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3.9.0 Deprecations and breaking changes

Julien Ponge edited this page Apr 1, 2020 · 7 revisions

Vert.x Core

Verticle start / stop methods with Future parameter get deprecated

Given the new Promise / Future APIs the start(Future<Void>) and stop(Future<Void>) methods have been deprecated and will be removed in Vert.x 4.

Please migrate to the start(Promise<Void>) and stop(Promise<Void>) variants.

Disable EDNS by default

EDNS is an extension mechanism for DNS ( that should be disabled by default. It might cause unwanted issue and should be disabled by default.

Future setHandler method gets deprecated

Vert.x supports multiple handler per future since the 3.8.4 release. The setHandler method does convey the meaning that a single handler per future can be set and unset and the onComplete, onSuccess, onFailure methods shall be used instead.

The setHandler method usage should be replaced by the onComplete method, e.g

// Before
Future<String> fut = getSomeFuture();
fut.setHandler(ar -> ...);

// After
Future<String> fut = getSomeFuture();
fut.onComplete(ar -> ...);

The setHandler will be removed in Vert.x 4.

Multi threaded worker verticle documentation removal

The documentation is removed, however the feature remains

Vert.x SQL Client

Fluent query API

The query API becomes fluent with the addition of a Query API for creation and configuration of queries before their execution.

The current PreparedQuery API is changed such as it extends Query and becomes used outside of a connection context. A new PreparedStatement API is therefore introduced that allows for prepared statement management and execution of prepared statements spanning several interactions such as a cursor or a stream.

Query collectors now becomes part of the Query interface.

This is a breaking API change done under the tech preview status given that SQL client is a Vert.x 4 feature back-ported to Vert.x 3.

One-shot simple query

// Before
client.query(sql, ar -> ...);

// After
Query<RowSet<Row>> query = client.query(sql);
query.execute(ar -> ...);

// Or fluently
client.query(sql).execute(ar -> ...);

One-shot prepared query

// Before
client.preparedQuery(sql, tuple, ar -> ...);
client.preparedQuery(sql, tuple, collector, ar -> ...);

// After
PreparedQuery<RowSet<Row>> query = client.preparedQuery(sql);
query.execute(tuple, ar -> ...);

// Or fluently
client.preparedQuery(sql).execute(tuple, ar -> ...);
client.preparedQuery(sql).collecting(collector).execute(tuple, ar -> ...);

One-shot prepared collector query

// Before
client.preparedQuery(sql, tuple, collector, ar -> ...);

// After
PreparedQuery<RowSet<Row>> query = client.preparedQuery(sql);
PreparedQuery<SqlResult<List<Row>> collectedQuery = query.collecting(Collectors.toList());
collectedQuery.execute(tuple, ar -> ...);

// Or fluently
client.preparedQuery(sql).collecting(Collectors.toList()).execute(tuple, ar -> ...);

One-shot batch

// Before
client.preparedBatch(sql, listOfTuples, ar -> ...);

// After
client.preparedQuery(sql).executeBatch(listOfTuples, ar -> ...);

Prepared query

// Before
connection.prepare(sql, ar1 -> {
  if (ar1.succeded()) {
    PreparedStatement ps = ar1.result();
    ps.execute(tuple, ar2 -> ...);

// After
connection.prepare(sql, ar1 -> {
  if (ar1.succeded()) {
    PreparedStatement ps = ar1.result();
    PreparedQuery<RowSet<Row>> pq = ps.query();
    pq.execute(tuple, ar2 -> ...);

   // Or fluently
    ps.query().execute(tuple, ar2 -> ...);

Vert.x Kafka Client

Remove deprecated AdminUtils

The AdminUtils class, for doing administrative operations on a Kafka cluster, was removed. The new KafkaAdminClient class should be used for that.

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