  • na_ontap_aggregate - Added disk_class option for REST and ZAPI.
  • na_ontap_aggregate - Extended accepted disk_type values for ZAPI.
  • na_ontap_aggregate - new option encryption to enable encryption with ZAPI.
  • na_ontap_broadcast_domain - Added REST support to the broadcast domain module.
  • na_ontap_broadcast_domain - new REST only option from_ipspace added.
  • na_ontap_broadcast_domain_ports - warn about deprecation, fall back to ZAPI or fail when REST is desired.
  • na_ontap_cifs - Added unix_symlink option in REST.
  • na_ontap_cifs_acl - Added REST support to the cifs share access control module.
  • na_ontap_cifs_acl - new option type for user-group-type.
  • na_ontap_cifs_server - Added REST support to the cifs server module.
  • na_ontap_cifs_server - Added force option for create, delete and rename cifs server when using REST.
  • na_ontap_cifs_server - Added from_name option to rename cifs server when using REST.
  • na_ontap_cifs_share - Added REST support to the cifs share module.
  • na_ontap_cluster_config role - use na_ontap_login_messages as na_ontap_motd is deprecated.
  • na_ontap_cluster_peer - Added REST support to the cluster_peer module.
  • na_ontap_debug - report ansible version and ONTAP collection version.
  • na_ontap_efficiency_policy - Added REST support.
  • na_ontap_export_policy_rule - new option ntfs_unix_security for NTFS export UNIX security options added.
  • na_ontap_export_policy_rule -- Added Rest support for Export Policy Rules
  • na_ontap_fcp -- Added REST support for FCP
  • na_ontap_firmware_upgrade - REST support to download firmware and reboot SP.
  • na_ontap_igroup_initiator - Added REST support.
  • na_ontap_interface - use REST when use_rest is set to auto.
  • na_ontap_iscsi - Added REST support.
  • na_ontap_license - Added REST support to the license module.
  • na_ontap_lun - Added REST support.
  • na_ontap_lun_map - Added REST support.
  • na_ontap_net_ifgrp - Added REST support to the net ifgrp module.
  • na_ontap_net_ifgrp - new REST only options from_lag_ports, broadcast_domain and ipspace added.
  • na_ontap_net_port - Added REST support to the net port module
  • na_ontap_nfs - Added Rest Support
  • na_ontap_nvme - Added REST support.
  • na_ontap_ports - Added REST support to the ports module.
  • na_ontap_qos_adaptive_policy_group - warn about deprecation, fall back to ZAPI or fail when REST is desired.
  • na_ontap_qos_policy_group - Added REST only supported option adaptive_qos_options for configuring adaptive policy.
  • na_ontap_qos_policy_group - Added REST only supported option fixed_qos_options for configuring max/min throughput policy.
  • na_ontap_qos_policy_group - Added REST support.
  • na_ontap_quotas - support TB as a unit, update doc with size format description.
  • na_ontap_rest_info - new option owning_resource for REST info that requires an owning resource. For instance volume for a snapshot
  • na_ontap_rest_info - support added for protocols/nfs/export-policies/rules (Requires owning_resource to be set)
  • na_ontap_rest_info - support added for storage/volumes/snapshots (Requires owning_resource to be set)
  • na_ontap_rest_info - update documention for fields to clarify the list of fields that are return by default.
  • na_ontap_rest_info REST API's with hyphens in the name will now be converted to underscores when use_python_keys is set to True so that YAML parsing works correctly.
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for application/consistency-groups
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for cluster/fireware/history
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for cluster/mediators
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for cluster/metrocluster/dr-groups
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for cluster/metrocluster/interconnects
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for cluster/metrocluster/operations
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for cluster/ntp/keys
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for cluster/web
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for name-services/local-hosts
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for name-services/unix-groups
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for name-services/unix-users
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for network/ethernet/switch/ports
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for network/fc/ports
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for network/http-proxy
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for network/ip/bgp/peer-groups
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/audit
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/cifs/domains
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/cifs/local-groups
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/cifs/local-users
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/cifs/sessions
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/cifs/unix-symlink-mapping
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/cifs/users-and-groups/privilege
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/file-access-tracing/events
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/file-access-tracing/filters
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/fpolicy
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/locks
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/ndmp
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/ndmp/nodes
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/ndmp/sessions
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/ndmp/svms
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/nfs/connected-clients
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/nfs/kerberos/interfaces
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/nvme/subsystem-controllers
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/nvme/subsystem-maps
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/s3/buckets
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/s3/services
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/san/iscsi/sessions
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/san/portsets
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for protocols/san/vvol-bindings
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/anti-ransomware/suspects
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/audit
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/audit/messages
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/authentication/cluster/ad-proxy
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/authentication/cluster/ldap
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/authentication/cluster/nis
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/authentication/cluster/saml-sp
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/authentication/publickeys
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/azure-key-vaults
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/certificates
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/gcp-kms
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/ipsec
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/ipsec/ca-certificates
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/ipsec/policies
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/ipsec/security-associations
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/key-manager-configs
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/key-managers
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/key-stores
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/login/messages
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/ssh
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for security/ssh/svms
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for storage/cluster
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for storage/file/clone/split-loads
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for storage/file/clone/split-status
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for storage/file/clone/tokens
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for storage/monitored-files
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for storage/qos/workloads
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for storage/snaplock/audit-logs
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for storage/snaplock/compliance-clocks
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for storage/snaplock/event-retention/operations
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for storage/snaplock/event-retention/policies
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for storage/snaplock/file-fingerprints
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for storage/snaplock/litigations
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for storage/switches
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for storage/tape-devices
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for support/auto-update
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for support/auto-update/configurations
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for support/auto-update/updates
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for support/configuration-backup
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for support/configuration-backup/backups
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for support/coredump/coredumps
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for support/ems/messages
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for support/snmp
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for support/snmp/users
  • na_ontap_rest_info support added for svm/migrations
  • na_ontap_restit - new option wait_for_completion to support asynchronous operations and wait for job completion.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror - Added REST support to the na_ontap_snapmirror module
  • na_ontap_snapmirror -- Added more descriptive error messages for REST
  • na_ontap_snapshot_policy - Added REST support to the na_ontap_snapshot_policy module.
  • na_ontap_svm - add support for web services (ssl modify) - REST only with 9.8 or later.
  • na_ontap_svm - new REST options of svm admin_state stopped and running added.
  • na_ontap_volume - Added REST support to the volume module
  • na_ontap_volume - logical_space_enforcement to specifies whether to perform logical space accounting on the volume.
  • na_ontap_volume - logical_space_reporting to specifies whether to report space logically on the volume.
  • na_ontap_volume - tiering_minimum_cooling_days to specify how many days must pass before inactive data in a volume using the Auto or Snapshot-Only policy is considered cold and eligible for tiering.
  • na_ontap_volume - add support for SnapLock - only for REST.
  • na_ontap_volume - allow to modify volume after rename.
  • na_ontap_volume - new option max_files to increase the inode count value.
  • na_ontap_volume_autosize - improve error reporting.
  • na_ontap_volume_clone - Added REST support.
  • na_ontap_volume_efficiency - new option storage_efficiency_mode for AFF only with 9.10.1 or later.
  • na_ontap_vserver_create role - support max_volumes option.
  • na_ontap_vserver_delete role - added set_fact to accept netapp_{hostname|username|password} or hostname,username and password variables.
  • na_ontap_vserver_delete role - do not report an error if the vserver does not exist.
  • na_ontap_vserver_peer - Added REST support to the vserver_peer module
  • PR2 - allow usage of Ansible module group defaults - for Ansible 2.12+.
  • na_sg_grid_gateway - supports load balancer endpoint binding available in StorageGRID 11.5+.
  • na_sg_grid_gateway - supports specifying HA Groups by name or UUID.
  • na_sg_org_container - supports creation of S3 Object Lock buckets available in StorageGRID 11.5+.
  • na_santricity_global - Add controller_shelf_id argument to set controller shelf identifier.
  • na_santricity_volume - Add flag to control whether volume expansion operations are allowed.
  • na_santricity_volume - Add volume write cache mirroring option.
  • nar_santricity_host - Add volume write cache mirroring options.
  • Various documentation fixes and code improvements to address ansible sanity tests failure.
  • All modules - Change examples to use FQCN for module
  • purefa_admin - New module to set global admin settings, inclusing SSO
  • purefa_dirsnap - Add support to rename directory snapshots not managed by a snapshot policy
  • purefa_fs - Add support for replicated file systems
  • purefa_info - Add QoS information for volume groups
  • purefa_info - Add SAML2SSO configutration information
  • purefa_info - Add Safe Mode status
  • purefa_info - Add info for protection group safe mode setting (Requires Purity//FA 6.3.0 or higher)
  • purefa_info - Add info for protection group snapshots
  • purefa_info - Add priority adjustment information for volumes and volume groups
  • purefa_info - Fix Active Directory configuration details
  • purefa_info - Split volume groups into live and deleted dicts
  • purefa_network - Resolve bug stopping management IP address being changed correctly
  • purefa_offload - Add support for multiple, homogeneous, offload targets
  • purefa_pg - Add support for protection group SafeMode. Requires Purity//FA 6.3.0 or higher
  • purefa_policy - Allow directories in snapshot policies to be managed
  • purefa_saml - Add support for SAML2 SSO IdPs
  • purefa_vg - Add DMM Priority Adjustment support
  • purefa_volume - Add support for DMM Priority Adjustment
  • purefa_volume - Provide volume facts for volume after recovery
  • purefa_volume - Provide volume facts in all cases, including when no change has occured.
  • purefb_admin - New module to manage global admin settings
  • purefb_connect - Add support for array connections to have bandwidth throttling defined
  • purefb_fs - Add support for NFS export policies
  • purefb_info - Add NFS export policies and rules
  • purefb_info - Show array connections bandwidth throttle information
  • purefb_policy - Add NFS export policies, with rules, as a new policy type
  • purefb_policy - Add support for Object Store Access Policies, associated rules and user grants
  • purefb_policy - New parameter policy_type added. For backwards compatability, default to snapshot if not provided.
  • Add Sensu Go 6.5.5 Windows metadata
  • Add sensu Go 6.6.2 Windows metadata
  • Added argument remote_on inside bonsai_asset module
  • Added support for ansible 2.13
  • Removed support for CentOS 8
  • Add a role convert2rhel to perform setup for converting systems to RHEL
  • Warn if the user tries to use a plain HTTP server URL and fail if the URL is neither HTTPS nor HTTP.
