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Steering Committee 20210406 Minutes

xsong9 edited this page Apr 6, 2021 · 2 revisions

Grant announcement posted! (XS)

XS posted the grant announcement on CORAL website and to the listserv.

Equinox announced it on their website:

Discuss CORAL Virtual User Group Meeting

XS shared the survey results with members who came to the meeting. We received 23 responses and all expressed interests in having the virtual user group meeting. Several people were interested in sharing their experiences. The group decided to host the virtual user group meeting early June between 6/8/21-6/10/21). EH/SD will email those who were interested in sharing and find a date that works for the majority.

We also discussed a few other things related to the virtual event:

  • Options for hosting the virtual event. NCSU and TAMU both have zoom as an option. LC mentioned Equinox has goto meeting and other platforms that could be an option. LC will check to see if they can use theirs to host the event.
  • CORAL website could be used to publicize the event (announcement and agenda) and possible to store the presentation materials. There is a concern that Wordpress may not have enough storage space. We need to check on that.
  • If we were to record the sessions, we may need to get presenters' permission.
  • Session length: 30 minutes session and lightning sessions (10-15 minutes), leave out time for questions, no concurrent sessions
  • Offer both pre-recorded sessions and live sessions
  • The planning subgroup including LC, EH, SD, TK and XS will meet on April 20 11am-12pm EST to further discuss the event.

Discuss managing issues on Github

XS brought this up to the group that there are over one hundred open issues on Github now. Some issues are created by SC members and other are created by the community. We need to come up with a plan to manage the issues. XS will send out a call for volunteers to tackle this. We'll continue the discussion at future SC meetings.

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