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1033 lines (837 loc) · 49 KB

Change Log for dash-table

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[5.0.0] - 2021-08-23

As of Dash 2, the development of Dash Table has been moved to the main Dash repo

This package exists for backward compatibility

[4.12.0] - 2021-07-09


  • #907
    • Fix a bug where pagination did not work or was not visible. #834
    • Fix a bug where if you are on a page that no longer exists after the data is updated, no data is displayed. #892


  • #916

    • Added html option to markdown_options prop. This enables the use of html tags in markdown text.
  • #545

    • Case insensitive filtering
    • New props: filter_options - to control case of all filters, columns.filter_options - to control filter case for each column
    • New operators: i=, ieq, i>=, ige, i>, igt, i<=, ile, i<, ilt, i!=, ine, icontains - for case-insensitive filtering, s=, seq, s>=, sge, s>, sgt, s<=, sle, s<, slt, s!=, sne, scontains - to force case-sensitive filtering on case-insensitive columns


  • #918 Updated all dependencies. In particular the highlight.js upgrade changes code highlighting in markdown: we have long used their "github" style, this has been updated to more closely match current github styles.
  • #901 Updated R package dash-info.yaml to regenerate example without attaching now-deprecated core component packages (dashHtmlComponents, dashCoreComponents, or dashTable).

[4.11.3] - 2021-04-08


  • #862 - update docstrings per plotly/dash#1205
  • #878 - update build process to use Webpack 5 and other latest dependencies

[4.11.2] - 2021-01-19


[4.11.1] - 2020-12-07


  • #844 Fix a bug where the table is using classes that are styled by Bootstrap

[4.11.0] - 2020-10-29


  • #841
    • Fix prop-types regression causing console errors in browser devtools
    • Fix syntax highlighting regression for Markdown cells
  • #842 Fix a regression introduced with #722 causing the tooltips to be misaligned with respect to their parent cell and incompletely addressed in #817


  • #841 Add Julia syntax highlighting support for Markdown cells
  • #831 Add the tooltip_header prop and add nested prop use_with (with values: header, data, both) to the tooltip prop to configure header cell tooltips

[4.10.1] - 2020-09-03

-Dash.jl Julia component generation

[4.10.0] - 2020-08-25


  • #820 Add support for Dash.jl Julia built components


  • #817 Fix a regression introduced with #722 causing the tooltips to be misaligned with respect to their parent cell
  • #818 Fix a regression causing copy/paste not to work when selecting a range of cells with Shift + mouse click
  • #819 Fix pagination page_current and page_count fields to accommodate larger numbers

[4.9.0] - 2020-07-27


  • #808Fix a regression introduced with #787 making it impossible to open markdown links in the current tab.
    • Adds a new markdown_options property that supports:
      • link_target nested prop with values _blank, _parent, _self, _top or an arbitrary string (default: _blank)


  • #806 Fix a bug where fixed rows a misaligned after navigating or editing cells #803
  • #809 Fix a bug where a scrollbar flickers on table render #801

[4.8.1] - 2020-06-19


  • #798 Fix a bug where headers are not aligned with columns after an update #797

[4.8.0] - 2020-06-17


  • #787 Add cell_selectable property to allow/disallow cell selection


  • #787
    • Clicking on a link in a Markdown cell now requires a single click instead of two
    • Links in Markdown cells now open a new tab (target="_blank")


  • #785 Fix a bug where the table does not refresh correctly if a property was previously missing
  • #793
    • Fix a bug where headers are not aligned with columns with fixed_rows #777
    • Fix a regression where headers don't scroll horizontally with fixed_rows #780

[4.7.0] - 2020-05-05


  • #729 Improve conditional styling
    • style_data_conditional: Add support for row_index and column_id array of values
    • style_header_conditional: Add support for header_index and column_id array of values
    • style_filter_conditional: Add support for column_id array of values
    • style_cell_conditional: Add support for column_id array of values
    • style_data_conditional: Add new conditions state: 'active'|'selected' to customize selected and active cell styles