  • add support for module defaults groups for Ansible core 2.12 (theforeman/foreman-ansible-modules#1015)
  • all modules - report smaller diffs by dropping null values. This should result in not showing fields that were unset to begin with, and mark fields that were explicitly removed as "deleted" instead of "replaced by null"
  • compute_resource - update libvirt examples (
  • content_upload - add support for OSTree content uploads (theforeman/foreman-ansible-modules#628,
  • content_view - add support to set label during creation.
  • inventory plugin - enable certificate validation by default
  • new auth_sources_ldap role to manage LDAP authentication sources
  • new compute_profiles role to manage compute profiles
  • new compute_resources role to manage compute resources
  • new content_view_publish role to publish a list of content views (theforeman/foreman-ansible-modules#1209)
  • new domains role to manage domains
  • new operatingsystems role to manage operating systems
  • new provisioning_templates role to manage provisioning templates
  • new settings role to manage settings
  • new subnets role to manage subnets
  • os_default_template, provisioning_template - add host_init_config to list of possible template types
  • repository - add arch parameter to limit architectures of the repository (theforeman/foreman-ansible-modules#1265)
  • repository - add rhel-9 to os version filter choices
  • repository - add support for mirroring_policy for Katello 4.4+ (theforeman/foreman-ansible-modules#1388)
  • repository - new download_concurrency parameter (theforeman/foreman-ansible-modules#1273)
  • Add vyos_hostname resource module.
  • Add vyos_snmp_server resource module.
  • Change preconfig hostname from vyos to vyosuser
  • Rename V4-EGRESS/V6-EGRESS to EGRESS in the tests to test the same-name situation
  • Update vyos_facts to support IPv4 and IPv6 rule sets having the same name
  • Update vyos_firewall_rules to support IPv4 and IPv6 rule sets having the same name
  • firewall_rules - icmpv6 type - add support for vyos sw >= 1.4.
  • vyos_firewall_rules - Add support for log enable on individual rules
  • vyos_firewall_rules - fixed incorrect option 'disabled' passed to the rules.
  • Module Python Dependency - Drop support for Python 2.6 in module execution.
  • Templating - it is no longer allowed to perform arithmetic and concatenation operations outside of the jinja template (ansible/ansible#75587)
  • The finalize method is no longer exposed in the globals for use in templating.
  • aws_caller_facts - Remove deprecated aws_caller_facts alias. Please use aws_caller_info instead.
  • cloudformation_facts - Remove deprecated cloudformation_facts alias. Please use cloudformation_info instead.
  • ec2_ami_facts - Remove deprecated ec2_ami_facts alias. Please use ec2_ami_info instead.
  • ec2_eni_facts - Remove deprecated ec2_eni_facts alias. Please use ec2_eni_info instead.
  • ec2_group_facts - Remove deprecated ec2_group_facts alias. Please use ec2_group_info instead.
  • ec2_instance_facts - Remove deprecated ec2_instance_facts alias. Please use ec2_instance_info instead.
  • ec2_snapshot_facts - Remove deprecated ec2_snapshot_facts alias. Please use ec2_snapshot_info instead.
  • ec2_vol_facts - Remove deprecated ec2_vol_facts alias. Please use ec2_vol_info instead.
  • ec2_vpc_dhcp_option_facts - Remove deprecated ec2_vpc_dhcp_option_facts alias. Please use ec2_vpc_dhcp_option_info instead.
  • ec2_vpc_endpoint_facts - Remove deprecated ec2_vpc_endpoint_facts alias. Please use ec2_vpc_endpoint_info instead.
  • ec2_vpc_igw_facts - Remove deprecated ec2_vpc_igw_facts alias. Please use ec2_vpc_igw_info instead.
  • ec2_vpc_nat_gateway_facts - Remove deprecated ec2_vpc_nat_gateway_facts alias. Please use ec2_vpc_nat_gateway_info instead.
  • ec2_vpc_net_facts - Remove deprecated ec2_vpc_net_facts alias. Please use ec2_vpc_net_info instead.
  • ec2_vpc_route_table_facts - Remove deprecated ec2_vpc_route_table_facts alias. Please use ec2_vpc_route_table_info instead.
  • ec2_vpc_subnet_facts - Remove deprecated ec2_vpc_subnet_facts alias. Please use ec2_vpc_subnet_info instead.
  • httpapi - Change default value of import_modules option from no to yes
  • netconf - Change default value of import_modules option from no to yes
  • network_cli - Change default value of import_modules option from no to yes
  • eos_command - new suboption version of parameter command, which controls the JSON response version. Previously the value was assumed to be "latest" for network_cli and "1" for httpapi, but the default will now be "latest" for both connections. This option is also available for use in modules making their own device requests with with the same new default behavior. (ansible-collections/arista.eos#258).
  • httpapi - the eos_use_sessions option is now a boolean instead of an integer.
  • aws_acm_facts - Remove deprecated alias aws_acm_facts. Please use aws_acm_info instead.
  • aws_kms_facts - Remove deprecated alias aws_kms_facts. Please use aws_kms_info instead.
  • aws_kms_info - Deprecated keys_attr field is now ignored (ansible-collections/
  • aws_region_facts - Remove deprecated alias aws_region_facts. Please use aws_region_info instead.
  • aws_s3_bucket_facts - Remove deprecated alias aws_s3_bucket_facts. Please use aws_s3_bucket_info instead.
  • aws_sgw_facts - Remove deprecated alias aws_sgw_facts. Please use aws_sgw_info instead.
  • aws_waf_facts - Remove deprecated alias aws_waf_facts. Please use aws_waf_info instead.
  • cloudfront_facts - Remove deprecated alias cloudfront_facts. Please use cloudfront_info instead.
  • cloudwatchlogs_log_group_facts - Remove deprecated alias cloudwatchlogs_log_group_facts. Please use cloudwatchlogs_log_group_info instead.
  • dynamodb_table - deprecated updates currently ignored for primary keys and global_all indexes will now result in a failure. (ansible-collections/
  • ec2_asg_facts - Remove deprecated alias ec2_asg_facts. Please use ec2_asg_info instead.
  • ec2_customer_gateway_facts - Remove deprecated alias ec2_customer_gateway_facts. Please use ec2_customer_gateway_info instead.
  • ec2_eip_facts - Remove deprecated alias ec2_eip_facts. Please use ec2_eip_info instead.
  • ec2_elb_facts - Remove deprecated alias ec2_elb_facts. Please use ec2_elb_info instead.
  • ec2_elb_info - The ec2_elb_info module has been removed. Please use the ``elb_classic_lb_info module.
  • ec2_lc_facts - Remove deprecated alias ec2_lc_facts. Please use ec2_lc_info instead.
  • ec2_placement_group_facts - Remove deprecated alias ec2_placement_group_facts. Please use ec2_placement_group_info instead.
  • ec2_vpc_nacl_facts - Remove deprecated alias ec2_vpc_nacl_facts. Please use ec2_vpc_nacl_info instead.
  • ec2_vpc_peering_facts - Remove deprecated alias ec2_vpc_peering_facts. Please use ec2_vpc_peering_info instead.
  • ec2_vpc_route_table_facts - Remove deprecated alias ec2_vpc_route_table_facts. Please use ec2_vpc_route_table_info instead.
  • ec2_vpc_vgw_facts - Remove deprecated alias ec2_vpc_vgw_facts. Please use ec2_vpc_vgw_info instead.
  • ec2_vpc_vpn_facts - Remove deprecated alias ec2_vpc_vpn_facts. Please use ec2_vpc_vpn_info instead.
  • ecs_service_facts - Remove deprecated alias ecs_service_facts. Please use ecs_service_info instead.
  • ecs_taskdefinition_facts - Remove deprecated alias ecs_taskdefinition_facts. Please use ecs_taskdefinition_info instead.
  • efs_facts - Remove deprecated alias efs_facts. Please use efs_info instead.
  • elasticache_facts - Remove deprecated alias elasticache_facts. Please use elasticache_info instead.
  • elb_application_lb_facts - Remove deprecated alias elb_application_lb_facts. Please use elb_application_lb_info instead.
  • elb_classic_lb_facts - Remove deprecated alias elb_classic_lb_facts. Please use elb_classic_lb_info instead.
  • elb_target_facts - Remove deprecated alias elb_target_facts. Please use elb_target_info instead.
  • elb_target_group_facts - Remove deprecated alias elb_target_group_facts. Please use elb_target_group_info instead.
  • iam - Removed deprecated module. Please use, or (ansible-collections/
  • iam_cert_facts - Remove deprecated alias iam_cert_facts. Please use iam_cert_info instead.
  • iam_mfa_device_facts - Remove deprecated alias iam_mfa_device_facts. Please use iam_mfa_device_info instead.
  • iam_role_facts - Remove deprecated alias iam_role_facts. Please use iam_role_info instead.
  • iam_server_certificate_facts - Remove deprecated alias iam_server_certificate_facts. Please use iam_server_certificate_info instead.
  • lambda_facts - Remove deprecated module lambda_facts``. Please use lambda_info instead.
  • rds - Removed deprecated module. Please use (ansible-collections/
  • rds_instance_facts - Remove deprecated alias rds_instance_facts. Please use rds_instance_info instead.
  • rds_snapshot_facts - Remove deprecated alias rds_snapshot_facts. Please use rds_snapshot_info instead.
  • redshift_facts - Remove deprecated alias redshift_facts. Please use redshift_info instead.
  • route53_facts - Remove deprecated alias route53_facts. Please use route53_info instead.
  • The collection now requires at least ansible-core 2.11.0. Ansible 3 and before, and ansible-base versions are no longer supported.
  • vmware_cluster_drs - The default for enable has been changed from false to true.
  • vmware_cluster_drs - The parameter alias enable_drs has been removed, use enable instead.
  • vmware_cluster_ha - The default for enable has been changed from false to true.
  • vmware_cluster_ha - The parameter alias enable_ha has been removed, use enable instead.
  • vmware_cluster_vsan - The default for enable has been changed from false to true.
  • vmware_cluster_vsan - The parameter alias enable_vsan has been removed, use enable instead.
  • vmware_guest - Virtualization Based Security has some requirements (nested_virt, secure_boot and iommu) that the module silently enabled. They have to be enabled explicitly now.
  • HTTPS SSL certificate validation is a breaking change and will require modification in the existing playbooks. Please refer to SSL Certificate Validation section in the for modification to existing playbooks.
  • Set use_reports_api default value to true for the inventory plugin
  • Support for Ansible 2.8 is removed
  • The collection has been renamed to community.sap_libs. For now both collections are included in Ansible. The content in will be replaced with deprecated redirects to the new collection in Ansible 7.0.0, and these redirects will eventually be removed from Ansible. Please update your FQCNs for
  • ansible-core - Remove support for Python 2.6.
