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Sprint 18 April 11, 2017

Cydney Luong edited this page May 7, 2018 · 2 revisions

On April 11th, the TalentMAP team met to perform a retrospective of the sprint. Each team was dot-voted on using the process of every participant having 6 votes, where the first vote is 3 dots, second vote is 2 dots, and third vote is 1 dot. The themes are ordered based on the number of votes they

I liked...

  • RC progress
  • Security scans performance
  • BAH surge support
  • Breakthroughs during testing even if brief
  • Auto logout
  • Additional data integrations
  • SOAP cron automation

I wish...

  • Design moves so fast Liz feels out of touch in SF
  • Viewing changes in RC is slow
  • Sporadic DIN availability because it's a shared resource in SDD/HR/EX
  • DoS site availability / 7th floor access
  • DS Scans
  • Unclear RC due date (4/20/18)
  • RC squashes conversation on potential useful features

What if...

  • Demos only from DOS OpenNet build (RC and ongoing dev work)
  • Open TalentMAP on OpenNET, put a special search and obtain real results. Include active link to OBC.
  • Strings
  • Thunderdome
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