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espenak edited this page Aug 30, 2011 · 8 revisions

An administrator with access to the machine where devilry is installed (see Download and install Devilry), can add, modify and search for users.

For this purpose, you should use:

$ cd /where/devilry/is/installed/for/example/var/devily/
$ bin/ devilry_useradd
$ bin/ devilry_usermod
$ bin/ devilry_usersearch

Run them with --help for more information.


Create a student

$ bin/ devilry_useradd somestudent

Modify a students email

$ bin/ devilry_usermod somestudent

Search for all superadmin users, and only show their usernames

$ bin/ devilry_usersearch --superusers --username-only
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