  • ansible-test - Remove support for Python 2.6.
  • ssh connection plugin option scp_if_ssh in favor of ssh_transfer_method.
  • ec2_instance - The default value for `instance_type` has been deprecated, in the future release you must set an instance_type or a launch_template (ansible-collections/
  • module_utils - support for the original AWS SDK boto has been deprecated in favour of the boto3/botocore SDK. All boto based modules have either been deprecated or migrated to botocore, and the remaining support code in module_utils will be removed in release 4.0.0 of the collection. Any modules outside of the and collections based on the boto library will need to be migrated to the boto3/botocore libraries (ansible-collections/
  • Deprecates lldp module.
  • ios_acls - Deprecated fragment attribute added boolean alternate as enable_fragment.
  • Deprecated nxos_snmp_community module.
  • Deprecated nxos_snmp_contact module.
  • Deprecated nxos_snmp_host module.
  • Deprecated nxos_snmp_location module.
  • Deprecated nxos_snmp_traps module.
  • Deprecated nxos_snmp_user module.
  • Support for Ansible 2.9 and ansible-base 2.10 is deprecated, and will be removed in the next major release (community.docker 3.0.0). Some modules might still work with these versions afterwards, but we will no longer keep compatibility code that was needed to support them (ansible-collections/community.docker#361).
  • The dependency on docker-compose for Execution Environments is deprecated and will be removed in community.docker 3.0.0. The Python docker-compose library is unmaintained and can cause dependency issues. You can manually still install it in an Execution Environment when needed (ansible-collections/community.docker#373).
  • Various modules - the default of tls_hostname that was supposed to be removed in community.docker 2.0.0 will now be removed in version 3.0.0 (ansible-collections/community.docker#362).
  • docker_stack - the return values out and err that were supposed to be removed in community.docker 2.0.0 will now be removed in version 3.0.0 (ansible-collections/community.docker#362).
  • ansible_galaxy_install - deprecated support for ansible 2.9 and ansible-base 2.10 (ansible-collections/community.general#4601).
  • dig lookup plugin - the DLV record type has been decommissioned in 2017 and support for it will be removed from community.general 6.0.0 (ansible-collections/community.general#4618).
  • gem - the default of the norc option has been deprecated and will change to true in community.general 6.0.0. Explicitly specify a value to avoid a deprecation warning (ansible-collections/community.general#4517).
  • mail callback plugin - not specifying sender is deprecated and will be disallowed in community.general 6.0.0 (ansible-collections/community.general#4140).
  • module_helper module utils - deprecated the attribute ModuleHelper.VarDict (ansible-collections/community.general#3801).
  • nmcli - deprecate default hairpin mode for a bridge. This so we can change it to false in community.general 7.0.0, as this is also the default in nmcli (ansible-collections/community.general#4334).
  • pacman - from community.general 5.0.0 on, the changed status of update_cache will no longer be ignored if name or upgrade is specified. To keep the old behavior, add something like register: result and changed_when: result.packages | length > 0 to your task (ansible-collections/community.general#4329).
  • proxmox inventory plugin - the current default true of the want_proxmox_nodes_ansible_host option has been deprecated. The default will change to false in community.general 6.0.0. To keep the current behavior, explicitly set want_proxmox_nodes_ansible_host to true in your inventory configuration. We suggest to already switch to the new behavior by explicitly setting it to false, and by using compose: to set ansible_host to the correct value. See the examples in the plugin documentation for details (ansible-collections/community.general#4466).
  • vmadm - deprecated module parameter debug that was not used anywhere (ansible-collections/community.general#4580).
  • Support for Ansible 2.9 and ansible-base 2.10 is deprecated, and will be removed in the next major release ( 4.0.0) this spring. While most content will probably still work with ansible-base 2.10, we will remove symbolic links for modules and action plugins, which will make it impossible to use them with Ansible 2.9 anymore. Please use 3.x.y with Ansible 2.9 and ansible-base 2.10, as these releases will continue to support Ansible 2.9 and ansible-base 2.10 even after they are End of Life (ansible-community/community-topics#50, ansible-collections/
  • 'router_id' options is deprecated from junos_ospf_interfaces, junos_ospfv2 and junos_ospfv3 resuorce module.
  • purefa_sso - Deprecated in favor of M(purefa_admin). Will be removed in Collection 2.0
  • The community.kubernetes collection has been removed from Ansible 6. It has been deprecated since Ansible 4.2, and version 2.0.0 included since Ansible 5 is only a set of deprecated redirects from community.kubernetes to kubernetes.core. If you still need the redirects, you can manually install community.kubernetes with ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubernetes (ansible-community/community-topics#93).
  • The community.kubevirt collection has been removed from Ansible 6. It has not been working with the community.kubernetes collection included since Ansible 5.0.0, and unfortunately nobody managed to adjust the collection to work with kubernetes.core >= 2.0.0. If you need to use this collection, you need to manually install community.kubernetes < 2.0.0 together with community.kubevirt with ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubevirt 'community.kubernetes:<2.0.0' (ansible-community/community-topics#92).
  • vcenter_extension_facts - The deprecated module vcenter_extension_facts has been removed, use vcenter_extension_info instead.
  • vmware_about_facts - The deprecated module vmware_about_facts has been removed, use vmware_about_info instead.
  • vmware_category_facts - The deprecated module vmware_category_facts has been removed, use vmware_category_info instead.
  • vmware_cluster - Remove DRS configuration in favour of module vmware_cluster_drs.
  • vmware_cluster - Remove HA configuration in favour of module vmware_cluster_ha.
  • vmware_cluster - Remove VSAN configuration in favour of module vmware_cluster_vsan.
  • vmware_cluster_facts - The deprecated module vmware_cluster_facts has been removed, use vmware_cluster_info instead.
  • vmware_datastore_facts - The deprecated module vmware_datastore_facts has been removed, use vmware_datastore_info instead.
  • vmware_drs_group_facts - The deprecated module vmware_drs_group_facts has been removed, use vmware_drs_group_info instead.
  • vmware_drs_rule_facts - The deprecated module vmware_drs_rule_facts has been removed, use vmware_drs_rule_info instead.
  • vmware_dvs_portgroup - The deprecated parameter portgroup_type has been removed, use port_binding instead.
  • vmware_dvs_portgroup_facts - The deprecated module vmware_dvs_portgroup_facts has been removed, use vmware_dvs_portgroup_info instead.
  • vmware_guest_boot_facts - The deprecated module vmware_guest_boot_facts has been removed, use vmware_guest_boot_info instead.
  • vmware_guest_customization_facts - The deprecated module vmware_guest_customization_facts has been removed, use vmware_guest_customization_info instead.
  • vmware_guest_disk_facts - The deprecated module vmware_guest_disk_facts has been removed, use vmware_guest_disk_info instead.
  • vmware_guest_facts - The deprecated module vmware_guest_facts has been removed, use vmware_guest_info instead.
  • vmware_guest_snapshot_facts - The deprecated module vmware_guest_snapshot_facts has been removed, use vmware_guest_snapshot_info instead.
  • vmware_host_capability_facts - The deprecated module vmware_host_capability_facts has been removed, use vmware_host_capability_info instead.
  • vmware_host_config_facts - The deprecated module vmware_host_config_facts has been removed, use vmware_host_config_info instead.
  • vmware_host_dns_facts - The deprecated module vmware_host_dns_facts has been removed, use vmware_host_dns_info instead.
  • vmware_host_feature_facts - The deprecated module vmware_host_feature_facts has been removed, use vmware_host_feature_info instead.
  • vmware_host_firewall_facts - The deprecated module vmware_host_firewall_facts has been removed, use vmware_host_firewall_info instead.
  • vmware_host_ntp_facts - The deprecated module vmware_host_ntp_facts has been removed, use vmware_host_ntp_info instead.
  • vmware_host_package_facts - The deprecated module vmware_host_package_facts has been removed, use vmware_host_package_info instead.
  • vmware_host_service_facts - The deprecated module vmware_host_service_facts has been removed, use vmware_host_service_info instead.
  • vmware_host_ssl_facts - The deprecated module vmware_host_ssl_facts has been removed, use vmware_host_ssl_info instead.
  • vmware_host_vmhba_facts - The deprecated module vmware_host_vmhba_facts has been removed, use vmware_host_vmhba_info instead.
  • vmware_host_vmnic_facts - The deprecated module vmware_host_vmnic_facts has been removed, use vmware_host_vmnic_info instead.
  • vmware_local_role_facts - The deprecated module vmware_local_role_facts has been removed, use vmware_local_role_info instead.
  • vmware_local_user_facts - The deprecated module vmware_local_user_facts has been removed, use vmware_local_user_info instead.
  • vmware_portgroup_facts - The deprecated module vmware_portgroup_facts has been removed, use vmware_portgroup_info instead.
  • vmware_resource_pool_facts - The deprecated module vmware_resource_pool_facts has been removed, use vmware_resource_pool_info instead.
  • vmware_tag_facts - The deprecated module vmware_tag_facts has been removed, use vmware_tag_info instead.
  • vmware_target_canonical_facts - The deprecated module vmware_target_canonical_facts has been removed, use vmware_target_canonical_info instead.
  • vmware_vm_facts - The deprecated module vmware_vm_facts has been removed, use vmware_vm_info instead.
  • vmware_vmkernel_facts - The deprecated module vmware_vmkernel_facts has been removed, use vmware_vmkernel_info instead.
  • vmware_vmkernel_ip_config - The deprecated module vmware_vmkernel_ip_config has been removed, use vmware_vmkernel instead.
  • vmware_vswitch_facts - The deprecated module vmware_vswitch_facts has been removed, use vmware_vswitch_info instead.
  • Do not include params in exception when a call to set_options fails. Additionally, block the exception that is returned from being displayed to stdout. (CVE-2021-3620)
  • Add a YAML representer for NativeJinjaText
  • Add a YAML representer for NativeJinjaUnsafeText
  • AnsiballZ - Ensure we use the full python package in the module cache filename to avoid a case where collections: is used to execute a module via short name, where the short name duplicates another module from ansible.builtin or another collection that was executed previously.
  • Ansible.ModuleUtils.LinkUtil - Ignore the LIB environment variable when loading the LinkUtil code
  • Ansible.ModuleUtils.SID - Use user principal name as is for lookup in the Convert-ToSID function - ansible/ansible#77316
  • Detect package manager for Amazon Linux 2022 (AL2022) as dnf
  • Ensure the correct environment_class is set on AnsibleJ2Template
  • Fix AttributeError when providing password file via --connection-password-file (ansible/ansible#76530)
  • Fix end_play to end the current play only (ansible/ansible#76672)
  • Fix collection filter/test plugin redirects (ansible/ansible#77192).