  • #722 Fix a bug where row height is misaligned when using fixed_columns and/or fixed_rows
  • #728 Fix copy/paste on readonly cells
  • #724 Fix active_cell docstring: clarify optional nature of the row_id nested prop
  • #732 Fix a bug where opening a dropdown scrolled the table down its last row
  • #731 Fix a bug where data=None and columns=None caused the table to throw an error
  • #766 Sanitize table id for stylesheet injection (fixes usage with Pattern-Matching callbacks)


  • #758 Improve error message for invalid filter queries

[4.6.2] - 2020-04-01


  • #713 Update from React 16.8.6 to 16.13.0

[4.6.1] - 2020-02-27


  • #711 Added R examples to package help


  • #704 Renamed async modules with hyphen - instead of tilde ~

[4.6.0] - 2020-01-14


  • #606 Add markdown support for table cells. Cells will be rendered as markdown if the column presentation is specified as markdown.
    • Add highlight.js for syntax highlighting. If window.hljs is specified, that will be used for highlighting instead.


  • #670 Fix a bug where derived_filter_query_structure was not getting updated properly
  • #677 Fix a bug where the table fails to load when used inside an iframe with a sandbox attribute that only has allow-scripts
  • #665 Fix a bug in Firefox where the dropdown cells height is incorrect

[4.5.1] - 2019-11-14


  • #637 Fix multiple issues
    • Fix IE11 compatibility issues and add ES5 compatibility and validation
    • Fix a bug with loading_state being handled incorrectly, causing the table to steal focus

[4.5.0] - 2019-10-29


  • #554 Async loading of xlsx library on export

[4.4.1] - 2019-10-17


  • #618 Fix a bug with keyboard navigation not working correctly in certain circumstances when the table contains readonly columns.
  • #206 Fix a bug with copy/paste to and from column filters not working.
  • #561 Fix an incorrect React PureComponent usage causing warnings in DevTools.
  • #611 Fix a bug with copy/paste causing hidden columns to be removed from the table

[4.4.0] - 2019-10-08



  • New prop export_columns that takes values all or visible (default). This prop controls the columns used during export


  • Add is blank unary operator. Returns true for undefined, null and ''.


  • New prop page_count that sets the maximum number of pages that are accessible via the pagination menu when using backend pagination.



  • Allow values with whitespaces in column filters


  • Change pagination menu button UI to use arrow icons instead of plain buttons
  • Move pagination menu to bottom-right of table
  • Include go-to-first and go-to-last buttons
  • Include current-page and total-pages display in pagination menu
  • Include input box for user to navigate directly to a page



  • The datestartswith relational operator now supports number comparison
  • Fixed a bug where the implicit operator for columns was equal instead of the expected default for the column type


  • Visible columns are used correctly for both header and data rows


  • Fixed a bug where any string beginning with a relational operator was being interpreted as that operator being applied to the rest of the string (e.g., "lens" was interpreted as "<=ns")


  • Fixed row and column selection when multiple tables are present


  • Fixed reconciliation when validation default value is 0 (number)
  • Apply reconciliation value when deleting cells, if possible

[4.3.0] - 2019-09-17



  • Support persisting user edits when the component or the page is reloaded. New props are persistence, persistence_type, and persisted_props. Set persistence to a truthy value to enable, the other two modify persistence behavior. See plotly/dash#903 for more details.


  • New 'loading_state' prop that contains information about which prop, if any, is being computed.
  • Table no longer allows for editing while the data prop is loading.



  • Fix #576, editing column names or deleting columns while other columns are hidden causing the hidden columns to be lost.
  • Fix an unreported bug that clicking "Cancel" at the column name edit prompt would clear the name, rather than leaving it unchanged as it should.

#569, #544

  • Allow empty strings in all filter_query (e.g filter_query: '{colA} eq ""')


  • Add support for missing border-radius in style_** props
  • Fix table's inner vs. outer container styling


  • Fix row selection vertical and horizontal alignment


  • Simplify usage for multi-line cells and ellipsis. The cell's content now inherits the value of white-space, overflow and text-overflow from its parent, making it possible to style multi-line & ellipsis with style_data and other style props.


