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4.5.0 Deprecations and breaking changes

Julien Viet edited this page Nov 16, 2023 · 22 revisions

Vert.x Core

Deprecation of DeploymentOptions worker property

The DeploymentOptions#setWorker and DeploymentOptions#getWorker methods are deprecated since ThreadingModel replaces them.

// Before
Future<String> f = vertx.deployVerticle(new DeploymentOptions().setWorker(true, ...)

// After
Future<String> f = vertx.deployVerticle(new DeploymentOptions().setThreadingModel(ThreadingModel.WORKER, ...)

Deprecation of HttpClient WebSocket methods

The Vert.x HttpClient WebSocket connect methods have been deprecated since they are moved in Vert.x 5 to a new WebSocketClient interface.

// Before
HttpClient httpClient = vertx.createHttpClient();
Future<WebSocket> f = httpClient.webSocket(connectOptions);

// After
WebSocketClient wsClient = vertx.createWebSocketClient();
Future<WebSocket> f = wsClient.connect(connectOptions);

Deprecation of HttpClient redirectHandler/connectionHandlermethods

The Vert.x HttpClient redirectHandler/connectionHandler`` methods have been deprecated since they are moving in Vert.x 5 to a HttpClientBuilderinterface.HttpClientBuilderis a builder object that configures and creates HTTP clients which is now returned byVertx#httpClientBuilder` methods.

// Before
HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient();
client.connectionHandler(conn -> ...);

// After
HttpClientBuilder builder = vertx.httpClientBuilder();
builder.withConnectionHandler(conn -> ...);
HttpClient client =;

Deprecation of HttpClientRequest#setTimeout

The request timeout is actually an idle timeout and we should rename this method to avoid confusion.

// Before
client.request(options).onComplete((HttpClientRequest request) -> {

// After
client.request(options).onComplete((HttpClientRequest request) -> {

TCP client/server updateSSLOptions future return change

The updateSSLOptions(SSLOptions) methods used to return a Future<Void>, given that the update might work but not happen (because the options are the same), returning a Future<Boolean> is more appropriate since now there is a parameter to force the update.

// Before
Future<Void> fut = server.updateSSLOptions(newOptions);

// After
Future<Boolean> fut = server.updateSSLOptions(newOptions);

Vert.x SQL client

Deprecation of Pool sub types

The Pool subtypes are not really useful as they don't carry any extra method and are use mainly for statically building pool. In addition those static methods are not flexible and are numerous due to overloading. We are replacing these methods with a client builder API.

// Before
PgPool client = PgPool.pool(vertx, connectOptions, poolOptions);

Pool client = PgBuilder.pool()

Deprecation of Pool connect handler

The Pool#connectHandler method has been deprecated and is replaced by a corresponding method on the new ClientBuilder.

// Before
pool.connectHandler(conn -> ...);

// After
builder.connectHandler(conn -> ...);

Deprecation of Pool connection provider

The Pool#connectionProvider method has been deprecated and is replaced by the Supplier<Future<SqlConnectOptions>> method.

// Before
pool.connectionProvider(ctx -> futureOfSqlConnection(ctx));

// After
builder.connectingTo(() -> futureOfSqlConnectOptions());

The supplier will be called by the pool when a connection is required and use the connect options to handle the connection part.

Deprecation of HttpClientOptions tryUseCompression

The client tryUseCompression option was misleading to many as it implied that the client would try to compress the request payload but, actually, it meant that it would send a request with an accepting-encoding header set to a compression algorithm, to tell the server that it supports a compressed response.

// Before

// After

Vert.x Web

BodyHandler default limit set to 10 megabytes

Before that change, uploads were unlimited by default, which is not sensible from a security perspective.

Replaced IllegalStateException with VertxException when failing context with informational message

Many web handlers failures were signaled with an HTTP status code together with an IllegalStateException, for informational purposes.

But ISE creates a stack trace which isn't really useful. In these cases, we only care about the message.

This change makes the application log a single line (or more if the message is long). Besides, it saves the cost of creating the stack trace of the ISE.

Deprecation of WebClientOptions tryUseCompression

WebClientOptions extends HttpClientOptions and had to be changed like its parent class.

// Before

// After

Deprecation of CachingWebClientOptions tryUseCompression

CachingWebClientOptions extends WebClientOptions and had to be changed like its parent class.

// Before

// After

Vert.x Kotlin Coroutines

Add Future.coAwait() and deprecate Future.await() extension methods

With Loom support in Vert.x 4.5, there is a Future.await() method in Vert.x core (see eclipse-vertx/vert.x#4916).

The Vert.x Kotlin Coroutines Future.await() extension method is no longer applicable and we need a new name for it, Future.coAwait().

val future = doSomethingAsync()

// Before

// After

Vert.x MQTT

Deprecation of MqttClientOptions willMessage

The payload willMessage was stored in the MqttClientOptions as a string and afterwards converted to bytes, assuming UTF-8 encoding.

Now the payload is stored a Vert.x Buffer, and it's the user's responsibility to convert from a string if necessary, using the right encoding.

// Before

// After
mqttClientOptions.setWillMessageBytes(Buffer.buffer("the-message", "UTF-16"));

Vert.x Zipkin

Deprecation of HttpSenderOptions tryUseCompression

HttpSenderOptions extends HttpClientOptions and had to be changed like its parent class.

// Before

// After
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