  • Fix executing includes in the always section in the free strategy (ansible/ansible#75642)
  • Fix for when templating empty template file resulted in file with string 'None' (ansible/ansible#76610)
  • Fix help message for the 'ansible-galaxy collection verify' positional argument. The positional argument must be a collection name (ansible/ansible#76087).
  • Fix module logging issue when using custom module on WSL2 (ansible/ansible#76320)
  • Fix task debugger to work with run_once using linear strategy (ansible/ansible#76049)
  • Fix traceback when installing a collection from a git repository and git is not installed (ansible/ansible#77479).
  • Interpreter Discovery - Fallback to OS family if the distro is not found in INTERPRETER_PYTHON_DISTRO_MAP (ansible/ansible#75560)
  • Interpreter discovery - Add RHEL to OS_FAMILY_MAP for correct family fallback for interpreter discovery (ansible/ansible#77368)
  • Make include_role/include_tasks work with any_errors_fatal (ansible/ansible#50897)
  • Parser errors from within includes should not be rescueable (ansible/ansible#73657)
  • Prevent losing unsafe on results returned from lookups (ansible/ansible#77535)
  • Templating - Ensure we catch exceptions when getting .filters and .tests attributes on their respective plugins and properly error, instead of aborting which results in no filters being added to the jinja2 environment
  • Trigger an undefined error when an undefined variable is detected within a dictionary and/or list (ansible/ansible#75587)
  • _run_loop - Add the task name to the warning (ansible/ansible#76011)
  • Templar.copy_with_new_env - set the finalize method of the new Templar object for the new environment (ansible/ansible#76379)
  • add_host/group_by: fix using changed_when in a loop (ansible/ansible#71627)
  • ansible - Exclude Python 2.6 from Python interpreter discovery.
  • ansible-config avoid showing _terms and _input when --only-changed.
  • ansible-doc - Fix ansible-doc -l ansible.builtin / ansible.legacy not returning anything
  • ansible-doc - ignore plugin deprecation warnings (ansible/ansible#75671)
  • ansible-galaxy - Add galaxy_collection_skeleton/galaxy_collection_skeleton_ignore configuration options
  • ansible-galaxy - Fix using the '--ignore-certs' option when there is no server-specific configuration for the Galaxy server.
  • ansible-galaxy - installing/downloading collections with invalid versions in git repositories and directories now gives a formatted error message (ansible/ansible#76425, ansible/ansible#75404).
  • ansible-galaxy - when installing a role properly raise an error when inaccessible path is specified multiple times in roles_path (e.g. via environment variable and command line option) (ansible/ansible#76316)
  • ansible-galaxy collection build - Ignore any existing MANIFEST.json and FILES.json in the root directory when building a collection.
  • ansible-galaxy collection verify - display files/directories not included in the FILES.json as modified content.
  • ansible-galaxy publish - Fix warning and error detection in import messages to properly display them in Ansible
  • ansible-pull handle case where hostname and nodename are empty
  • ansible-test - Add default entry for Windows remotes to be used with unknown versions.
  • ansible-test - All virtual environments managed by ansible-test are marked as usable after being bootstrapped, to avoid errors caused by use of incomplete environments. Previously this was only done for sanity tests. Existing environments from previous versions of ansible-test will be recreated on demand due to lacking the new marker.
  • ansible-test - Automatic target requirements installation is now based on the target environment instead of the controller environment.
  • ansible-test - Correctly detect when running as the root user (UID 0) on the origin host. The result of the detection was incorrectly being inverted.
  • ansible-test - Don't fail if network cannot be disconnected (ansible/ansible#77472)
  • ansible-test - Fix Python real prefix detection when running in a venv virtual environment.
  • ansible-test - Fix windows-integration and network-integration when used with the --docker option and user-provided inventory.
  • ansible-test - Fix installation and usage of pyyaml requirement for the import sanity test for collections.
  • ansible-test - Fix path to inventory file for windows-integration and network-integration commands for collections.
  • ansible-test - Fix plugin loading.
  • ansible-test - Fix skipping of tests marked needs/python on the origin host.
  • ansible-test - Fix skipping of tests marked needs/root on the origin host.
  • ansible-test - Fix the import sanity test to work properly when Ansible's built-in vendoring support is in use.
  • ansible-test - Fix the validate-modules sanity test to avoid double-loading the collection loader and possibly failing on import of the packaging module.
  • ansible-test - Fix traceback in import sanity test on Python 2.7 when pip is not available.
  • ansible-test - Fix traceback in the validate-modules sanity test when testing an Ansible module without any callables.
  • ansible-test - Fix traceback when running from an install and delegating execution to a different Python interpreter.
  • ansible-test - Fix traceback when using the --all option with PowerShell code coverage.
  • ansible-test - Fix type hints.
  • ansible-test - Import yaml.cyaml.CParser instead of _yaml.CParser in the yamllint sanity test.
  • ansible-test - Limit paramiko installation to versions before 2.9.0. This is required to maintain support for systems which do not support RSA SHA-2 algorithms.
  • ansible-test - Pylint Deprecated Plugin - Use correct message symbols when date or version is not a float or str (ansible/ansible#77085)
  • ansible-test - Relocate constants to eliminate symlink.
  • ansible-test - Replace the directory portion of out-of-tree paths in JUnit files from integration tests with the out-of-tree: prefix.
  • ansible-test - Sanity tests run with the --requirements` option for Python 2.x now install ``virtualenv when it is missing or too old. Previously it was only installed if missing. Version 16.7.12 is now installed instead of the latest version.
  • ansible-test - Set the pytest option --rootdir instead of letting it be auto-detected.
  • ansible-test - Show an error message instead of a traceback when running outside of a supported directory.
  • ansible-test - Target integration test requirements are now correctly installed for target environments running on the controller.
  • ansible-test - The import sanity test no longer reports errors about packaging being missing when testing collections.
  • ansible-test - Update distribution test containers to version 3.1.0.
  • ansible-test - Update help links to reference ansible-core instead of ansible.
  • ansible-test - Update unit tests to use the --forked option instead of the deprecated --boxed option.
  • ansible-test - Use for instance bootstrapping instead of an S3 endpoint.
  • ansible-test - Use relative paths in JUnit files generated during integration test runs.
  • ansible-test - Use the correct variable to reference the client's SSH key when generating inventory.
  • ansible-test - Use the legacy collection loader for import sanity tests on target-only Python versions.
  • ansible-test - Virtual environments managed by ansible-test now use consistent versions of pip, setuptools and wheel. This avoids issues with virtual environments containing outdated or dysfunctional versions of these tools. The initial bootstrapping of pip is done by ansible-test from an HTTPS endpoint instead of creating the virtual environment with it already present.
  • ansible-test - fix a typo in validate-modules.
  • ansible-test - fixed support container failures (eg http-test-container) under podman
  • ansible-test compile sanity test - do not crash if a column could not be determined for an error (ansible/ansible#77465).
  • ansible-test pslint - Fix error when encountering validation results that are highly nested - ansible/ansible#74151
  • ansible-vault encrypt_string - fix --output option to correctly write encrypted string into given file (ansible/ansible#75101)
  • ansible.builtin.file modification_time supports check_mode
  • ansible_facts.devices - Fix parsing of device serial number detected via sg_inq for rhel8 (ansible/ansible#75420)
  • apt - fails to deploy deb file to old debian systems using python-apt < 0.8.9 (ansible/ansible#47277)
  • arg_spec - Fix incorrect no_log warning when a parameter alias is used (ansible/ansible#77576)
  • async - Improve performance of sending async callback events by never sending the full task through the queue (ansible/ansible#76729)
  • catch the case that cowsay is broken which would lead to missing output
  • cleaning facts will now only warn about the variable name and not post the content, which can be undesireable to disclose
  • collection_loader - Implement 'find_spec' and 'exec_module' to override deprecated importlib methods 'find_module' and 'load_module' when applicable (ansible/ansible#74660).
  • correctly inherit vars from parent in block (ansible/ansible#75286).
  • default callback - Ensure we compare FQCN also in lockstep logic, to ensure using the FQCN of a strategy plugin triggers the correct behavior in the default callback plugin. (ansible/ansible#76782)
  • distribution - add EuroLinux to fact gathering (ansible/ansible#76624).
  • distribution - detect tencentos and gather correct facts on the distro.
  • dnf - ensure releasever is passed into libdnf as string (ansible/ansible#77010)
  • extend timeout for ansible-galaxy when communicating with the galaxy server api, and apply it to all interactions with the api
  • facts - add support for deepin distro information detection (ansible/ansible#77286).
  • first_found - fix to allow for spaces in file names (ansible/ansible#77136)
  • gather_facts - Fact gathering now continues even if it fails to read a file
  • gather_facts action now handles the move of base connection plugin types into collections to add/prevent subset argument correctly
  • gather_facts/setup will not fail anymore if capsh is present but not executable
  • git module fix docs and proper use of ssh wrapper script and GIT_SSH_COMMAND depending on version.
  • git module is more consistent and clearer about which ssh options are added to git calls.
  • git module no longer uses wrapper script for ssh options.
  • hacking - fix incorrect usage of deprecated fish-shell redirection operators that failed to honor --quiet flag when sourced (ansible/ansible#77180).
  • hostname - Do not require SystemdStrategy subclasses for every distro (ansible/ansible#76792)
  • hostname - Fix Debian strategy KeyError, use SystemdStrategy (ansible/ansible#76124)
  • hostname - Update the systemd strategy in the hostname module to not interfere with NetworkManager (ansible/ansible#76958)
  • hostname - add hostname support for openEuler distro (ansible/ansible#76619).
  • hostname - use file_get_content() to read the file containing the host name in the FileStrategy.get_permanent_hostname() method. This prevents a TypeError from being raised when the strategy is used (ansible/ansible#77025).
  • include_vars, properly initialize variable as there is corner case in which it can end up referenced and not defined
  • inventory - parameterize disable_lookups in Constructable (ansible/ansible#76769).
  • inventory manager now respects --flush-cache
  • junit callback - Fix traceback during automatic fact gathering when using relative paths.
  • junit callback - Fix unicode error when handling non-ASCII task paths.
  • module_utils.common.yaml - The SafeLoader, SafeDumper and Parser classes now fallback to object when yaml is not available. This fixes tracebacks when inheriting from these classes without requiring a HAS_YAML guard around class definitions.
