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3.4.0 Breaking Changes

Thomas Segismont edited this page Mar 6, 2017 · 12 revisions

Vert.x Core

  • CompositeFuture#result(int) replaced by CompositeFuture#resultAt(int)
  • VertxMetrics#createMetrics(NetServer, SocketAddress, NetServerOptions) replaced by VertxMetrics#createMetrics(SocketAddress, NetServerOptions)
  • Replacement of the following types that were used as work-around for limitations and are now non necessary anymore
    • io.vertx.core.datagram.PacketWriteStream -> WriteStream<Buffer>
    • io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocketStream -> ReadStream<ServerWebSocket>
    • io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketStream -> ReadStream<WebSocket>
    • io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequestStream -> ReadStream<HttpServerRequest>
    • -> ReadStream<NetSocket>

Docker Images

Service Discovery

  • The ServiceImporter#stop has been removed, and replaced by ServiceImporter#close.

Dropwizard Metrics

  • For consistency's sake, some JSON config field names have been deprecated, in favor of their DropwizardOptions equivalent:
    • monitoredHandlers becomes monitoredEventBusHandlers
    • monitoredServerUris becomes monitoredHttpServerUris
    • monitoredClientUris becomes monitoredHttpClientUris
    • monitoredClientEndpoints becomes monitoredHttpClientEndpoints

Note that the deprecated field names will no longer be supported starting from 3.5.0.


  • Create method now requires Vertx instance as first argument.

Vert.x full distribution

  • Vert.x Auth Shiro is not included anymore by default


  • Event bus subscription data type changed

The data structure for sharing event bus subscription has been changed from ServerID to ClusterNodeInfo. This was needed to solve cluster stability issues after node crashes or partitions.

As a consequence, all members of the cluster must use the 3.4.0 version.

Also the removeAllMatching method has been added to io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.AsyncMultiMap.

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