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espenak edited this page Mar 7, 2013 · 4 revisions


Essential settings

You should have these settings in your ~/.vim/ftplugin/python.vim:



  • Pythonhelper. Shows the current class and function in the statusline.
  • Pyflakes. Shows red lines under errors, such as unused variables and name clashes.

Project navigation

You will probably want to use something like Command-T to quickly navigate the file-three. Some of the files in the Devilry-repo slows down quick-finders like command-t a lot, so you will want to add something like this to your .vimrc:

set wildignore+=*.pyc
set wildignore+=*/django_extjs4/*
set wildignore+=buildoutcache/*
set wildignore+=*/parts/omelette/*

Or, you could use local.vim and add the devilry-specific settings to /path/to/reporoot/.local.vimrc.

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