  • Fix regression when editing the content of a cell in a scrolled virtualized table


  • Fix bug where boolean values are not showing up in the table

[4.2.0] - 2019-08-27



  • New column.selectable nested prop that displays a selection checkbox or radio button in the column.
  • New column_selectable prop to choose whether columns can be selected or not, and whether a single or multiple selections can be in effect at the same time.
  • New selected_columns prop that contains the list of visible and hidden columns that are currently selected
  • New derived_viewport_selected_columns that contains the list of visible columns that are currently selected This prop is read-only. Use selected_columns in callbacks instead.



  • Fixed problem clearing one column shifting everything to the left and leaving the last column blank
  • Add merge_duplicate_headers prop to correct export_format: display behavior. #549
  • Fixed renaming of single-row headers in the GUI

[4.1.0] - 2019-08-05



  • New column.hideable flag that displays an "eye" action icon in the column Accepts a boolean, array of booleans, 'last' or 'first'. Clicking on the "eye" will add the column to the hidden_columns prop. hidden_columns can be added back through the Columns toggle menu whether they are hideable or not.
  • New accepted values for column.clearable, column.deletable and column.renamable These props now also accept 'last' and 'first'.
    • 'last' will display the action only on the last row of the headers
    • 'first' will display the action only on the first row of the headers


  • Ability to export table as csv or xlsx file.


  • New column.clearable flag that displays a "eraser" action in the column Accepts a boolean or array of booleans for multi-line headers. Clicking a merged column's "eraser" will clear all related columns.

    • Clearing column(s) will remove the appropriate data props from each datum row of data.
    • Additionally clearing the column will reset the filter for the affected column(s)


  • Headers are included when copying from the table to different tabs and elsewhere. They are ignored when copying from the table onto itself and between two tables within the same tab.



  • Like for clearing above, deleting through the "trash" action will also reset the filter for the affected column(s)



  • Fixed readonly dropdown cells content (display label, not value)


  • Fixed columns sticky on Safari


  • Fixed inconsistent behaviors when editing cell headers


  • Fixed white line artifacts when rendering the table with browser zoom different from 100%

[4.0.2] - 2019-07-15



  • Add fill_width prop to replace content_style prop removed in the 4.0 API rework

[4.0.1] - 2019-07-09



  • Update table build for use as a library and make consistent with other Dash repos

[4.0.0] - 2019-06-20



  • Table API rework


- `column.sort_as_null`: Allows sorting behavior customization.
    Accepts an array of string, number or booleans.


- `column.clearable`: Allows clearing the value of a dropdown cell.
    Removed in favor of `dropdown_**` `clearable` nested property.
- `column.hidden`: Allows hiding column
    Removed. Stay tuned by following
- `column.options`
    Removed. Redundant with `dropdown`.
- `content_style`
    Removed. Deemed unnecessary. NOTE - This was added back in 4.0.2 under the name the "fill_width" property name.
- `pagination_settings`
    Replaced by two props `page_current` and `page_size`.


- `column_static_tooltip`
    Renamed to `tooltip`.
- `column_conditional_tooltips`
    Renamed to `tooltip_conditional`.
- `filter`
    Renamed to `filter_query`.
- `sort_type`
    Renamed to `sort_mode`.
- `derived_filter_structure`
    Renamed to `derived_filter_query_structure`.


