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3.5.0 Breaking Changes

Julien Viet edited this page Oct 10, 2017 · 13 revisions

Vert.x Auth

  • JWTAuth create method now takes JWTAuthOptions instead of JsonObject for configuration. This brings more type safety to the config and less undocumented features of the provider.
  • Oauth2Auth the method getToken is now deprecated and replaced by the common authenticate
  • OAuth2Auth the method api is removed as it was supposed to be an internal helper to get a Token and is not suitable for usage outside that. A new Api fetch is added to the AccessToken for general use.

Hazelcast Cluster Manager

MQTT Server

  • The publishCompleteHandler in the MqttEndpoint interface is now renamed in publishCompletionHandler to be aligned with handler naming convention in all others Vert.x components.

Vert.x Web

  • io.vertx.ext.web.handler.sockjs.BridgeEventType enum has been removed and you should use: io.vertx.ext.bridge.BridgeEventType enum instead.
  • SessionStore put, clear, delete take in AsyncResult<Void> instead of AsyncResult<Boolean> as the value was always true and did not reflect if the operation succeeded.

Consul client

  • In case the key is not found, the methods ConsulClient#getValue() and ConsulClient#getValueWithOptions() provides an empty KeyValue object instead of an failed AsyncResult
  • In case the key prefix is not found, the methods ConsulClient#getValues() and ConsulClient#getValuesWithOptions() provides an empty KeyValueList object instead of an failed AsyncResult
  • Watchers must handle WatchResult object instead of AsyncResult

Service Discovery

  • In clustered mode the service discovery default backend has been updated to use another strategy. All member needs to be updates to read / write in this new backend.

Vert.x for Ruby

  • All predicate methods end with question mark again (lost in 3.4). It is idiomatic in Ruby.

Vert.x for Groovy

  • The automatic migration path for Verticles written against the previous API has been removed - Vert.x 3.5.0 assumes that applications have been migrated to the new API.
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