Simulation studies of power and Type I error of mass univariate statistics for ERP data
Aug 7, 2023 - MATLAB
Simulation refers to the process of creating a virtual model of a real-world system to study its behavior and performance under various conditions. This topic covers the principles, methodologies, and applications of simulation in fields such as engineering, science, healthcare, and social sciences. Simulations can range from simple models to complex, interactive environments, allowing researchers and practitioners to test hypotheses, train individuals, and predict outcomes without the risks or costs associated with real-world experiments. The topic also explores different types of simulation software and tools, as well as best practices for designing and validating simulations.
Simulation studies of power and Type I error of mass univariate statistics for ERP data
Calculation of the expected PDH error signal. Code with 1st order sidebands from many papers, second order fits experimental data but not rigorously derived.
A set of developed prototypes based on Pseudo Spectral methods for the dynamic analysis and simulation of non-Ideal one-dimensional cantilevers and fixed beams.
Files created to the Identificazione dei Sistemi Incerti project. Implemented Kalman Filter, EKF, UKF and a smoother. The Matlab files contain also the white-noise charaterzation of the signal and the outliers identification.
This repo holds all the assignments and the final project given for the Performance Evaluation and Applications course.
Application Lifecycle Management simulations
This is a model I build during my undergraduate research at CPN at Lehigh University. The model is used to simulate for GaN/InGaN QW of bandedge energy, energy states, wave functions, etc. with Schrodinger - Poisson consistent equations.
Simulate the effect of evaporation on final 35Cl-36Cl-37Cl ratios
This repo holds all the assignments and the final project given for the Performance Evaluation and Applications course.
This repository hosts a variety of simulations, and designs. Each simulation/design is contained in its own directory.
This repository contains the design and simulations of 3 different antennas (Discone, Helical and Television Receiver) in 4NEC2 software.
"Simulations for the paper Mathematical Modeling of the Short Circuit Mode of a Voltage Transformer"
MatLab scripts for the Automated Extraction of Kinetic Inductance from Sonnet. This is the latest version of AEM Lk and works with all version of Sonnet up to version 18.
Contruction and Control of a Multiple Water Tank System
Kinematic and dynamic modelling of a cable-driven parallel robot used to control an inverted pendulum. Development of a controller to stabilise the pendulum in its vertical unstable position by means of linear quadratic regulators. Validation of the controller in simulation, so it can maintain the equilibrium position despite the appearance of u…
Some simulations involving the transport equation (/pure convection). In 2021-2022.
SimOutUtils - Utilities for analyzing time series simulation output
This project aims to develop a simulation of a digital transmitter and receiver, that uses ASK modulation as the carrier system and Hamming codes to detect and correct errors. It has MATLAB simulation models to understand the behavior of such systems under the influence of an additive white Gaussian noise.
Created by The scientific and engineering community