- `column.deletable`: Allows column deletion.
    Now accepts a boolean or an array of booleans (for multi-line headers).
    For example, if there are multiple headers and you want the second header row to be deletable, this would be `[False, True]`.
- `column.editable_name`: Allows column renaming.
    Renamed to `column.renamable`
    Now accepts a boolean or an array of booleans (for multi-line headers).
    For example, if there are multiple headers and you want the second row's header's name to be editable, this would be `[False, True]`.
- ``
    Now accepts `string` only -- `number` column ids can be casted to string.
- `n_fixed_columns`: Will fix columns to the left.
    Renamed to `fixed_columns`
    Now accepts an object { headers: boolean, data: number } instead of a number.
    { headers: true } determines the number of columns to fix automatically. For example, if the rows are selectable or deletable, { headers: true } would fix those columns automatically. If { headers: true, data: 2 }, it would fix the first two data columns in addition to the selectable and deletable if visible.
- `n_fixed_rows`: Will fix rows to the top.
    Renamed to `fixed_rows`
    Now accepts an object { headers: boolean, data: number } instead of a number.
    { headers: true } determines the number of rows to fix automatically (i.e. if there are multiple headers, it will fix all of them as well as the filter row).
    { headers: true, data: 2} would fix all of the header rows as well as the first 2 data rows.
-  `pagination_mode`
    Renamed to `page_action`.
    `'fe'` is now `'native'`, `'be'` is now `'custom'`, and `false` is now '`none'`
-  `column_static_dropdown`
    Renamed to `dropdown`.
    Now an object with each entry referring to a Column ID. Each nested prop expects.
    `clearable` and `options`.
- `column_conditional_dropdowns`
    Renamed to `dropdown_conditional`.
    `condition` changed to the same `if` nested prop used by styles.
    `dropdown` renamed to `options`.
- `dropdown_properties`
    Renamed to `dropdown_data`.
    Matches the `data` structure.
- `tooltips`
    Renamed to `tooltip_data`.
    Matches the `data` structure.
- `filtering`
    Renamed to `filter_action`.
- `sorting`
    Renamed to `sort_action`.
- `sorting_treat_empty_string_as_none`
    Renamed to `sort_as_null`.
    Now accepts an array of string, number or booleans that can be ignored during sort.
    Table-level prop for the `column.sort_as_null` column nested prop.
- `style_data_conditional`
    Renamed `filter` to `filter_query`.



  • Ability to conditionally format columns if editing is disabled.


  • Support for dash-table is now available for R users of Dash.



  • Fix CSS borders properties overwrite style_* borders properties.


  • selected_cells background color is set through styling pipeline / derivations.

[3.7.0] - 2019-05-15


#397, #410

  • Improve filtering syntax and capabilities
    • new field syntax {myField}
    • short form by-column filter
      • implicit column and default operator based on column type
        • Text and Any columns default to contains
        • Numeric columns default to eq
        • Date columns default to datestartswith
      • implicit column (e.g ne "value" becomes {my-column} ne "value")
    • new contains relational operator for strings
    • new datestartswith relational operator for dates
    • new eq behavior (will attempt to convert and compare numeric values if possible)
    • new readonly derived_filter_structure prop exposing the query structure in a programmatically friendlier way


  • Add support for row IDs, based on the 'id' attribute of each row of data
    • IDs will not be displayed unless there is a column with id='id'
    • active_cell, start_cell, end_cell, and items in selected_cells contain row and column IDs: All are now dicts {'row', 'column', 'row_id' and 'column_id'} rather than arrays [row, column].
    • Added new props mirroring all existing row indices props:
      • selected_row_ids mirrors selected_rows
      • derived_viewport_row_ids mirrors derived_viewport_indices
      • derived_virtual_row_ids mirrors derived_virtual_indices
      • derived_viewport_selected_row_ids mirrors derived_viewport_selected_rows
      • derived_virtual_selected_row_ids mirrors derived_virtual_selected_rows


  • Customizable cell borders through style_** props
    • cell borders now no longer use box-shadow and use border instead
    • Supports CSS shorthands: border, border_bottom, border_left, border_right, border_top
    • style_** props will ignore the following CSS rules: border_bottom_color, border_bottom_left_radius, border_bottom_right_radius, border_bottom_style, border_bottom_width, border_collapse, border_color, border_corner_shape, border_image_source, border_image_width, border_left_color, border_left_style, border_left_width, border_right_color, border_right_style, border_right_width, border_spacing, border_style, border_top_color, border_top_left_radius, border_top_right_radius, border_top_style, border_top_width, border_width
    • Styles priority:
      1. Props priority in decreasing order style_data_conditional style_data style_filter_conditional style_filter style_header_conditional style_header style_cell_conditional style_cell
      2. Within each props, higher index rules win over lower index rules
      3. Previously applied styles of equal priority win over later ones (applied top to bottom, left to right)



  • Rename filtering_settings to filter


  • Rename sorting_settings to sort_by


  • active_cell and selected_cells items are dicts {'row', 'column', 'row_id' and 'column_id'} instead of arrays [row, column]