  • parameters - handle blank values when argument is a list (ansible/ansible#77108).
  • play_context now compensates for when a conneciton sets the default to inventory_hostname but skips adding it to the vars.
  • playbook/strategy have more informative 'attribute' based errors for playbook objects and handlers.
  • python modules (new type) will now again prefer the specific python stated in the module's shebang instead of hardcoding to /usr/bin/python.
  • replace - Always return rc to ensure return values are consistent - ansible/ansible#71963
  • script - skip in check mode if the plugin cannot determine if a change will occur (i.e. neither creates or removes are provided).
  • service - Fixed handling of sleep arguments during service restarts on AIX. (ansible/ansible#76877)
  • service - Fixed service restarts with arguments on AIX. (ansible/ansible#76840)
  • service_facts module will now give more meaningful warnings when it fails to gather data.
  • set_fact/include_vars correctly handle delegation assignments within loops
  • setup - detect docker container with check for ./dockerenv or ./dockinit (ansible/ansible#74349).
  • shell/command - only return changed as True if the task has not been skipped.
  • shell/command - only skip in check mode if the options creates and removes are both None.
  • ssh connection - properly quote controlpersist path given by user to avoid issues with spaces and other characters
  • ssh connection avoid parsing ssh cli debug lines as they can match expected output at high verbosities.
  • ssh connection now uses more correct host source as play_context can ignore loop/delegation variations.
  • sudo become plugin, fix handling of non interactive flags, previous substitution was too naive
  • systemd - check if service is alias so it gets enabled (ansible/ansible#75538).
  • systemd - check if service is indirect so it gets enabled (ansible/ansible#76453).
  • task_executor reverts the change to push facts into delegated vars on loop finalization as result managing code already handles this and was duplicating effort to wrong result.
  • template lookup - restore inadvertently deleted default for convert_data (ansible/ansible#77004)
  • to_json/to_nice_json filters defaults back to unvaulting/no unsafe packing.
  • unarchive - Fix zip archive file listing that caused issues with content postprocessing (ansible/ansible#76067).
  • unarchive - Make extraction work when the LANGUAGE environment variable is set to a non-English locale.
  • unarchive - apply owner and group permissions to top folder (ansible/ansible#35426)
  • unarchive - include the original error when a handler cannot manage the archive (ansible/ansible#28977).
  • unarchive - the io_buffer_size option added in 2.12 was not accepted by the module (ansible/ansible#77271).
  • urls - Allow ca_path to point to a bundle containing multiple PEM certs (ansible/ansible#75015)
  • urls/uri - Address case where HTTPError isn't fully initialized due to the error, and is missing certain methods and attributes (ansible/ansible#76386)
  • user - allow password_expiry_min and password_expiry_min to be set to 0 (ansible/ansible#75017)
  • user - allow password min and max to be set at the same time (ansible/ansible#75017)
  • user - update logic to check if user exists or not in MacOS.
  • validate_argument_spec - Skip suboption validation if the top level option is an invalid type (ansible/ansible#75612).
  • variablemanager, more efficient read of vars files
  • vault - Warn instead of fail for missing vault IDs if at least one valid vault secret is found.
  • winrm - Ensure kinit is run with the same PATH env var as the Ansible process
  • yum - prevent storing unnecessary cache data by running yum makecache fast (ansible/ansible#76336)
  • Various modules and plugins - use vendored version of distutils.version instead of the deprecated Python standard library distutils (ansible-collections/
  • aws_acm - No longer raising ResourceNotFound exception while retrieving ACM certificates.
  • aws_ec2 inventory - use the iam_role_arn configuration parameter to assume the role before trying to call DescribeRegions if the regions configuration is not set and AWS credentials provided without enough privilege to perform the DescribeRegions action. (ansible-collections/
  • aws_s3 - fix exception raised when using module to copy from source to destination and key is missing from source (ansible-collections/
  • ec2_instance - Add a condition to handle default `instance_type` value for fix breaking on instance creation with launch template (ansible-collections/
  • ec2_key - add support for ED25519 key type (ansible-collections/
  • ec2_vol - Sets the Iops value in req_obj even if the iops value has not changed, to allow modifying volume types that require passing an iops value to boto. (ansible-collections/
  • ec2_vol - changing a volume from a type that does not support IOPS (like standard) to a type that does (like gp3) fails (ansible-collections/
  • ec2_vpc_igw - fix 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable error (ansible-collections/
  • ec2_vpc_igw - use paginator for describe internet gateways and add retry to fix NoneType object is not subscriptable error (ansible-collections/
  • ec2_vpc_net - In check mode, ensure the module does not change the configuration. Handle case when Amazon-provided ipv6 block is enabled, then disabled, then enabled again. Do not disable IPv6 CIDR association (using Amazon pool) if ipv6_cidr property is not present in the task. If the VPC already exists and ipv6_cidr property, retain the current config (ansible-collections/
  • elb_classic_lb - handle security_group_ids when providing security_group_names and fix broken tasks in integration test (ansible-collections/
  • s3_bucket - Enable the management of bucket-level ACLs (ansible-collections/
  • Fix issue with cli_parse native_parser plugin when input is empty (ansible-collections/ansible.netcommon#347).
  • Fix validate-module sanity test.
  • Fixed plugins inheriting from netcommon's base plugins (for example httpapi/restconf or netconf/default) so that they can be properly loaded (ansible-collections/ansible.netcommon#356).
  • No activity on the transport's channel was triggering a socket.timeout() after 30 secs, even if persistent_command_timeout is set to a higher value. This patch fixes it.
  • httpapi - Fix for improperly set hostname in url
  • libssh - Fix for improperly set hostname in connect
  • network_cli - Provide clearer error message when a prompt regex fails to compile
  • network_cli - fix issue when multiple terminal_initial_(prompt|answer) values are given (ansible-collections/ansible.netcommon#331).
  • restconf - When non-JSON data is encountered, return the bytes found instead of nothing.
  • Add and fix bgp_global neighbor parsers.
  • Add check mode support to bgp_global and bgp_address_family
  • Add logic to add new interface using overridden.
  • Add logic to skip unwanted configs from running-config, to collect bgp af facts.
  • Add symlink of modules under plugins/action.
  • Automatiaclly named sessions (ansible_XXXXXXXXX) now use two digits of sub-second precision (if available). This is to work around tasks reusing a session if the previous task completed very quickly.
  • Fix added to change snmp communities with or without acl.
  • Fix parser to parse maximum-paths ecmp command correctly.
  • Fix the logic to add new aces using replaced and overriden state.
  • Fixed an invalid parameter used in example for eos_l2_interfaces
  • Normalize interface name from want before comaparing with the interface in have.
  • Normalize ntp server source interface.
  • arista.eos.eos_acls - fixed issue that would cause a key value error on aces element when no ACEs exist in the access-list.
  • arista.eos.eos_acls - fixed issue where protcol_options were rendered to command line using the key _underscore_ value rather than the hyphen nominclature.
  • eos_acls - fixes state replaced where new ACEs are not all added
  • eos_bgp_global - Add alias for peer - neighbor_address
  • httpapi - detect session support more robustly when eos_use_sessions is not specified.
  • Add pool_allocation_mode to the required parameter list in aci_vlan_pool_encap_block module
  • Fix bfd issues in aci_l3out_static_routes module on pre-4.2 APICs
  • Fix output_path to support multiple APIC runs in parallel
  • Fix small sanity issue in aci_epg_to_contract
  • Remove owner_key, owner_tag and annotation from module that do not support them
  • Removed block_name from the required parameter list in aci_vlan_pool_encap_block module
  • 'ios_acls'- filters out dynamically generated reflexive type acls.
  • 'ios_banner' - Bugfix for presence of multiple delimitation chars in the banner's declaration and idempotence improvement.
  • Add symlink of modules under plugins/action.
  • Fix become raises error when exec prompt timestamp is configured.
  • Fix ntp_global - remove no_log for key_id under peer and server attributes.
  • Fix ntp_global - to handle when attribute value is false.
  • acl_interfaces - optimization and bugfixes.
  • ios_acls - Fix commands sequencing for replaced state.
  • ios_acls - Fix remarks breaking idempotent behavior.
  • ios_acls - Fixes protocol_options not rendering command properly when range is specified.
  • ios_acls - Fixes standard acls getting wrongly parsed in v2.6.0
  • ios_acls - bugfixes and optimization for ACLs.
  • ios_bgp_address_family - Fix multiple bgp_address_family issues. Add set option in send_community to allow backwards compatibility with older configs. Add set option in redistribute.connected to allow ospf redistribution. Fix issue with ipv6 and peer-group neighbor identification. Add ability to pull redistribute information for address families to conform to argspec. Fix issue with not pulling local_as when defined for neighbors.
  • ios_bgp_global - Added bmp.server_options.
  • ios_bgp_global - Added capability of configure network options.
  • ios_bgp_global - Added community and local_preference for route_reflector_client.
  • ios_bgp_global - Added update_source for neighbors.
  • ios_bgp_global - Correct misspelled attributes with alternates/alias.
  • ios_bgp_global - Facts and config code optimized for using rm_templates.
  • ios_bgp_global - Parsers added for non-implemented attributes.
  • ios_bgp_global - client_to_client.cluster_id corrected to take string input.
  • ios_bgp_global - neighbors.path_attribute to support float format.
  • ios_facts - Fix Line protocol parser for legacy facts where state information per interface is present.
  • ios_l2_interfaces - fix unable to identify FiveGigabitEthernet names on facts gathering.
  • ios_l2_interfaces - fix unable to set switchport mode properly.
  • ios_l3_interface - config code to generate proper ordering of commands on action states.
  • ios_logging_global - Added alias to render host under hosts not hostname.
  • ios_logging_global - fix host ipv6 commands not parsed correctly.
  • ios_logging_global - fix wrong ordering of commands fired on replaced state.
  • ios_route_maps - Fix parsers for correct rendering of as_number as list.
  • ios_snmp_server - Change key from users to views in rm template to fix failure when collecting snmp server facts from devices that have a view defined in the configuration (ansible-collections/cisco.ios#491).
  • ios_snmp_server - Fix parsers for views facts collection.
  • ios_static_routes - Consider only config containing routes to render facts.
  • ios_static_routes - Fixes static routes unable to identify interface names when supplied with destination attribute.
  • ios_vlans - fix parsing of VLAN names with spaces.
  • ios_vlans - fix parsing of VLAN ranges under remote span.
  • acls parser didn't only checked if the proto_options variable existed without validating that it was a dictionary before trying to use it as one.
  • Add symlink of modules under plugins/action.
