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Mark as delivered in a previous period semester

espenak edited this page Sep 9, 2011 · 6 revisions

Mark a single assignment

Open the Manage assignments groups view by choosing the appropriate assignment in the current Period. Choose the student or students you wish to approve. Click advanced, and choose Mark as delivered in a previous period. You will then have to grade them using the grade plugin from the current assignment.

We are considering improvements to this process. Please add a comment to #176 if you have any ideas.

Mark the entire Period/semester as "approved"

This may vary a lot from subject to subject, and from institution to institution.

A common situation is that the student needs to registered as allowed to take the final exams somehow. An easy methods of achieving this, is to create a separate assignment for these students, with the approved grade editor, and mark students as delivered in a previous period (details above). You may then make a profile for a passed period including this assignment when #167 is finished.

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