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Sprint 0 June 14, 2017

Brad Nunnally edited this page Jun 14, 2017 · 1 revision

On June 14th, the TalentMAP team met to perform a retrospective of the sprint. Each team was dot-voted on using the process of every participant having 6 votes, where the first vote is 3 dots, second vote is 2 dots, and third vote is 1 dot. The themes are ordered based on the number of votes they

I liked...

  • Team integration and communication (15)
  • Becoming comfortable with agile process (15)
  • Team accomplishments (14)
  • Project foundation based on user research (11)
  • Deeper understanding of users
  • Common understanding on DevOps

I wish...

  • Clear and more frequent team communication (14)
  • Greater visibility into State technologies and process (13)
  • More defined project plan/product grooming (10)
  • Next sprint is successful and productive (10)
  • Continued access to users (5)
  • Collaboration tools were accessible by State (3)
  • Provide exposer to broader team to users
  • Avoid backlog proliferation
  • Consolidate backend set up

What if...

  • In depth workshops for design and future product development (15)
  • Involve broader team in user research activities (12)
  • Balance research and design to be more productive (7)
  • Commit to containers (9)
  • Clear agenda setting, expectations, and outcomes from State (9)
  • Provide product owner with laptop with less security restrictions (3)
  • Use just CircleCI for DevOps operations (1)
  • Establish Code Freeze
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