  • Fix iosxr_ospfv2 throwing a traceback with gathered (ansible-collections/cisco.iosxr#227).
  • iosxr_acls - fix acl for parsing wrong command on ( num matches ) data
  • iosxr_snmp_server - Add aliases for access-lists in snmp-server(ansible-collections/cisco.iosxr#225).
  • fix issue of local variable 'start_index' referenced before assignment with cisco.iosxr.iosxr_config.
  • iosxr_bgp_global - Add alias for neighbor_address (ansible-collections/cisco.iosxr#216)
  • iosxr_snmp_server - Fix gather_facts issue in snmp_servers (ansible-collections/cisco.iosxr#215)
  • iosxr_user - replaced custom paramiko sftp and ssh usage with native "copy_file" and "send_command" functions. Fixed issue when ssh key copying doesn't work with network_cli or netconf plugin by deleting "provider" usage. Fixed improper handling of "No such configuration item" when getting data for username section, without that ansible always tried to delete user "No" when purging if there is no any user in config. Fixed one-line admin mode commands not work anymore for ssh key management on IOS XR Software, Version 7.1.3, and add support of "admin" module property (ansible-collections/cisco.iosxr#15)
  • Change description from Aci to ACI
  • Change description from Acl to ACL
  • Change description from Anc to ANC
  • Change description from Byod to BYOD
  • Change description from Ca to CA
  • Change description from Csr to CSR
  • Change description from Mnt to MNT
  • Change description from Nbar to NBAR
  • Change description from Pxgrid to pxGrid
  • Change description from Radius to RADIUS
  • Change description from Rest to REST
  • Change description from Sg Acl to SGACL
  • Change description from Sg to SG
  • Change description from Sgt to SGT
  • Change description from Sms to SMS
  • Change description from Smtp to SMTP
  • Change description from Ssid to SSID
  • Change description from Sxp to SXP
  • Change description from Tacacs to TACACS
  • Change description from Vlan to VLAN
  • Change description from Vn to VN
  • Change description from Vpns to VPNs
  • Update ISE version to 3.1.0 on vars example
  • Update README recommended SDK version in compatibility matrix
  • Update README, add ISE 3.1 + Patch 1 and ISE API Versioning notes
  • Update README, update Compatibility matrix.
  • Update documentation of the modules.
  • Update recommended SDK version in modules from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0
  • device_administration_authentication_rules - added a validation reading the data
  • device_administration_authorization_rules - added a validation reading the data
  • device_administration_global_exception_rules - added a validation reading the data
  • device_administration_local_exception_rules - added a validation reading the data
  • network_access_authentication_rules - added a validation reading the data
  • network_access_authorization_rules - added a validation reading the data
  • network_access_authorization_rules - added a validation when reading the data
  • network_access_global_exception_rules - added a validation reading the data
  • network_access_local_exception_rules - added a validation reading the data
  • node_group_node_create - fix family execution call from Node Deployment to Node Group.
  • node_group_node_delete - fix family execution call from Node Deployment to Node Group.
  • node_group_node_info - fix family execution call from Node Deployment to Node Group.
  • node_services_interfaces_info - change the validation.
  • node_services_profiler_probe_config - fixes params used for module.
  • node_services_sxp_interfaces - fixes params used for module.
  • plugin/modules - update documentation block.
  • repository - fixes params used for modules. Fix for issue 19.
  • repository_files_info - fixes params used for module.
  • trustsec_sg_vn_mapping - fix version_added to 2.0.0
  • trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_create - fix version_added to 2.0.0
  • trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_create - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation
  • trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_delete - fix version_added to 2.0.0
  • trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_delete - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation
  • trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_update - fix version_added to 2.0.0
  • trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_update - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation
  • trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_info - change filter param type from str to list
  • trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_info - fix version_added to 2.0.0
  • trustsec_vn_bulk_create - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation
  • trustsec_vn_bulk_delete - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation
  • trustsec_vn_bulk_update - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation
  • trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping - fix version_added to 2.0.0
  • trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_create - fix version_added to 2.0.0
  • trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_create - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation
  • trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_delete - fix version_added to 2.0.0
  • trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_delete - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation
  • trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_update - fix version_added to 2.0.0
  • trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_update - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation
  • trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_info - change filter param type from str to list
  • trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_info - fix version_added to 2.0.0
  • update README links in galaxy from relative to absolute links.
  • update README.
  • meraki_alert - Updates now properly set default destination webhook
  • meraki_mr_rf_profile - Fix issue with idempotency and creation of RF Profiles by name only
  • meraki_mr_ssid - Fix issue with SSID removal idempotency when ID doesn't exist
  • meraki_syslog - Fix crash due to incorrect dictionary reference
  • meraki_syslog - Improve reliability for multiple roles or capitalization.
  • Add no_log to aws_access_key and secret_key in mso_tenant_site
  • Fix MSO HTTP API to work without host, user and password module attribute
  • Fix issue with unicast_routing idemptotency in mso_schema_template_bd
  • Fix mso_schema_site_anp and mso_schema_site_anp_epg idempotency issue
  • Remove sanity ignore files and fix sanity issues that were previously ignored
  • Fix an issue with grafana_datasource for Prometheus with basic auth credential management. (#204)
  • Fix an issue with threema notification channel that was not creating gateway, recipient and api_secret in Grafana. (#208)
  • Fix issue with datasource names that could not contain slashes (#125)
  • replace deprecated distutils.spawn.find_executable with Ansible's get_bin_path in _search_executable function.
  • Collection core functions - use vendored version of distutils.version instead of the deprecated Python standard library distutils.
  • Include PSF-license.txt file for plugins/module_utils/
  • Include simplified_bsd.txt license file for the sops module utils.
  • win_domain_user - Module now properly captures and reports bad password - ansible-collections/
  • win_domain_user - Module now reports user created and changed properly - ansible-collections/
  • win_domain_user - The AD user's existing identity is searched using their sAMAccountName name preferentially and falls back to the provided name property instead - ansible-collections/
  • win_hotfix - Supports hotfixes that contain multiple updates inside the supplied update msu - ansible-collections/
  • win_iis_virtualdirectory - Fixed an issue where virtual directory information could not be obtained correctly when the parameter application was set
  • win_iis_webapplication - Fix physical path check for broken configurations - ansible-collections/
  • win_rds_cap - Fix SID lookup with any account ending with the @builtin UPN suffix
  • win_rds_rap - Fix SID lookup with any account ending with the @builtin UPN suffix
  • win_region - Fix junk output when copying settings across users
  • win_scoop - Fix bootstrapping process to properly work when running as admin
  • win_scoop_bucket - Fix handling of output and errors from each scoop command
  • Include PSF-license.txt file for plugins/module_utils/
  • Various modules and plugins - use vendored version of distutils.version instead of the deprecated Python standard library distutils (ansible-collections/community.zabbix#603). This superseedes #597.
  • ZapiWrapper (module_utils) - fix only partial zabbix version is returned.
  • template - use templateid property when linking templates for template.create and template.update API calls.
  • zabbix inventory - Moved ZABBIX_VALIDATE_CERTS to correct option, validate_certs.
  • zabbix_action - will no longer wipe esc_step_to and esc_step_from (ansible-collections/community.zabbix#692)
  • zabbix_agent - Create the actual configuration file for Windows setups.
  • zabbix_agent - Fix typo for correct using the zabbix_windows_service.exists
  • zabbix_agent - Install Zabbix packages when zabbix_repo == other is used with yum.
  • zabbix_agent - Install the Agent for MacOSX sooner than its configuration.
  • zabbix_agent - The Install gpg key task for Debian did not work when a http proxy is configured.
  • zabbix_agent - Use the correct URL with correct version.
  • zabbix_agent - Use the correct path to determine Zabbix Agent 2 installation on Windows.
  • zabbix_agent - Using the correct hostgroup as default now.
  • zabbix_agent - added support for zabbix-agent on Ubuntu 22.04 (ansible-collections/community.zabbix#681)
  • zabbix_agent - fix for the autopsk, incl. tests with Molecule.
  • zabbix_agent - now properly creates webroot for issuing LE certificates (ansible-collections/community.zabbix#677, ansible-collections/community.zabbix#682)
  • zabbix_agent - tlspsk_auto to support become on Linux and ignore on windows
  • zabbix_host - Added small notification that an user should have read access to get hostgroups overview.
  • zabbix_host - adapter changed properties for interface comparisson
  • zabbix_maintenance - should now work when creating maintenace on Zabbix 6.0 server
  • zabbix_proxy (module) - passive proxy should be now correctly created in Zabbix 6.0 (ansible-collections/community.zabbix#697)
  • zabbix_proxy (role) - fixed accidental regression of TLS psk file being generated for passive agent (#528) caused in (#663) (ansible-collections/community.zabbix#680)
  • zabbix_proxy - 'zcat' the zipped sql files to /tmp before executing it.
  • zabbix_proxy - Check MySQL version before settings mysql_innodb_default_row_format value.
  • zabbix_proxy - Install Zabbix packages when zabbix_repo == other is used with yum.
  • zabbix_server - 'zcat' the zipped sql files to /tmp before executing it.
  • zabbix_server - Check MySQL version before settings mysql_innodb_default_row_format value.
  • zabbix_server - Install Zabbix packages when zabbix_repo == other is used with yum.
  • zabbix_template - setting correct null values to fix unintentional changes
  • zabbix_user - fix zabbix_user require password only on internal.
  • zabbix_web - Added some default variables if the geerlingguys apache role is not used.
  • zabbix_web - Specified the correct versions for php.
  • Add documentations for generate_systemd
  • Add slirp4netns idempotency for pods
  • Don't include shared 'net' if network is host in pods
  • Fix MAC address detection in created container
  • Fix check for read-only change of root image in podman_container module
  • Fix error with exitcommand for Podman v4
  • Fix issue when missing plugins entry in podman_network module
  • Fix new requirements for plugins documentation
  • Fix podman collection for Podman version 4
  • Fix podman_pod_lib behavior for ports published to multiple IPs
  • Fix tests for podman_container module
  • Handle tlsverify correctly in podman_login
  • Hardcode RT signal numbers
  • Remove default value of log-driver
  • Remove idempotency for log level
  • Strip slashes from volumes
  • Support --new in generate_systemd
  • Update secrets description and add test with secret opts
  • Add auto_last_hop parameter to bigip_virtual_server module
  • Fix an issue in bigip_virtual_server module that wrongly sets the partition name for profile.
  • Fix issue with teem data collection where device was not ready and was returning 404 error when queried for tmos version
  • asm_policy_* - fixed partition filter in asm modules.
