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Sprint 3 July 26, 2017

Cydney Luong edited this page May 8, 2018 · 1 revision

On July 26th, the TalentMAP team met to perform a retrospective of the sprint. The team first reviewed I Wish... items from the previous week, and moved on to dot voting. Each team was dot-voted on using the process of every participant having 6 votes, where the first vote is 3 dots, second vote is 2 dots, and third vote is 1 dot. The themes are ordered based on the number of votes they

I liked...

  • Mini-grooming
  • More touchpoints with Chris
  • The efficiency of capturing backlog items to incorporate into current sprint
  • Communication on all work streams
  • Zoom calls
  • Suggestions taken very well
  • Prioritizing and executing
  • Transparency on all workstreams
  • Focus on user research and number of interviews able to complete
  • Jump started on the CDO + AO data collection process
  • Identifying users (bidders, CDOs, AO)
  • Heading feedback from user interviews
  • Output of the research form in the persona
  • API output gives design team great understanding of content structure
  • Having data from DOS to reference
  • CI process keeps you honest
  • Speed/ progress
  • Seeing everybody's work come together
  • Backend code quality and documentation were all very good
  • Backend code prepped and ready for review ahead of time
  • Quality of the forms of filter prototype to showcase foundations
  • Creating prototype

I wish...

  • ITCLB clarity
  • We could streamline the ITCCB process to get quick approval on necessary software
  • Knew more about DOS systems/ eventual integration
  • Front end code was ready before today
  • I can design and test feedback
  • There were mockups
  • To complete all research as fast as possible
  • More time in a day
  • To start implementing research into sketches
  • GitHub wiki used to showcase print accomplishments and output of research

What if...

  • DOS met with IA directly to address new ITCCB
  • We had a POC/SME for DOS data/processes
  • DOS provided journey map of interacting DOS systems
  • Automate more of the dev process
  • There was a super easy way to run front and back end code together?
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