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Releases: DataDog/dd-trace-go


18 Oct 07:37
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In this release, Continuous Profiler enables execution tracing by default for Go 1.21+. The execution tracer is the data source powering our new timeline view for analyzing latency and identifying bottlenecks. The profiler additionally adds a new metric for number of active goroutines, and disables profiling in AWS Lambda.

Additionally, Data Stream Monitoring (DSM) has a new version tag to track deployments.

Finally, some contrib library improvements include support for translating custom errors in labstack/echo.v4, and trace context propagation for libraries built on fasthttp.

This release also includes several bug fixes and documentation improvements:


Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

  • contrib/labstack/echo.v4: add WithErrorTranslator Option by @mattscamp in #2169



New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.55.0...v1.56.0


15 Sep 14:39
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With the release of Go 1.21, this dd-trace-go release drops support for Go version 1.18 and older, following our Go support policy. This minimum supported Go version for this library is now Go 1.19.

This release adds the contrib/IBM/sarama package to support for tracing the IBM/sarama Kafka library.

The Data Streams Monitoring Go library has been incorporated into this library. The feature can be enabled by setting the DD_DATA_STREAMS_ENABLED environment variable to true.

This release introduces a debug mode for the tracer to help identify long-lived or abandoned spans, which can lead to increased memory usage. It can be enabled with the WithDebugSpansMode tracer option or by setting environment variable DD_TRACE_DEBUG_ABANDONED_SPANS =true.

This release also includes several bug fixes and performance improvements:

  • Fix a bug in contrib/database/sql which incorrectly cached contexts.
  • Resolve a data race in contrib/net/http.
  • Reduce the memory allocated during initialization of the contrib/ package.
  • Improve the latency of W3C traceparent header validation.



Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

  • contrib/IBM/sarama: adds trace for IBM/sarama by @rodrigoff in #2142
  • tracer: ease configuring client-side stats computation by @ahmed-mez in #2168
  • contrib/database/sql: use correct context for trace tasks in statements by @nsrip-dd in #2173
  • ddtrace/tracer: fix inaccurate telemetry 'stats_computation_enabled' by @ahmed-mez in #2170
  • tracer: add test for logging 128-bit trace ids when upper bits are empty by @katiehockman in #2101
  • tracer: only set drop priority on whole trace by @ajgajg1134 in #2176
  • ddtrace/tracer: create debug mode for old, open spans by @hannahkm in #2149
  • [textmap] Replace validID regex with ascii comparisons by @thieman in #2180
  • tracer: add service naming and peer service configurations to payload by @wconti27 in #2177
  • Revert "ddtrace/tracer: create debug mode for old, open spans" by @ajgajg1134 in #2183
  • ddtrace/tracer: add abandoned spans debugger by @darccio in #2188
  • contrib/ stop using deprecated packages by @rarguelloF in #1959
  • ddtrace/tracer: fix race condition in abandonedspans_test.go by @darccio in #2195
  • contrib/ fix script by @rarguelloF in #2196
  • ddtrace/tracer: fix race condition with RecordLogger in abandonedspans_test.go by @darccio in #2198
  • tracer: add orchestrion telemetry by @ahmed-mez in #2200
  • ddtrace/tracer: add _dd.base_service tag by @rarguelloF in #2175
  • ddtrace/tracer: add orchestrion to startup logs by @ahmed-mez in #2205
  • ddtrace/tracer: clean orchestrion startup logs by @ahmed-mez in #2206
  • contrib/net/http: Copy span options and resource name to avoid data race by @ajgajg1134 in #2204
  • contrib/ lazy init regexp by @felixge in #2197

Continous Profiler

  • profiler: upgrade gostackparse to support Go 1.21 tracebacks by @nsrip-dd in #2150

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.54.1...v1.55.0


07 Sep 14:16
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A few minor bug fixes in this release, namely resolving #2172 which could cause traced tasks in statements to be erroneously cancelled and resolving a data race in our net/http contribution.