  • bigip_command - fixed a bug that interpreted a pipe symbol inside an input string as pipe used to combine commands
  • bigip_device_certificate - adds missing space to tmsh command
  • bigip_device_info - changes cipher and cipher_group parameters to register when the actual value is 'none'.
  • bigip_device_info - fixed bug regarding handling of negated meta options.
  • bigip_device_license - fixed issue that resulted in only first of the multiple add-on keys getting added to the device.
  • bigip_device_syslog - this change is done so that only unescaped " is replaced with ' in the value of include parameter.
  • bigip_firewall_address_list - fixed issue where addresses that contained RD would cause an error.
  • bigip_gtm_wide_ip - fix idempotency bugs encountered when adding/removing irules, pools and last_resort_pool
  • bigip_gtm_wide_ip - fixed a bug that prevented creation of gtm wide ips in disabled state.
  • bigip_gtm_wide_ip - fixed inability to change persistence setting on existing wide ip objects
  • bigip_gtm_wide_ip - irules can be added to existing gtm wide ips
  • bigip_monitor_http - fixed extraction of ip from the destination value
  • bigip_monitor_https - fixed extraction of ip from the destination value
  • bigip_monitor_ldap - fixed idempotency issue with security parameter in module.
  • bigip_node - the fqdn_autopopulate is now only enabled when fqdn is specified.
  • fix for displaying src, checksum and other parameters when running ucs_fetch module
  • fix for source capability for bigip_device_auth_ldap module
  • multiple modules - Add no_log=False setting to update_password parameter in respective modules avoid false positive security warnings.
  • Add defaut value for enable_log param.
  • Fix import issues in sanity-test and improve unit tests.
  • Fix issues in version mismatch logic.
  • Fix parameter-list-no-elements error in sanity-test.
  • Fix status issue in fortios_json_generic().
  • Fix syntax issue in python2.7.
  • Fix the issue of inconsistent data types in different schemas.
  • Fix the syntax error in the three wireless_controller_hotspot20 modules.
  • Relicense the FortiOS Collection under GPLv3+.
  • Update the logic in check_legacy_fortiosapi.
  • Use collection version number in the doc.
  • Ansible playbook fails to update canonical name of CName Record #97
  • nios_a_record module - KeyError 'old_ipv4addr' #79
  • Add check when volume is capacity tiered.
  • CVO working environment clusterProperties is deprecated. Make changes accordingly. Add CVO update status check on instance_type change.
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_aws - Fix default ami not based on the region in resource file
  • na_cloudmanager_connector_azure - Fix string formatting error when deleting the connector.
  • na_cloudmanager_cvo_gcp - handle extra two auto-gen GCP labels to prevent update gcp_labels failure.
  • na_cloudmanager_snapmirror - report actual error rather than None with "Error getting destination info".
  • Fixed ONTAP minor version ignored in checking minimum ONTAP version.
  • fix error where module will fail for ONTAP 9.6 if use_rest was set to auto
  • four modules (mediator, metrocluster, security_certificates, wwpn_alias) would report a None error when REST is not available.
  • module_utils - fixed KeyError on Allow when using OPTIONS method and the API failed.
  • na_ontap_active_directory - Fixed idempotency and traceback issues.
  • na_ontap_aggregate - Fixed KeyError on unmount_volumes when offlining a volume if option is not set.
  • na_ontap_aggregate - Fixed UUID issue when attempting to attach object store as part of creating the aggregate with REST.
  • na_ontap_aggregate - Fixed error in delete aggregate if the disk_count is less than current disk count.
  • na_ontap_aggregate - Report an error when attempting to change snaplock_type.
  • na_ontap_autosupport - Fixed partner_address not working in REST.
  • na_ontap_broadcast_domain - fix idempotency issue when ports has identical values.
  • na_ontap_cifs - fixed symlink_properties option silently ignored for cifs share creation when using REST.
  • na_ontap_cifs - fixed error in modifying comment if it is not set while creating CIFS share in REST.
  • na_ontap_cifs_local_user_modify - KeyError on description or full_name with REST.
  • na_ontap_cifs_local_user_modify - unexpected argument name error with REST.
  • na_ontap_cifs_server - error out if ZAPI only options force or workgroup are used with REST.
  • na_ontap_cluster_peer - Fixed KeyError if both source_intercluster_lifs and dest_intercluster_lifs not present in cluster create.
  • na_ontap_command - document that a READONLY user is not supported, even for show commands.
  • na_ontap_command - fix typo in example.
  • na_ontap_disk_options - ONTAP 9.10.1 returns on/off rather than True/False.
  • na_ontap_export_policy - fix error if more than 1 verser matched search name, the wrong uuid could be given
  • na_ontap_export_policy_rule - Fixed bug that prevent ZAPI and REST calls from working correctly
  • na_ontap_igroup - force_remove_initiator option was ignored when removing initiators from existing igroup.
  • na_ontap_info - Add active_directory_account_info.
  • na_ontap_info - Fixes issue with na_ontap_info failing in 9.1 because of job-schedule-cluster.
  • na_ontap_info - fix KeyError on node for aggr_efficiency_info option against a metrocluster system.
  • na_ontap_interface - rename fails with 'inconsistency in rename action' for cluster interface with REST.
  • na_ontap_iscsi - Fixed issue with start_state always being set to stopped when creating an ISCSI.
  • na_ontap_iscsi - fixed error starting iscsi service on vserver where Service, adapter, or operation already started.
  • na_ontap_login_messages - fix typo in examples for username.
  • na_ontap_lun - Fixed KeyError on options force_resize, force_remove and force_remove_fenced in Zapi.
  • na_ontap_lun - Fixed force_remove option silently ignored in REST.
  • na_ontap_lun_map - Fixed bug when deleting lun map using REST.
  • na_ontap_lun_map - TypeError - '>' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str '.
  • na_ontap_lun_map - fixed bugs resulting in REST support to not work.
  • na_ontap_net_ifgrp - fix error in modify ports with zapi.
  • na_ontap_net_routes - metric was not always modified with ZAPI.
  • na_ontap_net_routes - support cluster-scoped routes with REST.
  • na_ontap_nfs - fix TypeError on NoneType as tcp_max_xfer_size is not supported in earlier ONTAP versions.
  • na_ontap_nfs - fix Extra input error with ZAPI for is-nfsv4-enabled.
  • na_ontap_qtree - Fixed issue with oplocks not being changed during a modify in Zapi.
  • na_ontap_qtree - Fixed issue with oplocks not warning user about not being supported in REST
  • na_ontap_quotas - fix idempotency issue on disk_limit and soft_disk_limit.
  • na_ontap_rest_info - Fixed an issues with adding field to specific info that didn't have a direct REST equivalent.
  • na_ontap_rest_info - Fixed example with wrong indentation for use_python_keys.
  • na_ontap_security_certificates - intermediate_certificates option was ignored.
  • na_ontap_service_policy - fix examples in documentation.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror - Added use_rest condition for the REST support to work when use_rest always.
  • na_ontap_snapshot - add error message if volume is not found with REST.
  • na_ontap_snapshot - fix key error on volume when using REST.
  • na_ontap_snapshot_policy - Do not validate parameter when state is absent and fix KeyError on comment.
  • na_ontap_svm - fixed KeyError issue on protocols when vserver is stopped.
  • na_ontap_user - Fixed TypeError 'tuple' object does not support item assignment.
  • na_ontap_user - Fixed issue when attempting to change pasword for absent user when set_password is set.
  • na_ontap_user - Fixed lock state is not set if password is not changed.
  • na_ontap_volume - Fixed error when creating a flexGroup when aggregate_name and aggr_list_multiplier are not set in rest.
  • na_ontap_volume - Fixed error with unmounting junction_path in rest.
  • na_ontap_volume - Fixed issue that would fail the module in REST when changing is_online if two vserver volume had the same name.
  • na_ontap_volume - If using REST and ONTAP 9.6 and efficiency_policy module will fail as efficiency_policy is not supported in ONTAP 9.6.
  • na_ontap_volume - QOS policy was not set when using NAS application.
  • na_ontap_volume - correctly warn when attempting to modify NAS application.
  • na_ontap_volume - do not attempt to mount volume if current state is offline.
  • na_ontap_volume - do not set encrypt on modify, as it is already handled with specialized ZAPI calls.
  • na_ontap_volume - fix idempotency issue with compression settings when using REST.
  • na_ontap_volume - report error when attempting to change the nas_application tiering control from disalllowed to required, or reciprocally.
  • na_ontap_volume - use time_out value when creating/modifying/deleting volumes with REST rathar than hardcoded value.
  • na_ontap_volume_efficiency - Removed restriction on policy name.
  • na_ontap_vserver_delete role - report error if ONTAP version is 9.6 or older.
  • na_ontap_vserver_peer - Added cluster peer accept code in REST.
  • na_ontap_vserver_peer - Fixed AttributeError if dest_hostname or peer_options not present.
  • na_ontap_vserver_peer - Fixed local_name_for_peer and local_name_for_source options silently ignored in REST.
  • na_ontap_vserver_peer - Get peer cluster name if remote peer exist else use local cluster name.
  • na_ontap_vserver_peer - ignore job entry doesn't exist error with REST to bypass ONTAP issue with FSx.
  • na_ontap_vserver_peer - report error if SVM peer does not see a peering relationship after create.
  • na_sg_grid_account - minor documentation fix.
  • na_sg_grid_gateway - existing endpoints matched by name and port.
  • na_sg_org_group - fixed behaviour where update to s3_policy is ignored if management_policy is set.
  • santricity_host - Ensure a list of volumes are provided to prevent netapp_eseries.santricity.santricity_host (lookup) index is string not integer exception.
  • purefa_certs - Allow a certificate to be imported over an existing SSL certificate
  • purefa_eula - Reolve EULA signing issue
  • purefa_host - Allow multi-host creation without requiring a suffix string
  • purefa_info - Fix issue where remote arrays are not in a valid connected state
  • purefa_info - Fix space reporting issue
  • purefa_network - Fix bug introduced with management of FC ports
  • purefa_policy - Fix idempotency issue with quota policy rules
  • purefa_policy - Fix issue when creating multiple rules in an NFS policy
  • purefa_policy - Fix issue with SMB Policy creation
  • purefa_subnet - Fix subnet update checks when no gateway in existing subnet configuration
  • Fix ansible test sanity failures and fix flake8 issues.
  • Add symlink of modules under plugins/action
  • eos - When using eos modules on Ansible 2.9, tasks will occasionally fail with import_modules enabled. This can be avoided by setting import_modules: no
  • idrac_user - Issue(192043) The module may error out with the message unable to perform the import or export operation because there are pending attribute changes or a configuration job is in progress. Wait for the job to complete and run the task again.
