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Rails for Zombies 2 (AKA Intro to Rails Part 2)

Ben Oakes edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 1 revision

Presenter: Gregg Pollack


Done with Rails for Zombies but can't stop the craving for a second corpse? We’ll pickup where Rails for Zombies 1 leaves off and jump into the topics listed below. All you need to bring is a laptop with Wi-Fi and a browser which isn’t Internet Explorer. All coding will be done through our web application, and there will be plenty of lab assistants to help you if you get stuck along the way.

Topics Covered

  • How to create a Rails app, the command line, database migrations, the Ruby 1.9 Hash Syntax, Bundler, and Database configuration.
  • Named Scope, Callbacks, Include, has_many, and has_many :through relationships.
  • REST principles, view forms, nested resources, and view partials.
  • Sending email from our Rails app and the Rails 3.1: the Asset Pipeline.
  • Controller rendering options and custom RESTful routes. Design an API with Rails and respond to AJAX requests.


  • This is a file generated from the RailsConf JSON. Please remove this notice when adding notes.
  • If you're interested in the generator code, see the "generator" directory.
  • This layout is just a suggestion.
  • Bullet points might work well. Paragraphs too. Up to you. :)

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