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Trying out Devilry with a testcourse in a production system

Espen A. Kristiansen edited this page Dec 12, 2014 · 4 revisions

Things you need to watch out for

Testing Devilry with your own test-course on a production system is fairly safe. Just remember:

You are working with real users, so do not add students or examiners to your course without talking with them first.

Short info about the roles in Devilry

As a user, you can play many different roles in Devilry. This means that a single user (you) can be student, examiner (give feedback), and course administrator. This is very nice when you are testing the system, since you can create an assignment, make yourself examiner, and make yourself student without having to use multiple login credentials or leave the system.

Create a test course with a semester

You have to ask a superuser to setup a test course for you. You should also get them to create a testsemester for the testcourse so that you do not have to think about that (this guide assumes that you have a testcourse with a testsemester).

Setup examiners and students for your testsemester

You will probably get a testsemester with no students or examiners. This means that your first task will be to:

  1. Add students to your semester.
  2. Add examiners on the semester.

NOTE: All of this is usually synced automatically into the system by system administrators, but you have to do this manually when testing the system.

Find the semester page for the testsemester

From the Devilry frontpage:

  1. Click Course administrator.
  2. Click your test semester.

Add students to your semester

On the semester page for the testsemester, click Students. This is the overview of all the students on the semester, and you can add more students using the button at bottom of the page:

  1. Click Add student
  2. Search for students by username, name or email. You will want to add yourself to make it easy to test the system.

Add examiners to the semester

You will most likely want to test out giving feedback to students. For that to work, you need to add yourself as examiner:

  1. Go back to the semesterpage for the testsemester.
  2. Select Examiners.
  3. Click Add examiner.
  4. Search for examiners by username, name or email. You will want to add yourself to make it easy to test the system.

Create an assignment

You should now be ready to create your first assignment!

  1. Go back to the semesterpage for the testsemester.
  2. Select Create new assignment.
  3. Give the assignment a name and submission date and click Next.
  4. Select Add all students registered on the semester and Make me examiner for all students.

The assignment is now ready for use with the default Passed/Failed grading system, which basically means students can start making deliveries, and when you have deliveries you will grade them as "Passed" or "Failed". We recommend that you test this out before you start adjusting assignment settings in the left hand menu.

Make a delivery (as the student role)

If you have followed this guide, you should have the student role for your newly created assignment. This means that you can try out the system as a student in the following way:

  1. Click the Devilry logo in the top left corner to go to the frontpage.
  2. Select the Student role.
  3. Select the assignment from from the list at the top left side of the page.
  4. Upload one or more files, and click Submit delivery

Provide feedback (a the examiner role)

If you have followed this guide, you should have the examiner role for your newly created assignment. This means that you can try out the system as an examiner in the following way:

  1. Click the Devilry logo in the top left corner to go to the frontpage.
  2. Select the Examiner role.
  3. Select the assignment.

Here you have the full overview of all students on the assignments. Your newly uploaded delivery is in the Waiting for deliveries category. This is because the deadline has not yet expired, which normally means you should not correct the delivery. To get a more realistic test of the system, we recommend that you move the deadline to move the delivery into the Waiting for feedback category:

  1. Open a new browser window/tab.
  2. Go to the devilry frontpage.
  3. Select Course administrator -> #your testcourse# -> #your testassignment# -> Deadlines.
  4. Click the deadline to expand it.
  5. Click Edit/move.
  6. Set the deadline to one minute ago.
  7. Go back to the browser window with the assignment in the examiner UI and reload the page.

Your delivery should now be in the Waiting for feedback category, and you can click the Write feedback button on right side of your name.

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