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Bengisu Özaydın Time Tracking

Bengisu Özaydın edited this page Dec 21, 2021 · 14 revisions


Week 1

  • ( 2.0 hr | communication )
    • Participating in group Discord meeting.
      • Discussed about revisions to requirements and RAM.
  • ( 1.0 hr | documentation )
    • Revising user requirements. Please see #130.
  • ( 1.0 hr | documentation )
    • Updating RAM. Please see #137.
  • ( 0.5 hr | documentation )
    • Review and update of "Scenario 4: Event creator selects from applicants". Please see #134.

Week 2

  • ( 2.0 hr | communication )
    • Participating in group Discord meeting.
  • ( 3.0 hr | study )
    • Studying Django since I will be working on the backend. Followed official documentation and this video.
  • ( 0.5 hr | study )
    • Studying Activity Stream from various resources including lecture notes.
  • ( 0.5 hr | study )
    • Studying Wikidata from various resources including lecture notes.

Week 3

  • ( 2.0 hr | communication )
    • Participating in group Discord meeting.
      • Informing the backend team about the initialization of the backend project.
  • ( 1.0 hr | implementation )
    • Initializing the backend structure. Please see #144.
  • ( 1.0 hr | documentation )

Week 4

  • ( 2.0 hr | communication )
    • Participating in group Discord meeting.
      • Discussion about app name and logo.
  • ( 1.0 hr | communication )
    • Participating in backend meeting.
      • Discussion about roles and APIs for the first milestone.
  • ( 3.0 hr | implementation )
    • Working on local Postgres.
    • Setting up Docker.
    • Working on login API.

Week 5

  • ( 2.0 hr | communication )
    • Participating in group Discord meeting.
      • Discussion about app name and logo.
  • ( 1.0 hr | communication )
    • Participating in backend meeting.
      • Discussion about roles and APIs for the first milestone.
  • ( 1.0 hr | implementation )
    • Working on edit profile page functionality.

Week 6

  • ( 6.0 hr | communication, documentation, implementation )
    • Participating in group Discord meeting.
      • Working on various issues before customer meeting.
      • Working on milestone deliverables.

Week 7

  • ( 1.0 hr | documentation)
    • Writing API documentation for comments & anwers.

Week 8

  • ( 4.0 hr | implementation)
    • Writing unit tests for event post.

Week 9

  • ( 1.0 hr | study)
    • Understanding comments functionality.
  • ( 1.0 hr | study)
    • Understanding event post functionality.
  • ( 4.0 hr | implementation)
    • Implementing answer functionality.

Week 10

  • ( 3.0 hr | implementation)
    • Implementing answer functionality.
  • ( 1.0 hr | review)
    • Reviewing pull requests.


Week 1

  • ( 2.0 hr | team )
    • Participating in team Discord meeting.
      • Getting familiar with our team's Github repository
      • Discussing how standards such as issue labels should be.
      • Verifying that I can modify file from my terminal.
  • ( 0.1 hr | documentation )
    • Setting up personal wiki page.
  • ( 1.0 hr | documentation )
    • Gathering favorite GitHub repositories and writing descriptions.
  • ( 0.3 hr | documentation )
    • Setting up personal time tracking page and filling it.

Pages created:

  1. Personal wiki page
  2. Personal interesting repositories page
  3. Personal time tracking page

Issues created:

  1. Issue

Week 2

  • ( 0.5 hr | study )
    • Revising Software Lifecycles & Introduction to Requirements Elicitation File.
  • ( 2.0 hr | team )
    • Participating in team Discord meeting.
      • Discussing project details.
      • Assigning roles to team members.
      • Preparing questions for the customer.
      • Brainstorming about related software and user / system requirements.
  • ( 0.5 hr | organization )
    • Creating issues, assigning/editing already created issues to team members as discussed in the meeting, editing labels of past issues for a uniform style.
  • ( 0.5 hr | documentation )
  • ( 0.1 hr | documentation )
    • Adding time tracking details.

Issues created:

  1. Issue

Week 3

  • ( 1.0 hr | team )
    • Participating in team Discord meeting.
      • Deciding on mockup scenarios.
      • Assigning roles to team members.

