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Defects Policy (Draft)

Nat Burgwyn edited this page Apr 26, 2018 · 7 revisions

Release Candidate Defect Matrix

Ability to prevent research or curation of a position 1 - Low Probability of occurring 2 - Moderately likely to happen, [>50%, <75%] 3 - Highly likely/definitely will occur, [>75%]
1 - Not really, easy workarounds exist Not a Showstopper Not a Showstopper Not a Showstopper
2 - Somewhat, workarounds with some complications exist Not a Showstopper Not a Showstopper Not a Showstopper
3 - Completely prevents research or curation from being accomplished or causes user to abort, with no user workarounds Not a Showstopper Not a Showstopper Showstopper

Defects Submission

Method: via github issues

Labeling convention

  • Defect

Assignees (at a minimum)

  • Vendor Tech lead (@burgwyn)
  • 18F Tech lead (@amirbey)
  • 18F Product lead (@wongperson)

Before opening a new bug issue, please make sure it has not already been reported by searching the issues under the "Defect" label. In addition, please ask if the latest code has been deployed. It's possible that the bug you are seeing is fixed in the code, but hasn't been deployed yet.

Once you are sure the issue is valid, please fill out the details below. Label your new issue Bug.


Steps to reproduce the issue (please be as specific as possible)

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2 [...]

Expected behavior

  • Behavior 1
  • Behavior 2 [...]

Actual behavior

When submitting a bug report, it's helpful to include any details that may be necessary to reproduce the bug, including:

  • A screenshot
  • URLs, if applicable
  • Web browser and version (Internet Explorer 9, Chrome 52.0.2743.116 (64-bit), etc.)
  • Date, specific time and time zone when issue was found. Example: 4:24pm ET on September 8, 2016
  • Operating system (Windows 7, Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.5, etc.)
  • Email address used (if relevant and not sensitive)
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