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Espen Angell Kristiansen edited this page Jul 15, 2013 · 20 revisions

We sometimes have a demo running to make Devilry available to beta-testers and people that want to try out Devilry. This wiki page is used to get the testers started with the demo.


Demo url

Use the demo course generator or login here with one of the Users with predefined data.

Please report any issues

Please report any problems to our issue tracker.

Demo version?

The demo is currently running 1.2.1 stable.

Some features are still missing, and some features are marked as BETA in the UI. Track our progress towards 1.2.1 in the issuetracker.

Please try the Norwegian translation

You can switch language at any time on the frontpage, or via the header (on any page).

Login as a student or examiner

Users generated with the demo course generator has the same password and username (if the user is named april123, the password is also april123). You can see the usernames of your students and examiners if you select (from the frontpage):

Course administrator -> Test course XXXX -> Students
Course administrator -> Test course XXXX -> Examiners

and look below their full name in the grid.

Users with predefined data

The password of all predefined users in the demo is test. We recommend that you try the demo with these users:

  • thor (student, examiner and courseadmin) - Since the current release is focused on the subject admin UI, this is probably the user you want to be using.
  • dewey (student) - Use this instead of thor if you really want to test the student UI.
  • donald (examiner)
  • grandma (superuser)

Read the demo database readme for more info about the available users in the demo. You can browse users using the superuser panel (as grandma).

Strange semester/period names in the predefined dataset

The demodatabase creates everything relative to the time when it is executed. This makes it hard to make pretty semester names like Spring 2012. Instead we create Spring Cur (currently active) and Spring Old (about a year old).

I suddenly get permission denied on everything

This most likely means that a database reset has been performed while you where logged in. Just refresh the page, and you should be asked to log in again (everything you have changed will be lost).

What can I do with the demo?

Feel free to do whatever you want. We can easily reset the demo if things get really messed up.


Email sending does not work with the demo.

I want to try the OLD administrator interface

The old administrator interface is still available here: But it is not longer supported, and will be removed in a future release.

The demo is sloooow

We use an Amazon Web Services EC2 small instance. It may not scale too well if a lot of people are using it at the same time.

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