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The RSpec Toolbox

jamesgary edited this page Sep 10, 2012 · 46 revisions

From WindyCityRails 2012

Presenter: David Chelimsky


Lots of tips and tricks for using RSpec, including some lesser known ones (like tags/filters) and easier command line usage.


From @benjaminoakes:

  • DRW Trading Group (hiring)
  • Rspec2
    • Micronaut: Each example has its own metadata
    • New basis for Rspec

Basically the Command pattern:

example_group = describe Something { }
example = it 'does something' { }
  • Used in output at command line, etc.
  • rspec has formatter methods (there's an protocol with an interface)
    • Example formatters:
      • Documentation
      • HTML
      • 3rd party
        • Instafail: shows you error messages early
        • Fuubar
        • NyanCat
  • Focusing tools
    • autotest, guard -- monitor changes to files and re-run specs
    • Sometimes you don't want it to rerun everything again (e.g., if you TDD)... so, focus!
config.filter_run_including :focus => true

it 'something', :focus => true do

Or exclude stuff:

config.filter_run_excluding :slow => true

it 'something', :slow => true do


# Will be default in the future...
config.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true

it 'something', :slow do

it 'something', :focus do

conditional filters

describe Thing, :if => RUBY_VERSON >= "1.9" do

describe Thing, :if => ENV['GENERATE'] do

Can have specialized groups (what they do in rspec-rails -- look at it for examples):

RSpec::configure do |c|
  # Gist: if in this path, include this behavior

Or just always use, say, FakeFS:

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.include FakeFS::SpecHelpers, :fakefs

describe 'something that writes files', :fakefs => true edo
  # ...
  # Or:  `include FakeFS::SpecHelpers`
  # TODO: can you have it output something too?  Like in the `documentation` formatter?

Can also alias example (as it, xit, pending, etc.)

Config stuff

c.default_path = "./behavior" # normally "./spec"
c.fail_fast = true

Command Line

rspec can be much faster than rake because of how rake loads (with a sub shell)


--tag is for filters

rspec --tag focus:true
rspec --tag ~slow:true
rspec --tag ~slow:true --tag issue:123 # Might have been written down incorrectly

Local options: ./.rspec

--order random
--format progress

Global options: ~/.rspec

Works the same way

Single run options

With --options at the command line, you can point to a file that has:

--tag issue:123

(pro tip about how to organize; see slides)


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