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549 lines (486 loc) · 71.1 KB

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549 lines (486 loc) · 71.1 KB

Release Notes for 11.x

v11.17.0 - 2024-07-23

v11.16.0 - 2024-07-16

v11.15.0 - 2024-07-09

v11.14.0 - 2024-07-02

  • Adding Pest stubs to publish command by @bartdenhoed in #51933
  • [11.x] Added attempts() method to FakeJob by @JamesFreeman in #51951
  • [11.x] Run all Workflows on Ubuntu 24.04 by @Jubeki in #51946
  • [11.x] Improve PHPDoc for mapSpread Method in Arr Class & Remove Warning from IDE by @lmottasin in #51952
  • Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /src/Illuminate/Foundation/resources/exceptions/renderer by @dependabot in #51955
  • [11.x] Remove unreachable code in AssertableJsonString by @seriquynh in #51943
  • [11.x] Fix TestResponseAssert docblock by @seriquynh in #51942
  • [11.x] feat: add more specific types and tests for helpers by @calebdw in #51938
  • [11.x] Mark sensitive params with SensitiveParameter attribute by @onlime in #51940
  • [11.x] Adds support for Markdown extensions to the Stringable class. by @lukeraymonddowning in #51932
  • [11.x] Add secret method declaration to Components\Factory class by @seriquynh in #51949
  • [11.x] Run Workflows on Windows 2022 and with bash instead of powershell by @Jubeki in #51958
  • [11.x] Fix duplicated return type PHPDoc by @chu121su12 in #51965
  • [11.x] Fix test failure message by @nshiro in #51974
  • [11.x] Update tests to ensure mail Message implements the fluent interface pattern by @seriquynh in #51969
  • [11.x] Set previous exception on HttpResponseException by @hafezdivandari in #51968
  • [11.x] Fix typo in SupportCollectionTest by @zbundy in #51966
  • [11.x] Improvements for the ServeCommand (add more loves & elevate DX) by @sethsandaru in #51957
  • [11.x] Adds support for using castAsJson with a MariaDb connection by @haniha in #51963
  • [11.x] Add support for acting on attributes through container by @innocenzi in #51934
  • [11.x] Fix Component::resolveComponentsUsing test by @seriquynh in #51988
  • [11.x] Update composer.json files to provide PSR implementations by @seriquynh in #51983
  • [11.x] add queued closure type for soft delete events by @hpiaia in #51982
  • [11.x] Fix using container nesting to make the same 'abstract' in different context by @guiqibusixin in #51989
  • [11.x] Fix sync is running touch query twice by @Tofandel in #51984

v11.13.0 - 2024-06-27

v11.12.0 - 2024-06-25

  • [10.x] Fix typo in return comment of createSesTransport method by @zds-s in #51688
  • [10.x] Fix collection shift less than one item by @faissaloux in #51686
  • [10.x] Turn Enumerable unless() $callback parameter optional by @faissaloux in #51701
  • Revert "[10.x] Turn Enumerable unless() $callback parameter optional" by @taylorotwell in #51707
  • [10.x] Fixes unable to call another command as a initialized instance of Command class by @crynobone in #51824
  • [10.x] fix handle shift() on an empty collection by @Treggats in #51841
  • [10.x] Ensureschema:dump will dump the migrations table only if it exists by @NickSdot in #51827
  • [11.x] Test Improvements by @crynobone in #51847
  • [11.x] Test application storage path by @seriquynh in #51848
  • [11.x] Fix PHP_MAXPATHLEN check for strings slightly smaller then PHP_MAXPATHLEN by @joshuaruesweg in #51850
  • [11.x] Improve Bus::assertNothingDispatched(), Event::assertNothingDispatched(), Mail::assertNothingSent(), Notification::assertNothingSent() error messages by @macbookandrew in #51846
  • [11.x] Update error page to show GET by @chu121su12 in #51837
  • [11.x] Remove deprecated type attributes in the exception renderer by @osbre in #51866
  • [11.x] Import classes in the exception templates by @osbre in #51863
  • [11.x] Collection before/after optimization by @bert-w in #51876
  • [11.x] Add multiply to collection by @patrickomeara in #51870
  • [11.x] Add addEventDiscoveryPaths to EventServiceProvider by @ya-cha in #51896
  • [11.x] Fix validation attributes when translations are empty or missing by @owenandrews in #51890
  • [11.x] feat: add generics to tap() helper by @calebdw in #51881

v11.11.1 - 2024-06-20

  • [11.x] Remove useless variable assignment by @seriquynh in #51838
  • [11.x] Fix event dispatcher typing in cache repository by @axlon in #51835
  • Chop PHP extension when passed to make commands by @jasonmccreary in #51842
  • [11.x] Simplify .php extension chopping in getNameInput by @osbre in #51843
  • [11.x] fix: improve performance and robustness of Relation::getMorphAlias() by @calebdw in #51845
  • Revert "[11.x] Change scope for afterCreating and afterMaking callbacks" by @driesvints in #51858

