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3.8.6 Deprecations and breaking changes

Thomas Segismont edited this page Feb 6, 2020 · 2 revisions


Vert.x Core

Deprecation of CaseInsensitiveHeaders

The CaseInsensitiveHeaders is the implementation of MultiMap obtained by MultiMap#caseInsensitiveMultiMap(). Users should never use the type CaseInsensitiveHeaders nor instantiate it, instead they should use MultiMap and MultiMap#caseInsensitiveMultiMap().

// Deprecated
CaseInsensitiveHeaders headers = new CaseInsensitiveHeaders();

// After
MultiMap headers = MultiMap.caseInsensitiveMultiMap();

This class is deprecated in 3.8 and moved in 4.0 in an implementation package.

Vert.x Rx

Deprecated onComplete callback in WriteStream / Subscriber adapters

The onComplete callback might be invoked while there are outstanding writes in the underlying WriteStream.

Two callbacks have been added, that will be invoked after WriteStream#end signals its completion.

WriteStreamSubscriber<Buffer> subscriber = writeStream.toSubscriber();

// Deprecated
subscriber.onComplete(() -> {
    // Invoked after writeStream#end is invoked, even if operation is not completed yet

// After
subscriber.onWriteStreamEnd(() -> {
    // Invoked after writeStream#end is invoked and completes successfully
subscriber.onWriteStreamError(() -> {
    // Invoked after writeStream#end is invoked and fails

The deprecated callback will be removed in 4.0.

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