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4.3.5 Deprecations and breaking changes

Julien Viet edited this page Nov 18, 2022 · 1 revision

Micrometer Metrics

numThreads is deprecated in InfluxDB options

As part of another change (introducing InfluxDB V2 options), the numThreads property has been deprecated.

Indeed, it's no longer used by Micrometer and will eventually be removed.

Ignite Cluster Manager

cacheMode LOCAL is no longer supported in Ignite options as it got removed from Apache Ignite in version 2.14.0

If you are not using any custom configuration or a custom Ignite instance you should not be impacted by this change.

Zookeeper Cluster Manager

Upgrade log4j and slf4j dependencies

This PR aligns logging dependencies versions with those of Vert.x core. Besides, Vert.x Zookeeper now depends on log4j2 instead of log4j, which is no longer maintained.

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