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Node Controller introduction for developers

Steve Jones edited this page Oct 16, 2017 · 2 revisions

Execution flow on the Node Controller

  • incoming requests triggered by actions that are invoked in response to Cluster Controller (CC) commands (routed via do*() functions to implementations either in handlers_default.c or handlers_kvm.c) .
  • node/handlers.c:monitoring_thread() function, which loops indefinitely, alternating work and sleep
  • util/sensor.c:sensor_bottom_half() function, which loops indefinitely, alternating work and sleep
  • util/stats/stats.c:run_stats() function, which loops indefinitely, alternating work and sleep

Axis2C Action that NC performs and data-structures that are passed to/from CC are defined in eucalyptus_nc.wsdl. The Axis2C is used to convert this wsdl to C structures and stubs. Stubs generations is invoked from make command before C files compilation. This blog post has a good introduction to the development with Axis2C. If a new message needs to be created the safest bet is to copy-paste existing one and changing its name. While adding a new field into existing message it is advised for consistency to add it into end of all data structures/conversion functions. The util/adb-helpers.h defines some conversion helpers from/to ADB to C structures used by NC and CC.

Initialization It occurs when the first request arrives at the NC (and not when NC is started, which only means the HTTPD process is listening for incoming requests), because any of the do*() functions in handlers.c begin with

if (init())

 return (EUCA_ERROR);

A lot of things happen in that node/handlers.c:init() function. The highlights are:

  • in the retry-able first half of the function (this code will get re-executed upon each incoming request until initialization succeeds):

    • setting signal handlers for SIGUSR1 and SIGALRM
    • reading in the configuration (will be re-read later if it changes), from /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf by default
    • setting up logging (can be changed later dynamically)
    • initializing NC hooks (external executables that will get called by NC at certain points, allowing some customization of the installation, including installation of bug work-arounds)
    • loading of crypto certs
    • verification of external dependencies (NC shells out to a bunch of tools)
    • util/sensor.c:sensor_bottom_half() is started via sensor_init() invocation
  • in the non-retry-able second half of the function (any failure in this code permanently disables the NC, requiring a restart of the service):

    • initialization of semaphores

    • fault subsystem initialization

    • EBS subsystem initialization

    • verification of hypervisor usability

    • discovery and setting of resource limits

    • max_mem is physical memory in MB as reported by hypervisor, unless changed by configuration

    • max_cores is the number of cores available to VMs as reported by hypervisors, unless changed by configuration

    • optional initialization of disk backing store, discovery and setting of disk limit

    • if work and cache directory aren't present, they are created, for hosting instance metadata and blobstores

    • if disk limits for work and cache are specified, those limits are used and blobstores are created or resized accordingly

    • if limits aren't specified, then they are either

    • based on the size of existing blobstores or

    • chosen based on available disk space, with 33% going to work and 66% going to cache, with blobstores created accordingly.

    • instances running on the hypervisor are evaluated and, if they were started by an earlier execution of the NC, they are "adopted":

    • their metadata is loaded into memory and

    • NC starts reporting instances via doDescribeInstances()

    • NC accounts for their resources via doDescribeResource()

    • backing store integrity is verified (at this point disk state from non-running instances will get purged)

    • resource names like IP, IQN are discovered

    • node/handlers.c:monitoring_thread() is started in a detached pthread

    • util/stats/stats.c:run_stats() is started in a detached pthread

Concurrency model of NC is a mix of

  • pthreads - used for

    • request handling (however, Apache for NC is configured to only invoke one request at a time)
    • the three continuously running threads: monitoring_thread, sensor_thread, stats_thread, as well as
    • for some long-running operations
    • startup_thread
    • terminating_thread
    • createImage_thread
    • bundling_thread
    • startstop_thread
    • rebooting_thread
    • migrating_thread
    • (if you grep the code for pthread_create there will be a few more, but those are used for stress-tests relying on concurrent threads)
  • processes - in a few isolated cases, we fork off a process to do something that isn't safe to do in a thread (we're working around a buggy dependency here)

In contrast, CC does not use pthreads but rather process-based concurrency (it forks off its monitoring, sensor, and stats "threads") with shared-memory regions across these processes. Therefore, the code that is shared by NC and CC was written to accommodate the two models of concurrency and IPC. For example:

  • blobstore "library" (storage/blobstore.c) uses an implementation of file locks (see open_and_lock()) that uses both pthreads read-write locks (pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(&(path_lock->lock))) and Posix file locks (fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, flock_whole_file(&l, l_type))) so that mutual exclusion can be achieved both by processes and pthreads using the resource. (Back when Eucalyptus supported VMware, blobstore library was used on the CC hosts by euca_imager processes that could be running concurrently. As of 4.* series, blobstore library is only used on the NC and potentially in the imaging worker instances.)
  • util/sensor.c:sensor_init() function takes a semaphore and a memory region parameter, which signal the use of process-based concurrency and shared-memory IPC. When those parameters are not set, the initialization function creates a pthread.

DebuggingThe main tool is to NCclient that allows to invoke NC operations locally. As a bare minimum you need to define LD_LIBRARY_PATH with something like that

export AXIS2C_HOME=/usr/lib64/axis2c
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$AXIS2C_HOME/lib:$AXIS2C_HOME/modules/rampart/

After that NCclient can be invoked with ./NCclient from your node ridrectory. This page has a few good tips how to debug Eucalyptus C components including NC.

LoggingNode Controller logs data to $EUCALYPTUS/var/log/eucalyptus/nc.log file. This is rotated logger. Logging is done via util/log.c

ConfigurationNode Controller reads configuration from $EUCALYPTUS/etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf. Possible configuration properties are defined in util/eucalyptus.h. The configuration file is monitored inmonitoring_thread so changes to logging and ESB parameters are picked up on a fly and don't require NC process restart.

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