Week 4

  • (2.0 hr | team)
    • Participating in team Discord meeting.
      • Deciding on classes, sequence and use-case diagrams.
      • Assigning roles to team members.
  • (0.5 hr | documentation)
    • Working on class diagram (user search).
  • (1.0 hr | communication)
    • Meeting with TA about diagrams.

Week 5

  • (2.0 hr | team)
    • Participating in team Discord meeting.
      • Deciding on classes, sequence and use-case diagrams.
      • Assigning roles to team members.
  • (0.5 hr | documentation)
    • Working on class diagram (user search).
  • (1.0 hr | communication)
    • Meeting with TA about diagrams.

Week 6

  • (1.5 hr | team)
    • Participating in team Discord meeting.
      • Reviewing and updating class and sequence diagrams.
  • (1.5 hr | team)
    • Participating in team Discord meeting.
      • Updating use-case diagrams.
  • (1.5 hr | communication)
    • Meeting with TA about our progress.
  • (0.5 hr | documentation)
    • Contributed to changes in the class and use case diagrams (commented these changes under corresponding issues).

Week 7

  • (1.5 hr | team)
    • Participating in team Discord meeting.
      • Discussing the first milestone report.
      • Assigning roles to team members.
  • (1.5 hr | documentation, review)
    • Changing the class and use case diagrams using search action. Updating "searching equipment", "searching user" and event searching sequence diagrams regarding these changes.
  • (0.3 hr | documentation, review)
    • Re-labeling arrows in use case diagrams regarding search action. Issue
  • (0.5 hr | documentation, review)
  • (1.5 hr | documentation)
    • Merging screenshots of class and use case diagrams in Miro board and adding these to milestone report.
  • (0.5 hr | documentation)
    • Filling up responsibility assignment matrix for the milestone report.
  • (2.5 hr | documentation)
    • Meeting with team on Discord and completing the milestone report.

Issues created:

  1. Issue

Week 8

Spring Break

Week 9

  • (1.5 hr | team, research)
    • Participating in team Discord meeting.
      • Discussing the API implementation assignment and researching APIs.
      • Assigning roles to team members.
  • (0.5 hr | implementation)
    • Creating post_event API.
  • (3.0 hr | research)
    • Polishing React skills to be useful in the front-end of the app.

Issues created:

  1. Creating API for posting Event.

Week 10

  • (1.5 hr | communication)
    • Participating in team Discord meeting.
      • Distributing roles for the Milestone Report 2.
      • Testing and discussing about docker and amazon services.
      • Sharing individual progress with each other.
  • (1.0 hr | implementation)
    • Creating get_blocked_users API.
  • (2.0 hr | communication)
    • Customer meeting about our questions and progress.
  • (0.5 hr | communication)
    • Team meeting for reflection and role distribution after TA meeting.

Issues and pull requests created:

  1. Rewrote event post API by communicating with the database.
  2. Creating API for getting blocked users
  3. GET blocked user API implemented as described in the linked issue.
  4. Corrected the jsonify expression for returning database object.

Week 11

  • (1.0 hr | communication)
    • Participating in team Discord meeting.
      • Discussion about database structure.
  • (0.5 hr | communication)
    • Participating in Discord meeting with Doğukan.
      • Discussion about frontend.
  • (1.0 hr | implementation)
    • Implementing equipment pages for the frontend.
  • (5.0 hr | implementation, documentation)
    • Implementing database communication for my APIs.
    • Writing unit tests for my APIs.
  • (1.0 hr | review)
    • Pull request reviews.
  • (5.0 hr | documentation)
    • Writing API documentation.
    • Writing MS2 individual report.
    • Contributing to MS2 group report.

Issues and pull requests created:

  1. Writing unit test for event POST functionality.
  2. Unit tests for post event.
  3. Writing unit test for blocked users GET functionality.
  4. Unit test for get blocked users.
  5. Write API documentation for post event and get blocked users APIs.
  6. Contributed to Creating Front End for the Practice App.

Pull requests reviewed:

  1. Equipmentpost class is added.
  2. Equipment post is modified to use the database.
  3. Post blocked users, Get equipments, Filter equipments, db blocking table.
  4. Unit test for Post Equipment is added.
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