[3.6.0] - 2019-03-04



  • Added format nested prop to columns
    • Applied to columns with type=numeric (more to come)
    • Uses d3-format under the hood
    • format.locale for localization configuration
    • format.prefix for SI prefix configuration
    • format.specifier for formatting configuration
    • format.separate_4digits to configure grouping behavior for numbers with 4 digits or less
    • Python helpers (dash_table.FormatTemplate)
  • Added locale_format prop to table (default localization configuration, merged with column.format.locale)


  • Fix filtering conditions using floats

[3.5.0] - 2019-02-25



  • Added column_type condition to style if; allows applying styles based on the type of the column for props
    • style_cell_conditional
    • style_data_conditional
    • style_filter_conditional
    • style_header_conditional



  • Fixed table behavior when filtering_settings is updated through a callback


  • Added LICENSE file to Python distributable


  • Added already supported filter nested prop / condition to style_data_conditional props definition

[3.4.0] - 2019-02-08



  • Added the datetime data type



  • Added support for unquoted column id with
    • letters, numbers, [-+:.]
  • Added support for single and double quoted column id with arbitrary name



  • Incorrect tooltip behavior if cell is in a fixed row or column

  • Incorrect default value for column_static_tooltip changed from [] to {}

[3.3.0] - 2019-02-01



  • Added tooltip_delay and tooltip_duration props to tweak table's tooltips display behavior
  • Added tooltips, column_static_tooltip, column_conditional_tooltips to define the tooltip applicable to a certain cell in the table with nested props delay and duration to override table's default behavior

[3.2.0] - 2019-01-25



  • Added column.validation nested prop to tweak coercion and validation behavior
    • allow_null (boolean): [numeric, text] Allow null/undefined/NaN value
    • default (any): [numeric, text] Default value to use on validation/coercion failure
  • Added on user-initiated data change processing (column.on_change.action)
    • Coerce: As Validation + attempts to convert the user-provided value into the destination type
    • None: Accept the user-provided value without verification
    • Validation: Check if the user-provided value is of the correct type/format/etc.
  • Added on user-initiated data change failure processing (column.on_change.failure) This comes into effect after the column.on_change.action has failed
    • Accept: Accept the user-provide value
    • Default Applies the value defined in column.validation.default
    • Reject: Confirms the failure



  • Moved column.type dropdown to column.presentation=dropdown

[3.1.12] - 2019-01-11


  • Regression, misaligned header #324


  • Test with head of both Dash v0.x and Dash v1.x #20

[3.1.11] - 2018-12-10


  • Selection, navigation, copy from readonly cell #276

[3.1.10] - 2018-12-10


  • Deprecated nested property 'displayed_pages' from 'pagination_settings' #275

[3.1.9] - 2018-12-06


  • Source map #284 Related Dash issue #480


  • Refactoring in preparation for data types #280

[3.1.8] - 2018-12-04


  • Virtualization #234


  • Linting correctly applied to all code #254


  • Update dependencies #278
  • Update dependencies #274
  • Update dependencies #251

[3.1.7] - 2018-11-19


  • Visual offset with vertical scroll #216

[3.1.6] - 2018-11-15


  • Generate python components classes for IDE support #243

[3.1.5] - 2018-11-09


  • Fix python package regression #235

[3.1.4] - 2018-11-06


  • New derived props for selected_rows #147
  • Package library the UMD way #212

[3.1.3] - 2018-11-05


  • Fix load in IE 11 #217

[3.1.2] - 2018-11-02


The version in the package didn't get updated.

[3.1.1] - 2018-11-02


The remote URL path for the bundle was incorrect.

