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4.4.0 Deprecations and breaking changes

Thomas Segismont edited this page Feb 28, 2023 · 4 revisions

Vert.x Core

TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 protocols are disabled by default

You can still enable such protocols with the proper TCP SSL configuration.

Disable writeHandler registration for net sockets and websockets by default

When a net socket was created, it registered a local consumer which address is given by

Similarly, when a websocket was created, it registered local consumers which addresses are given by io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase#binaryHandlerID and io.vertx.core.http.WebSocketBase#textHandlerID.

This puts some pressure on cluster managers when Vert.x is clustered, even if most users don't need the feature.

Write handlers registration is now disabled by default. However, it can be enabled in NetClientOptions, NetServerOptions, WebSocketConnectOptions, or HttpServerOptions.

Hazelcast Cluster Manager

Node identifier required in attributes configuration

A fixed __vertx.nodeId attribute is now required in Hazelcast configuration.

Vert.x configures it for you unless you create the cluster manager with an existing Hazelcast instance. In this case, you must make sure the __vertx.nodeId attribute is present in the configuration.

Vert.x JUnit 5

New environment variable and system property to configure Vert.x options

In tests, it can be useful to customize the Vert.x object which is created by the Vert.x JUnit 5 integration.

Previously, users had to provide a vertx.parameter.filename environment variable pointing to the location of a JSON file. But this variable name does not work well with all system tools (e.g export fails to export it automatically to subsequent commands).

Consequently, the more standard environment variable name VERTX_PARAMETER_FILENAME is now supported. Also, the vertx.parameter.filename Java system property will be taken into account. The environment variable value takes precedence over the system property value, if both are present.

For backwards compatibility, the Vert.x JUnit 5 integration continues to accept the vertx.parameter.filename environment variable on systems which support it, until the next major release.

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