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Steering Committee 2024 02 13 Minutes

rtatterson edited this page Feb 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

Attendance: Rebecca, Jennifer, Tim, Mike, Andy and Beth

  1. Release

Andy/SirsiDynix is almost finished completing work on bug fixes for the Usage Statistics module. Andy will schedule meetings with Mike to finalize work and prepare for the release. SC members are welcome to attend.

  1. Equinox development proposal

Jennifer/Equinox shared the 2024 Equinox Community work proposal which includes things like UI work and feasibility of consolidating infrastructure files. The proposal included a timeline for our February/March release as well as plans for a release this summer that will include additional items from the proposal.

  1. CORAL survey results

Rebecca will reach out to people who expressed interest in working with the CORAL Steering Committee.

  1. CORAL's Slack account

Tim and Rebecca will explore options to move CORAL's community discussion to a new platform. One suggestion was Github Communications. Jennifer will work on archiving history in Slack.

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