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Web Committee 201902 Minutes

Scott Vieira edited this page Feb 15, 2019 · 2 revisions
  1. Announcements:
  • Reschedule meeting for March, April and May to 1:30 EST (12:30p CST, 10:20a PST).
  • Kelsey Brett will be stepping down from the committee as she starts a new position at University of Colorado, Denver.
  1. The committee discussed topics to cover at the upcoming CORAL Users Group at Er & L 2019.
  2. Laurel shared an update on the ScholarlyArticle ( functionality added to the articles page on the CORAL website. She plans to do some testing for this with Zotero.
  3. Yan discussed the need for updating the CORAL User Map. Google is planning to drop Google Fusion Tables by the end of the year. We may see functionality issues earlier than this. The committee will investigate alternatives. Yan suggested Google Maps may work.
  4. Scott is going to review the 3.0.1 release notes for any possible documentation needs.

Attendance: Scott Vieira, Laurel Narizny, Heather Wilson, Rebecca Tatterson, Yan Song, and Kelsey Brett.

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