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4.0.2 Deprecations and breaking changes

Julien Viet edited this page Feb 5, 2021 · 1 revision

Ignite cluster manager

Already ignored attribute defaultLockTimeout in the cacheConfiguration was removed

All toConfig methods were moved from the Options objects to the ConfigHelper class

Deprecation of some IgniteSslOptions properties

The options keyAlgorithm, keyStoreType, keyStoreFilePath, keyStorePassword, trustStoreFilePath and trustStorePassword are now deprecated and will be removed in version 4.1
For configuring JKS stores use the well known Vert.x JksOptions jksKeyCertOptions and jksTrustOptions


PubSecKeyOptions.getBuffer() returns Buffer instead of String

This was a leftover from the 4.0.0 release. It was assumed (wrongly) that secrets could be safely be stored in a String variable. Has it has been shown by the community the safest approach and compatible way to handle them is to store them as Buffers. Only the getter API is changing as it is only used by the vert.x API. The setter API remains as String and an overload for Buffer is added to handle without breaking changes to the existing user code.


  • Deprecated properties: useBasicAuthorizationHeader and clientSecretParameterName have been removed as they were not used internally already.
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