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Nat Burgwyn edited this page Jan 24, 2019 · 2 revisions

Front End

The Front End, or UI, or the TalentMAP application is a React application, served via a NodeJs backend running as an Apache process.



It is possible to run the Node server application as a SystemD process, which is consistent with other prcoesses the application requires, such as Apache. This allows the process to be stopped and started with ease, as well as a straightforward status command. The service definition is based of this example.

The environment variables required by the server are defined inside the SystemD service definition.

Enable service

systemctl enable talentmap.service

Start service

systemctl start talentmap.service

Stop service

systemctl stop talentmap.service

Restart service

systemctl restart talentmap.service

Check status of service service

systemctl status talentmap.service
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