v11.11.0 - 2024-06-18

v11.10.0 - 2024-06-04

v11.9.2 - 2024-05-30

  • [11.x] Fix new exception renderer compatibility with closure middleware by @ifox in #51614
  • [11.x] Fix double-quoted string literals on SQLite by @hafezdivandari in #51615
  • [11.x] Allow setting Resend api key in mailer specific config by @riasvdv in #51618
  • [11.x] Fix only number as session key will result in numbered session keys by @Katalam in #51611

v11.9.1 - 2024-05-28

v11.9.0 - 2024-05-28

v11.8.0 - 2024-05-21

v11.7.0 - 2024-05-07

  • [11.x] Fix SesV2Transport to use correct EmailTags argument by @Tietew in #51265
  • [11.x] Add Databases nightly workflow by @Jubeki in #51218
  • [11.x] update "min" and "max" rule comments by @browner12 in #51274
  • [11.x] Fix namespace and improvement PSR in ClassMakeCommandTest.php by @saMahmoudzadeh in #51280
  • [11.x] improvement test coverage for view components. by @saMahmoudzadeh in #51271
  • [11.x] Introduce method Rule::array() by @Jacobs63 in #51250
  • [11.x] Fix docblock for collection pluck methods by @SanderMuller in #51295
  • [11.x] Add tests for handling non-baked enum and empty string requests by @hrant1020 in #51289
  • blank and filled now support stringable by @lava83 in #51300
  • [11.x] Fix ratio validation for high ratio images by @ahmedbally in #51296
  • [11.x] Add int|float support to e method by @trippo in #51314
  • [11.x] Add release notes by @driesvints in #51310
  • [11.x] Stringable is also an interface of symfony by @lava83 in #51309
  • [11.x] Add some tests and improvement test coverage for Str::camel by @saMahmoudzadeh in #51308
  • [11.x] Using the ?? Operator (Null Coalescing Operator) by @saMahmoudzadeh in #51305
  • [11.x] Add ability to override the default loading cached Routes for application by @ahmedabdel3al in #51292
  • [11.x] Add ->whereJsonOverlaps() for mysql by @parkourben99 in #51288
  • [11.x] Add InteractsWithInput methods to ValidatedInput by @aydinfatih in #51316
  • [11.x] Adding PasswordResetLinkSent event by @Muffinman in #51253

v11.6.0 - 2024-04-30

  • [11.x] github: mariadb database healthcheck+naming by @grooverdan in #51192
  • Add support for PHPUnit 11.1 by @crynobone in #51197
  • Move whitespace in front of verbatim block in Blade templates by @Sjord in #51195
  • [11.x] Trim trailing ? from generated URL without query params by @onlime in #51191
  • Add some tests on route:list sort command by @fgaroby in #51202
  • [10.x] Improve releases flow by @driesvints in #51213
  • Fix return types of firstWhere and first of BelongsToMany and HasManyThrough by @SanderMuller in #51219
  • [10.x] Fix typo in signed URL tampering tests by @Krisell in #51238
  • [10.x] Add "Server has gone away" to DetectsLostConnection by @Jubeki in #51241
  • [11.x] Add some tests in SupportStrTest class by @saMahmoudzadeh in #51235
  • [10.x] Fix support for the LARAVEL_STORAGE_PATH env var (#51238) by @dunglas in #51243
  • [11.x] Add replaceable tags to translations by @LegendEffects in #51190
  • [10.x] fix: Factory::createMany creating n^2 records by @calebdw in #51225

v11.5.0 - 2024-04-23

v11.4.0 - 2024-04-16

v11.3.1 - 2024-04-10

  • [11.x] Name of job set by displayName() must be honoured by Schedule by @SCIF in #50973
  • Add Conditionable trait to Testing\PendingCommand.php by @tobz-nz in #50988
  • Allow sorting of route:list by multiple column/factors using a comma by @fredbradley in #50998
  • [10.x] Added eachById and chunkByIdDesc to BelongsToMany by @lonnylot in #50991

v11.3.0 - 2024-04-09

v11.2.0 - 2024-04-02

v11.1.1 - 2024-03-28

v11.1.0 - 2024-03-26

v11.0.8 - 2024-03-21

v11.0.7 - 2024-03-15

v11.0.6 - 2024-03-14

v11.0.5 - 2024-03-13

v11.0.4 - 2024-03-13

  • [11.x] Add class_exists check for Spark's subscribed default alias Middleware by @akr4m in #50489
  • [11.x] Fix: Removed TTY mode to resolve Windows compatibility issue by @yourchocomate in #50495
  • [11.x] Check for password before storing hash in session by @valorin in #50507
  • [11.x] Fix an issue with missing controller class by @driesvints in #50505
  • [11.x] Add default empty config when creating repository within CacheManager by @noefleury in #50510

v11.0.3 - 2024-03-12

v11.0.2 - 2024-03-12

v11.0.1 - 2024-03-12

v11.0.0 - 2024-03-12

Check the upgrade guide in the Official Laravel Upgrade Documentation. Also you can see some release notes in the Official Laravel Release Documentation.