[3.1.0] - 2018-11-02

  • 3.1.0 (Alpha) Release of the Dash Table

[3.1.0-rc21] - 2018-11-02


  • Fire submit when pressing enter key in IsolatedInput. Fixes issue #194

[3.1.0-rc20] - 2018-11-01


[3.1.0-rc19] - 2018-11-01


  • Change default styles #193 #150
    • prop content_style defaults to 'grow' instead of 'fit'
    • prop style_table width nested property defaults to '100%' if not provided
  • Change cell styling and filter display #196 #150
    • uneditable cells can be clicked & navigated, the mouse cursor is the default one
    • filter inputs have a placeholder that is visible on hover and focus
    • first filter input placeholder is always visible

[3.1.0-rc18] - 2018-10-31


  • Rename table component to DataTable #187 #154

[3.1.0-rc17] - 2018-10-31


[3.1.0-rc16] - 2018-10-30


  • Fix copy/paste behavior when copying rows larger than data #180 #142

[3.1.0-rc15] - 2018-10-30


  • Column 'editable' prop takes precedence over table 'editable' prop#182 #175

[3.1.0-rc14] - 2018-10-30


  • Rename sorting_settings columnId -> column_id #183 #171

[3.1.0-rc13] - 2018-10-30


[3.1.0-rc12] - 2018-10-29


  • Rename selected_cell -> selected_cells #181 #177



  • Fix regressions linked to the style_as_list_view feature / prop #179



  • Improved props docstrings #163



  • Sort ascending on first click #164 #118
    • Flips icons displayed so that they are pointing up on ascending and down on descending.





  • Make table id optional (generate random one if needed) #155 #139



  • Styling API refactoring

    • Remove column width / maxWidth / minWidth
    • Rename property table_style to css

    Cell: All table cells Data: All data driven cells (no operations, headers, filters) Filter: All basic filter cells Header: All header cells

    Priority Data: style_data_conditional > style_data > style_cell_conditional > style_cell Filter: style_filter_conditional > style_filter > style_cell_conditional > style_cell Header: style_header_conditional > style_header > style_cell_conditional > style_cell

    Merge Logic Only properties defined at a higher priority level will override properties defined at lower priority levels. For example if A is applied then B, A+B will be..

    A = { background_color: 'floralwhite', color: 'red', font_type: 'monospace', width: 100 }

    B = { color: 'black', font_size: 22 }

    A+B = { background_color: 'floralwhite', // from A, not overridden color: 'black', // from B, A overridden font_size: 22, // from B font_type: 'monospace', // from A width: 100 // from A }

    • Add new property style_table of form { ...CSSProperties }
    • Add new property style_cell of form { ...CSSProperties }
    • Add new property style_data of form { ...CSSProperties }
    • Add new property style_filter of form { ...CSSProperties }
    • Add new property style_header of form { ...CSSProperties }
    • Add new property style_cell_conditional of form [{ if: { column_id: string | number }, ...CSSProperties }]
    • Add new property style_data_conditional of form [{ if: { column_id: string | number, filter: string, row_index: number | 'odd' | 'even' }, ...CSSProperties }]
    • Add new property style_filter_conditional of form [{ if: { column_id: string | number }, ...CSSProperties }]
    • Add new property style_header_conditional of form [{ if: { column_id: string | number, header_index: number | 'odd' | 'even' }, ...CSSProperties }]
    • All CSSProperties are supported in kebab-case, camelCase and snake_case


  • Renaming 'dataframe' props to 'data' dataframe -> data dataframe_previous -> data_previous dataframe_timestamp -> data_timestamp derived_virtual_dataframe -> derived_virtual_data derived_viewport_dataframe -> derived_viewport_data



  • Tests and fixes for editable/readonly #134 #132



Columns width percentage and default (fit to content) support

  • Added prop content_style that takes values 'fit' or 'grow' (Default='fit')
  • Added width percentage support
  • Modified default column behavior from fixed width to 'fit content'
  • Modified width, min-width, max-width interaction on columns

Width percentage

Columns can now accept '%' width, minWidth, maxWidth

For the percentages to have meaning, the dash-table must be forced to have a width and the content of the dash-table must be forced to grow to fill the available space made available by the container (by default the table is only as big as it needs to be).

To use percentage-based column widths, add:

- content style

- table style (example)
    table_style=[{ selector: '.dash-spreadsheet', rule: 'width: 100%; max-width: 100%' }]

- column with %-based width
        id: 'column',
        width: '40%'

Default column width

Columns now default to 'fit to content' when no width is defined
Note: If pagination is used or the dataframe modified, the column width will be re-evaluated on each modification.

Interaction between width, min-width and max-width

Column min-width and max-width do not default to width value is not defined.



