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espenak edited this page Sep 9, 2011 · 2 revisions

The search for anything field is nice, however sometimes the results contain far to many items to be useful. This page contains recipes to make the search more useful.

Find a specific type of item

Depending on your permissions, you will have access to a subset of the following types of items in:

  • node
  • subject
  • period
  • assignment
  • assignment_group
  • deadline
  • delivery

To search only for a specific type, put type:SOMETYPE in the search field. For example, to search only for deliveries, add type:delivery to the search field.

Complex queries

We are still experimenting with aliases to make filters less verbose. The search engine supports complex queries, such as finding all AssignmentGroups with more than 0 deliveries in the duck1080 subject:

type:group number_of_deliveries:>:0 parentnode__parentnode__parentnode__short_name:exact:duck1080

A complete guide will be made available when we have managed to make this a bit less verbose.

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