  • ome_application_alerts_smtp - Issue(212310) - The module does not provide a proper error message if the destination_address is more than 255 characters.
  • ome_application_alerts_syslog - Issue(215374) - The module does not provide a proper error message if the destination_address is more than 255 characters.
  • ome_application_console_preferences - Issue(224690) - The module does not display a proper error message when an unsupported value is provided for the parameters report_row_limit, email_sender_settings, and metric_collection_settings, and the value is applied on OpenManage Enterprise.
  • ome_device_local_access_configuration - Issue(215035) - The module reports Successfully updated the local access setting if an unsupported value is provided for the parameter timeout_limit. However, this value is not actually applied on OpenManage Enterprise Modular.
  • ome_device_local_access_configuration - Issue(217865) - The module does not display a proper error message if an unsupported value is provided for the user_defined and lcd_language parameters.
  • ome_device_network_services - Issue(212681) - The module does not provide a proper error message if unsupported values are provided for the parameters- port_number, community_name, max_sessions, max_auth_retries, and idle_timeout.
  • ome_device_power_settings - Issue(212679) - The module displays the following message if the value provided for the parameter power_cap is not within the supported range of 0 to 32767, Unable to complete the request because PowerCap does not exist or is not applicable for the resource URI.
  • ome_device_power_settings - Issue(212679) - The module errors out with the following message if the value provided for the parameter power_cap is not within the supported range of 0 to 32767, Unable to complete the request because PowerCap does not exist or is not applicable for the resource URI.
  • ome_device_power_settings - Issue(212679) - The module errors out with the following message if the value provided for the parameter power_cap is not within the supported range of 0 to 32767, Unable to complete the request because PowerCap does not exist or is not applicable for the resource URI.
  • ome_device_quick_deploy - Issue(216352) - The module does not display a proper error message if an unsupported value is provided for the ipv6_prefix_length and vlan_id parameters.
  • ome_smart_fabric_uplink - Issue(186024) - The module does not allow the creation of multiple uplinks of the same name even though it is supported by OpenManage Enterprise Modular. If an uplink is created using the same name as an existing uplink, the existing uplink is modified.
  • purefa_admin - Once max_login and lockout have been set there is currently no way to rest these to zero except through the FlashArray GUI
  • ovirt.ovirt.stdout - Output the log of ansible
  • community.zabbix.httpapi - Use httpapi to run command on network appliances
  • community.general.counter - Counts hashable elements in a sequence
  • community.hashi_vault.vault_login_token - Extracts the client token from a Vault login response
  • community.zabbix.jsonrpc - HttpApi Plugin for Zabbix
  • community.hashi_vault.vault_ansible_settings - Returns plugin settings (options)
  • community.hashi_vault.vault_kv1_get - Get a secret from HashiCorp Vault's KV version 1 secret store
  • community.hashi_vault.vault_kv2_get - Get a secret from HashiCorp Vault's KV version 2 secret store
  • community.hashi_vault.vault_login - Perform a login operation against HashiCorp Vault
  • community.hashi_vault.vault_token_create - Create a HashiCorp Vault token
  • community.hashi_vault.vault_write - Perform a write operation against HashiCorp Vault
  • arista.eos.eos_hostname - Manages hostname resource module
  • arista.eos.eos_snmp_server - Manages snmp server resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_hostname - hostname resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_snmp_server - snmp_server resource module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_hostname - Manages hostname resource module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_snmp_server - Manages snmp-server resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_hostname - Hostname resource module.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_snmp_server - SNMP Server resource module.
  • - Create, update and delete response headers policies to be used in a Cloudfront distribution
  • - Start or cancel an EC2 Auto Scaling Group (ASG) instance refresh in AWS
  • - Gather information about ec2 Auto Scaling Group (ASG) Instance Refreshes in AWS
  • - Create, modify and delete ASG scheduled scaling actions.
  • - rds_cluster module
  • - Obtain information about one or more RDS clusters
  • - sns_topic_info module
  • community.crypto.crypto_info - Retrieve cryptographic capabilities
  • community.crypto.openssl_privatekey_convert - Convert OpenSSL private keys
  • community.digitalocean.digital_ocean_domain_record_info - Gather information about DigitalOcean domain records
  • community.digitalocean.digital_ocean_spaces - Create and remove DigitalOcean Spaces.
  • community.digitalocean.digital_ocean_spaces_info - List DigitalOcean Spaces.
  • community.grafana.grafana_organization - Manage Grafana Organization
  • community.hashi_vault.vault_kv1_get - Get a secret from HashiCorp Vault's KV version 1 secret store
  • community.hashi_vault.vault_kv2_get - Get a secret from HashiCorp Vault's KV version 2 secret store
  • community.hashi_vault.vault_login - Perform a login operation against HashiCorp Vault
  • community.hashi_vault.vault_pki_generate_certificate - Generates a new set of credentials (private key and certificate) using HashiCorp Vault PKI
  • community.hashi_vault.vault_token_create - Create a HashiCorp Vault token
  • community.hashi_vault.vault_write - Perform a write operation against HashiCorp Vault
  • community.okd.openshift_adm_migrate_template_instances - Update TemplateInstances to point to the latest group-version-kinds
  • community.okd.openshift_adm_prune_auth - Removes references to the specified roles, clusterroles, users, and groups
  • community.okd.openshift_adm_prune_deployments - Remove old completed and failed deployment configs
  • community.okd.openshift_adm_prune_images - Remove unreferenced images
  • community.okd.openshift_import_image - Import the latest image information from a tag in a container image registry.
  • community.okd.openshift_registry_info - Display information about the integrated registry.
  • community.postgresql.postgresql_script - Run PostgreSQL statements from a file
  • community.routeros.api_facts - Collect facts from remote devices running MikroTik RouterOS using the API
  • community.routeros.api_find_and_modify - Find and modify information using the API
  • community.vmware.vmware_guest_vgpu - Modify vGPU video card profile of the specified virtual machine in the given vCenter infrastructure
  • community.vmware.vmware_host_user_manager - Manage users of ESXi
  • - Recopilates the facts of the listening ports of the machine
  • community.zabbix.zabbix_authentication - Update Zabbix authentication
  • community.zabbix.zabbix_autoregister - Update Zabbix autoregistration
  • community.zabbix.zabbix_housekeeping - Update Zabbix housekeeping
  • community.zabbix.zabbix_script - Create/update/delete Zabbix scripts
  • containers.podman.podman_tag - Add an additional name to a local image
  • dellemc.openmanage.ome_application_alerts_smtp - This module allows to configure SMTP or email configurations
  • dellemc.openmanage.ome_application_alerts_syslog - Configure syslog forwarding settings on OpenManage Enterprise and OpenManage Enterprise Modular
  • dellemc.openmanage.ome_application_console_preferences - Configures console preferences on OpenManage Enterprise.
  • dellemc.openmanage.ome_application_network_settings - This module allows you to configure the session inactivity timeout settings
  • dellemc.openmanage.ome_application_security_settings - Configure the login security properties
  • dellemc.openmanage.ome_device_local_access_configuration - Configure local access settings on OpenManage Enterprise Modular
  • dellemc.openmanage.ome_device_network_services - Configure chassis network services settings on OpenManage Enterprise Modular
  • dellemc.openmanage.ome_device_quick_deploy - Configure Quick Deploy settings on OpenManage Enterprise Modular
  • dellemc.openmanage.ome_server_interface_profile_info - Retrieves the information of server interface profile on OpenManage Enterprise Modular.
  • dellemc.openmanage.ome_server_interface_profiles - Configures server interface profiles on OpenManage Enterprise Modular.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_ltm_global - Manages global LTM settings
  • - Get onboard disks information.
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_hostname - Manage Hostname server configuration on Junos devices.
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_routing_options - Manage routing-options configuration on Junos devices.
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_security_policies - Create and manage security policies on Juniper JUNOS devices
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_security_policies_global - Manage global security policy settings on Juniper JUNOS devices
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_security_zones - Manage security zones on Juniper JUNOS devices
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_snmp_server - Manage SNMP server configuration on Junos devices.
  • kubernetes.core.k8s_taint - Taint a node in a Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster
  • netapp.cloudmanager.na_cloudmanager_aws_fsx - Cloud ONTAP file system(FSX) in AWS
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_s3_buckets - NetApp ONTAP S3 Buckets
  • netapp.storagegrid.na_sg_grid_ha_group - Manage high availability (HA) group configuration on StorageGRID.
  • netapp.storagegrid.na_sg_grid_traffic_classes - Manage Traffic Classification Policy configuration on StorageGRID.
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_contact - Create, update or delete Contact objects in NetBox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_contact_group - Create, update or delete Contact Group objects in NetBox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_custom_field - Create, update or delete Custom fields in NetBox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_custom_link - Create, update or delete Custom links in NetBox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_export_template - Create, update or delete Export templates in NetBox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_provider_network - Create, update or delete Provider Network in NetBox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_webhook - Create, update or delete Webhooks in NetBox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_wireless_lan - Create, update or delete Wireless LAN objects in NetBox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_wireless_lan_group - Create, update or delete Wireless LAN Group objects in NetBox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_wireless_link - Create, update or delete Wireless Link objects in NetBox
  • purestorage.flasharray.purefa_admin - Configure Pure Storage FlashArray Global Admin settings
  • purestorage.flasharray.purefa_saml - Manage FlashArray SAML2 service and identity providers
  • t_systems_mms.icinga_director.icinga_serviceset - Manage servicesets in Icinga2
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_hostname - Manages hostname resource module
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_snmp_server - Manages snmp_server resource module
  • cisco.nso (still version 1.0.3)
  • (still version 1.1.0)
  • community.fortios (still version 1.0.0)
  • (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.skydive (still version 1.0.0)
  • cyberark.conjur (still version 1.1.0)
  • dellemc.os10 (still version 1.1.1)
  • dellemc.os6 (still version 1.0.7)
  • dellemc.os9 (still version 1.0.4)
  • gluster.gluster (still version 1.0.2)
  • (still version 1.0.2)
  • hetzner.hcloud (still version 1.6.0)
  • mellanox.onyx (still version 1.0.0)
  • (still version 21.7.0)
  • (still version 21.10.0)
  • netapp.elementsw (still version 21.7.0)
  • netapp.um_info (still version 21.8.0)
  • ngine_io.exoscale (still version 1.0.0)
  • servicenow.servicenow (still version 1.0.6)
  • wti.remote (still version 1.0.3)