  • Miscellaneous fixes for pagination, virtual df and viewport df #112



  • 1 new internal facing derived/controlled property: columns: Columns -> columns: VisibleColumns Gets rid of conditional processing for hidden columns in the cell and header factories as well as in navigation/selection handlers

Clean up column offsets

  • A bunch of offsets were introduced to the table in the previous development cycle (2.x -> 3.0). Turns out these offsets are neither useful or necessary

Validate compatibility of filtering, sorting, pagination

External facing classes and attributes

  • (ATTRIBUTE) data-dash-column=

    .dash-cell, .dash-header { &[data-dash-column='ticker'] { // styling } }

  • (CLASS) dash-cell

  • (CLASS) dash-header

  • (CLASS) dash-delete-cell

  • (CLASS) dash-delete-header

  • (CLASS) dash-select-cell

  • (CLASS) dash-select-header

  • (CLASS) dash-cell-value

  • (CLASS) dash-freeze-left

  • (CLASS) dash-freeze-top

  • (CLASS) dash-spreadsheet

  • (CLASS) dash-spreadsheet-container

  • (CLASS) dash-spreadsheet-inner



Version 3.1 of the Dash-Table builds upon the 3.0 table and solidifies the external facing API of the table

  • introducing the notion of derived properties
  • virtual and viewport dataframe and indices for more flexibility
  • code refactoring to simplify and improve the existing implementation / prepare for the future
  • documentation of the API and table features
  • additional e2e, integration and unit tests for a more mature development platform

Derived Properties

  • Derived properties are new to 3.1
  • They are readonly properties that represent a transform from multiple 'first-class' properties of the component.
  • For example, derived_viewport_dataframe is a readonly view based on (dataframe, filtering params, sorting params, pagination params) --> derived_viewport_dataframe

Derived properties allow the component to expose complex state that can be useful for a Dash Server developer but without introducing dual states, a situation where multiple properties may represent the same state within the component, making it necessary to reconcile them on each prop update.

Virtual and Viewport Dataframe

  • 4 new external facing derived properties and 4 internal facing controlled properties that represent:

    1. the filtered and sorted dataframe and the indices mapping
    2. the filtered, sorted and paginated dataframe and the indices mapping
    • derived_viewport_dataframe
    • derived_viewport_indices
    • derived_virtual_dataframe
    • derived_virtual_indices

    In the event where sorting, filtering or pagination is done on the Dash server, it is possible that some or all derived dataframes will be equal to the dataframe prop.



  • Fix regression for user select Sorting arrow will no longer highlight.



  • Improve performance when the user clicks outside of the table #104 Clicking outside of the table was setting the table's is_focused property. Setting component properties in Dash can be expensive: it can cause the entire app to re-render. Now, clicking outside the table will update the component more efficiently, prevent excessive application re-renders.



  • Fix incorrect border around table cells when not filled #102 #101 Table styling has been changed for frozen rows and columns. Default styling change from:

    • frozen rows: { height: 500px } to { height: fit-content, max-height: 500px }
    • frozen columns: { width: 500px } to { width: fit-content, max-width: 500px }



  • Fix dropdown position & behavior on scroll #96 Limitation: The dropdown in fixed columns behaves differently from the dropdown in the non-fixed portion of the table. Because of layers of overflow & positioning, the dropdown does not show outside of the table is instead part of it. Opening the dropdown in bottom rows will require scrolling vs. displaying on top of the table.



Basic Filtering & Preparation work for advaced filtering

  • Additional filtering_type prop that can take value 'basic' (or eventually 'advanced') This prop defines whether the user is presented with the UI to filter by column or with complex expressions The default value is 'basic'

    Note: The filtering row counts against n_fixed_rows

  • Additional filtering_types prop that takes an array of values with valid values 'basic' (and eventually 'advanced') This prop defines what type of filtering are available to the user The default value is ['basic']

    Note: This value needs to be consistent with filtering_type



  • Make buttons non-selectable #105 #91



  • Fix keyboard navigation after copy #90 #49



  • Fix global copy paste regression #87 #75
  • Fix data paste #87 #88



  • Empty dropdown setting value regression fix #85 #83

RC13 - Modify click & sequential click behavior


  • Partial implementation of new click & sequential click behavior #79 #77
    • First click selects the cell's content and will cause user input to override the cell content.
    • Second click into the cell will remove the selection and position the cursor accordingly.





