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Currently used EIDs

myeisha edited this page Dec 16, 2013 · 35 revisions
| EID   | DataType (in Hex)| Description                               | Read/Write |
| 0     | UINT32    | 0x03 | Hexabus device descriptor                 | R          |
| 1     | BOOL      | 0x01 | HexabusPlug relay                         | RW         |
| 2     | UINT32    | 0x03 | HexabusPlug+ power meter (W)              | R          |
| 3     | FLOAT     | 0x05 | Temperature sensor (°C)                   | R          |
| 4     | BOOL      | 0x01 | internal Button (on board / plug)         | R*         |
| 5     | FLOAT     | 0x05 | Humidity sensor (%r.h.)                   | R          |
| 6     | FLOAT     | 0x05 | Barometric pressure sensor (hPa)          | R          |
| 7     | FLOAT     | 0x05 | HexabusPlug+ energy meter total (kWh)     | R+         |
| 8     | FLOAT     | 0x05 | HexabusPlug+ energy meter user resettable | RW²        |
| 9     | UINT8     | 0x02 | Statemachine control                      | RW         |
| 10    | BYTES66   | 0x08 | Statemachine upload receiver              | W          |
| 11    | BOOL      | 0x01 | Statemachine upload ack/nack              | R          |
| 12    | BYTES16   | 0x09 | Statemachine emergency reset ID           | R          |
| 13    | BOOL      | 0x01 | Relay default state config                | RW         |
| 20    | UINT8     | 0x02 | LED / Hexagl0w Color                      | RW         |
| 21    | BYTES66   | 0x08 | Power meter (W) [Flukso]                  | R          |
| 22    | FLOAT     | 0x05 | Analogread                                | R          |
| 23    | UINT8     | 0x02 | Window shutter                            | RW         |
| 24    | UINT8     | 0x02 | Hexapush pressed buttons                  | R          |
| 25    | UINT8     | 0x02 | Hexapush clicked buttons                  | R          |
| 26    | UINT8     | 0x02 | Presence detector                         | RW         |
| 27    | UINT8     | 0x02 | Hexonoff set                              | RW         |
| 28    | UINT8     | 0x02 | Hexonoff toggle                           | RW         |
| 29    | FLOAT     | 0x05 | Lightsensor                               | R          |
| 30    | UINT32    | 0x03 | IR Receiver                               | R          |
| 31    | BOOL      | 0x01 | Node liveness                             | R          |
| 32    | UINT32    | 0x03 | Hexabus device descriptor (continued)     | R          |
| 33    | UINT8     | 0x02 | Generic dial gauge #0                     | R          |
| 34    | UINT8     | 0x02 | Generic dial gauge #1                     | R          |
| 35    | UINT8     | 0x02 | Generic dial gauge #2                     | R          |
| 36    | UINT8     | 0x02 | Generic dial gauge #3                     | R          |
| 37    | UINT8     | 0x02 | Generic dial gauge #4                     | R          |
| 38    | UINT8     | 0x02 | Generic dial gauge #5                     | R          |
| 39    | UINT8     | 0x02 | Generic dial gauge #6                     | R          |
| 40    | UINT8     | 0x02 | Generic dial gauge #7                     | R          |
| 41    | UINT32    | 0x03 | PV power production measurement           | R          |
| 42    | FLOAT     | 0x05 | Power balance (Production - Consumption)  | R          |
| 43    | FLOAT     | 0x05 | Battery power balance (in - out)          | R          |
| 44    | FLOAT     | 0x05 | Heater inflow temperator (°C)             | R          |
| 45    | FLOAT     | 0x05 | Heater outflow temperator (°C)            | R          |
| 46    | UINT8     | 0x02 | HexaSense button state                    | R          |
| 47    | UINT32    | 0x03 | Flukso phase 1                            | R          |
| 48    | UINT32    | 0x03 | Flukso phase 2                            | R          |
| 49    | UINT32    | 0x03 | Flukso phase 3                            | R          |
| 50    | UINT32    | 0x03 | Flukso S0 1                               | R          |
| 51    | UINT32    | 0x03 | Flukso S0 2                               | R          |

*) In current software version: Always returns FALSE when read, but can be set to broadcast TRUE when button is clicked (idea: the value is TRUE for a short amount of time while it is being broadcast, after the broadcast it's reset to false, because it was only a button click).

+) resets when power is lost unless you modify the hardware

²) can be reset to zero by writing an arbitrary value to the endpoint.

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