A BDD test framework for Postman and Newman
Jul 26, 2018 - HTML
Chai is a BDD/TDD assertion library, similar to Node's built-in assert, for node and the browser that can be paired with any JavaScript testing framework.
A BDD test framework for Postman and Newman
Solidity smart contracts governing the device registration, activation, and reputation on the Atonomi network
This Project Demonstrates API Testing . API tested in this project includes different HTTP request create , update, delete , get , post . test can be executed using postman collection runner and newman . this also includes detailed documentation on integration with jenkins . and also basic and advance report generation using newman reporter plugin.
Automated the Testing using Puppeteer, Mocha, chai. For example we can use linkidin account and few functionality to automated the testing
👩💻 Build any web application by learning common patterns for web development like search, pagination, file uploading, and sending email/texts! Later modules introduce advanced web development techniques including serverless architectures and websockets.
Puppeteer based automated UI Test Examples with Mocha, Chai (Educational Purpose)
Fundamental Test Automation Api dengan Javascript dari Atlas Id
seed project combining pika cli + typescript + web components + mocha testing
Boilerplate API test framework using Mocha, SuperTest, TypeScript and ReportPortal
Quality Assurance Project #4: Sudoku Solver.
Created by Jake Luer, Keith Cirkel, Lucas F. da Costa, Grant Snodgrass, vesln
Released December 7, 2011