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Roasted Potatoes

joe-possum edited this page Dec 22, 2022 · 1 revision


  • 45m * 400°F


  • 4 potatoes, peeled quartered
  • Chili powder
  • Turmeric powder
  • ½ tbsp salt
  • 2 oz white vinegar


  • Place potatoes in saucepan, fill cold water to cover +1in
  • Add salt and vinegar
  • Cover and slowly bring to boil (rear right burner at med)
  • Simmer 10 minutes (rear right burner at low)
  • Drain and place in mixing bowl
  • Salt and pepper
  • Dust with chili power and turmeric
  • Drizzle oil
  • Place in 8½ x 8½" oiled baking dish
  • Roast 45 min at 400°F
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