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Auto scaling

Benjamin Oakes edited this page Nov 15, 2013 · 3 revisions

4 speakers

Weather Channel

  • Why AWS? hurricane season, capacity constrained... moved things that they could to AWS
  • Autoscale because of cyclical pattern of usage
  • And big events like Hurricane Sandy
  • exceed 80% utilization, add 10% cluster size
  • drop below 65%, go down incrementally
  • timeboxed


  • monitoring tools suck, especially in a dynamic environment
  • rolling out app updates
  • zone failures can lead to more zone failures if the problem's on your side (because of increased traffic? unclear)



  • non critical apps with static autoscaling
  • instance failure -> 15 mins -> recovered
  • cloudinnit, puppet tree built into an RPM, pushed to S3 as yum repo

local search

  • stricter uptime needs



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