  • Fix copy/paste regression #70 #64
  • Fix click/blur regression #70 #65
  • Fix delete regression #70 #67



  • Fix double click regression #63



Treat empty strings as none

  • sorting_treat_empty_string_as_none takes value True or False Overrides sorting default behavior to consider empty strings as a nully value. Note: This is a stopgag prop, full implementation of sorting overrides will most probably deprecate it. Default value is False.



setProps bug fix

  • Fixing initialization issue where the FE wrongly believes it's working in DEV mode



Additional sorting_type prop that can take value 'multi' or 'single' This prop defines whether the user can sort based on multiple columns or can only sort by one column at a time. The default value is 'single'.



Consolidating virtualization, sorting, filtering

  • First steps to make sorting work from both FE and BE *
  • and consistent with Virtualization settings *

New Props

  • sorting -> ['fe', 'be', true, false] (default: false) -- replaces sortable prop
  • sorting_settings -> array of { field, ascending } -- replaces sort prop
  • virtual_dataframe (READONLY)
  • virtual_dataframe_indices (READONLY; not officially supported yet -- IN DEVELOPMENT)

virtual_dataframe vs. dataframe

  • the virtual dataframe is the content of the viewport for the user (e.g. user has a 10k rows dataframe with FE/250 lines paging, on 1st page -> the virtual_dataframe contains items [0,250[ of the dataframe); the dataframe still contains 10k items
  • 10k rows, no paging, sorting and filtering -> the virtual dataframe contains items visible in the viewport, in the visible order; the dataframe still contains 10k items
  • if the user modifies a cell, the dataframe and the virtual_dataframe are updated with the new data


  • sortable
  • sort
  • dataframe behavior on sort (see below)



New props for Conditional Style, Conditional Dropdown, Filter

  • filtering -> ['fe', 'be', true, false] (default: false)
  • filtering_settings -> AST query string (default: '')
  • column_conditional_dropdowns
  • column_static_dropdown
  • column_conditional_styles
  • column_static_style
  • row_conditional_styles
  • row_static_style


  • column style
  • column options
  • dropdown_properties prop



Version 3.0 of the Dash-Table expands vastly on the capability of the 2.x table and provides features:

  • visually freezing rows and/or columns
  • filtering in either FE or BE, basic filtering UI
  • sorting in either FE or BE, basic sorting UI
  • pagination in either FE or BE, basic pagination UI
  • performance optimizations
  • basic coverage through e2e, integration and unit tests


  • See and for FE and BE usage scenarios.
  • virtual_dataframe and virtual_dataframe_indices are exposed and expected to be readonly. Setting them from the BE will have no impact on the FE display. FE Virtualization
  • BE is not expected to update the dataframe when the virtualization settings are updated.

BE Virtualization

  • BE is expected to update the dataframe when the virtualization settings are updated.

Freeze Top Rows (Limitations)

  • the table styling is forced to { table-layout: fixed; width: 0 !important; } to ensure the frozen section and the rest of the table stay in sync (width-wise); this means that the width of the table is only driven by the width of the columns (default width is 200px)
  • can't freeze rows and columns at the same time

Freeze Left Columns (Limitations)

  • performance is highly impacted if the table is in a scrollable container as the frozen columns position has to be recalculated on each scroll event; impact is minimal up to 50-100 items and makes the table difficult to use with 250-500 items
  • can't freeze rows and columns at the same time
  • when using merged headers, make sure that the number of fixed columns respects the merged headers, otherwise there will be some unresolved visual bugs/artifacts
  • rows are assumed to all have the same height

Deletable Columns (Limitations)

  • there might be unintended side-effects if used with BE virtualization (the act of deleting a column / columns modifies the dataframe)

Performance Improvements

  • Table now renders and navigates faster
  • Typing in cell does not modify dataframe until focus is lost / edit is confirmed ("enter" or "tab)


  • prop "update_on_unfocus" has been removed