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Integrating Eutester and Nagios

Greg DeKoenigsberg edited this page Nov 19, 2012 · 4 revisions

Monitoring Eucalyptus IaaS Availability

This article describes one way to monitor your Eucalyptus cloud with Eutester, a framework for testing clouds and Nagios, a popular open source infrastructure monitoring tool.

We use a simple instance testcase from Eutester to spin up an instance in Eucalyptus with a custom ssh key and security group, ping the instance, ssh into it and then terminate the instance. We then report to Nagios on the overall success of the test.

This test simulates a simple Cloud User's interaction with Eucalyptus to ensure the service is working for users.

System Requirements

  • CentOS 6
  • NTP running and syncing time correctly
  • EPEL repository

Install some helpful tools

yum -y install git unzip euca2ools

Install Nagios

Nagios-core and lots of Nagios plugins are part of the EPEL repository.

Install packages

yum install -y nagios nagios-plugins nagios-plugins-nrpe nagios-plugins-all

Set nagiosadmin htaccess access password

htpasswd /etc/nagios/passwd nagiosadmin

Turn on services at boot start them

chkconfig nagios on
chkconfig httpd on
service nagios start
service httpd start

Test Nagios

Open your browser to test the webui is working, enter the user 'nagiosadmin' and the password you set above.


More information on configuring Nagios can be found on the Nagios website:

Create a Eucalyptus account for Eutester

This is useful for tracking eutester usage with Eucalyptus' reporting and makes it possible to restrict its resources using IAM policies.

Run the following commands from an environment where your Eucalyptus admin credentials are sourced.

Create Account

euare-accountcreate -a eutester

Create key

euare-useraddkey --delegate=eutester -u admin

Changing pwd

euare-useraddloginprofile -u admin -p [PASSWORD] --delegate=eutester

Generate Certificate

euare-usercreatecert -u admin --delegate=eutester

Download credentials for admin user in eutester account

euca-get-credentials -a eutester -u admin

Copy the zipfile to your Nagios server

scp root@<your-nagios-server>:~

Login to your nagios server and source the credentials for use with Eucalyptus

ssh root@<your-nagios-server>
unzip -d ~/.eucarc
source ~/.eucarc/eucarc

To ensure your credentials are working, try a euca-describe-images command


This command should list the available images in your cloud

Install Eutester

Clone the latest eutester code from Github

cd /root && git clone git:// && cd eutester
python install

Install some python dependancies

yum -y install python-argparse python-paramiko

Download Custom testcase for Eutester

This testcase is a modified version of and is the process of being submitted to Eutester upstream. For the meantime, let's just remove the upstream version and replace it with the custom version that can output in the format we require for Nagios.

rm -f /root/eutester/testcases/cloud_user/instances/
wget -c -O /root/eutester/testcases/cloud_user/instances/

Install Nagios plugin and helper scripts

Download Nagios eutester check scripts

cd /root && git clone git://

Copy Nagios plugin to plugins dir

cp nagios-eucalyptus/nagios/ /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/

Add script to run Eutester every hour to cron

This script requires a Eucalyptus Machine Image ID of a usable Linux instance in your cloud that it can spin up, ping and ssh to. It also requires the path to your Eucalyptus credentials. If you followed the example from above, you shouldn't need to modify anything except for supplying a valid Linux based EMI.

Edit the script and update the EMI to a valid EMI

vim /root/nagios-eucalyptus/nagios/

On the line with EMI=, add a valid EMI from your cloud. See euca-describe-images for a list of EMI's.

Link the script to /etc/cron.hourly - This will run the script once an hour

ln -s /root/nagios-eucalyptus/nagios/ /etc/cron.hourly/

Test the script

This should pass the test and the results file should show PASS.

cat /tmp/results/test-BasicInstanceChecks-result.txt

Add the Nagios Check

Finally, we need to add our Nagios check which will look at the Eutester result and throw a critical alert if the test failed, a warning if the results file does not exist.

This nagios check has a simple command and service check that is performed from the local nagios server.

Append the following to /etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg: # Eutester check command define command { command_name check_eutester_test command_line $USER1$/ } Append the following to /etc/nagios/objects/localhost.cfg: # Define Eutester service check define service{ use local-service ; Name of service template to use host_name localhost service_description Eutester Basic Instance Test check_command check_eutester_test notification_interval 0 }

Restart Nagios

/etc/init.d/nagios restart


Now go checkout the Nagios WebUI to see the status of the check: http://<your-nagios-server>/nagios/


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