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Sprint 15 February 28 2018

Arman Frasier edited this page Feb 28, 2018 · 1 revision

On February 28th, 2018, the TalentMAP team met to perform a retrospective of the sprint. The team reviewed I Liked..., I Wish... and What If... items, and moved on to dot voting. Each team was dot-voted on using the process of every participant having 6 votes, where the first vote is 3 dots, second vote is 2 dots, and third vote is 1 dot. The themes are ordered based on the number of votes they received.

I liked...

  • Release Candidate (4 pts)
  • New Team Members (8 pts)
  • Code Quality (11 pts)
  • Progress w/ HR/EX (15 pts)
  • CDO / FSBid Admin Design Studio (10pts)

I wish...

  • SAML / ADFS / SOAP (19 pts)
  • Promotion / Testing / Build process (2 pts)
  • ATO Process (7 pts)
  • Release candidate (6 pts)
  • Search filter usability testing (1 pts)
  • Team departures (7 pts)

What if...

  • Loading animation (18 pts)
  • SAML frontend (2 pts)
  • Design System
  • Link accounts to buddy up
  • Draft performance testing standards (1 pt)
  • Functional Test/QA docs (4 pts)
  • Static bid tracker in RC (8 pts)
  • Motorized Unicycles (2 pts)
  • User Feedback Mechanism (13 pts)
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