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Set up Devilry with Apache

espenak edited this page Aug 30, 2011 · 4 revisions


This guide assumes you have followed the Download and install Devilry guide.

Setup apache

If you installed in /var/devilry as the install guide recommends, you can just add the following line to the apache config:

Include /var/devilry/productionenv/server-conf/apache-vhost.conf

and adjust /var/devilry/productionenv/server-conf/apache-vhost.conf to your environment.

Update your settings to work with Apache

You must also update your /var/devilry/productionenv/settings/ to work with Apache. Enable (uncomment) DEVILRY_MAIN_PAGE, DEVILRY_LOGOUT_URL, LOGIN_URL, DEVILRY_STATIC_URL and DEVILRY_THEME_URL.

You will need to install the modwsgi module for Apache. On Ubuntu, install the package named libapache2-mod-wsgi.

Want to use FastCGI or SGCI?

You can use other install methods than mod_wsgi with Apache. The only difference in the config would be to replace the WSGI settings. See the django docs for more information.

Set up a database

Disable DEBUG mode

When everything is working, you should disable the DEBUG setting in /var/devilry/settings/ by changing it to:

DEBUG = False
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