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George Dawoud edited this page Jul 16, 2017 · 2 revisions

How does ChurchCRM support an every-member canvass?

ChurchCRM includes comprehensive support to facilitate an every-member canvass effort. The main control panel for canvass activity is called the Canvass Automation page. This page may be found by selecting Data/Reports->Reports Menu, and then clicking the Canvass Automation link.

Here is an overview of the steps:

  1. Create a group called “Canvassers”. Identify canvassers and collect them in this “Canvassers” group.

  2. Optionally create a group called “BraveCanvassers”. These canvassers are people who are willing to call families that did not pledge last year.

  3. Use the Canvass Automation page to either enable or disable canvassing for all families. If most families will be canvassed, enable canvassing for all families and then turn off the “Ok To Canvass” field for families that should not be canvassed. Alternatively, disable canvassing for all families and then turn on the “Ok To Canvass” field for families to canvass. The “Ok To Canvass” field is found about half-way down the family editor page.

  4. Use the Canvass Automation page to assign “BraveCanvassers” to non-pledging families first, if using this feature.

  5. Use the Canvass Automation page to assign canvassers.

  6. Canvasser assignments may be adjusted in the family editor. The canvasser assignments are near the “Ok To Canvass” field.

  7. Edit the file Reports/CanvassQuestions.txt to include the questions that will be used to initiate canvass conversations this year.

  8. Use the Canvass Automation page to generate the briefing sheets. These sheets contain briefing information for each family and the canvass questions, with room for the canvasser to take notes during the conversation. The briefing sheets are organized by canvasser to make it easy to deliver these canvass assignments.

  9. Instruct the canvassers to use the “... Canvass Entry” link at the bottom of the page for the family that was canvassed. Canvassers must have the “Canvasser” permission enabled to have this feature.

  10. The reports at the bottom of the Canvass Automation page may be used to track the progress of the canvass, summarize the results, and find the families which are no longer interested in being part of the church.

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