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RFC: VertxGen as data object

Julien Viet edited this page Jan 27, 2020 · 3 revisions

VertxGen as data object


In Vert.x 3, @VertxGen and @DataObject are two separate kind of objects. Some @VertxGen annotated object represent data such as Buffer, MultiMap or SocketAddress.

Allowing such types to be convertible to JSON would enable:

  • using them in DataObject (converter generation would handle them)
  • allow usage in service proxies

Proposed changes


Transform DataObjectTypeInfo type to DataObjectInfo, this class is not anymore part of the TypeInfo hierarchy and instead becomes a field of ClassTypeInfo.

@DataObject annotated interfaces providing a static fromJson method are recognised as equivalent of the JsonObject constructor in @DataObject classes.

@DataObject toJson and fromJson method can define any JSON type (i.e JsonObject, String, etc...).


Update the service proxy and data object generators to handle such types.


Buffer currently defines a toJson() method that has a different meaning than the one of this proposal. It will do a best effort to parse the content and return an appropriate object, i.e it will map the 1 string to 1 integer, etc...

Proposal is to provide a new mapToJson() method that does the same and use toJson() to encode the buffer to B64:

  1. toJson() becomes mapToJson()
  2. toJsonObject() becomes mapToJsonObject()
  3. toJsonArray() becomes mapToJsonArray()
  4. toJson() returns java.lang.String and perform B64 conversion
  5. fromJson(String s) transforms a B64 encoded string to a buffer

1+2+3 will also be handled in Vert.x 3.x as part of the deprecation cycle.


Annotated as @DataObject


Annotated as @DataObject

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