  • contrib/database/sql: use correct context for trace tasks in statements by @ajgajg1134 in #2202
  • contrib/net/http: Copy span options and resource name to avoid data race (#2204) by @ajgajg1134 in #2207

Full Changelog: v1.54.0...v1.54.1


10 Aug 13:34
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In this release, Application Performance Monitoring (APM) adds partial flushing beta support, it enables flushing of partially finished traces. Partial flushing is disabled by default, it can be enabled via WithPartialFlushing or by setting DD_TRACE_PARTIAL_FLUSH_ENABLED to true. See the docs for more details.

The release also includes multiple bug fixes and improvements.


Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

  • contrib/bradfitz/gomemcache: Add trace wrappers for new Append and Prepend client functions by @vanstinator in #1555
  • contrib/segmentio/kafka.go.v0: only log on inject error by @doron-cohen in #2126


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.53.0...v1.54.0


31 Jul 20:05
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What's Changed

This release includes several new features for various APM integrations, including a new opt-in service naming schema, improvements to contrib/gocql and the ability to add HTTP headers to traces in several integrations. In addition, there are a number of small bug fixes and improvements for APM, ASM and the Profiler.

Application Security Management (ASM) no longer requires CGO to be compiled. The appsec build tag is still required for now for a progressive roll-out and will be removed in the next few months. Read more in below's ASM section.

Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Peer Service naming schema

This release introduces a new opt-in service naming approach, aiming to make service names more consistent. You can opt-in to this new service naming setting DD_TRACE_PEER_SERVICE_DEFAULTS_ENABLED="true" and DD_TRACE_REMOVE_INTEGRATION_SERVICE_NAMES_ENABLED=true.

For fine-tuned control of your service names, you can configure DD_TRACE_PEER_SERVICE_MAPPING, providing comma-separated key:value mapping rule pairs, similar to how DD_SERVICE_MAPPING is configured today.

HTTP Header Tags

This release includes a new feature to add HTTP headers as trace tags for several integrations:

  • contrib/emicklei/go-restful
  • contrib/gin-gonic/gin
  • contrib/go-chi/chi.v5
  • contrib/go-chi/chi
  • contrib/gorilla/mux
  • contrib/labstack/echo.v4
  • contrib/labstack/echo
  • contrib/urfave/negroni
  • contrib/net/http

The feature can be configured globally with the WithHeaderTags option to tracer.Start(), or individually for each integration with the WithHeaderTags options available in each integration package. It accepts a map of case-insensitive header keys to tag names and automatically applies matching header values as tags on traces, e.g. CASE-insensitive-Header:my-tag-name,User-ID:userId,My-Header-And-Tag-Name. Also accepts entries without a specified tag name that are automatically mapped to tags of the form http.request.headers.<header-name>.

APM Changelog

Application Security Management (ASM)

We're happy to release the first version of ASM for Go that no longer requires CGO. This reduces the setup requirements to the bare minimum for Go development: the Go toolchain and nothing more!
Note that even if you disable CGO with CGO_ENABLED=0, the resulting compiled program will still be dynamically linked against the C library, libm, and libdl. Already existing ASM users are not impacted by this new implementation and can upgrade to this version transparently, as these libraries were already required by the previous implementation using CGO.

This release also includes the ability to configure at run time your HTTP protection behaviour at

  • internal/appsec: remove unnecessary remoteconfig updates specifications by @Hellzy in #2084
  • appsec: integrate the new purego-based go-libddwaf by @Julio-Guerra in #2090
  • appsec: remotely configurable HTTP protection behaviour by @Hellzy in #2044


  • contrib/database/sql: properly annotate DB operations with execution trace tasks by @nsrip-dd in #2060
  • profiler: Add profiler.enabled tag by @felixge in #2065
  • profiler: Reduce execution trace period to 15min by @felixge in #2091


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.52.0...v1.53.0


22 Jun 16:08
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What's Changed

Application Security Management (ASM) updated its default blocking page templates to get rid of UTF-8 characters (HTML) and minify the content (JSON). The security rules have also been updated to the latest version, which introduces a new rule type for rules related to specific security scanners.

Application Performance Monitoring (APM) adds several new features, including support for confluent-kafka-go/v2/kafka, a WithResourceNamer option in contrib/go-chi/chi.v5, and support for the sql comment extract implementation. It also contains a few fixes, including introducing a fallback to dynamic service names if no global is found in contrib/, and removes the restriction requiring a call to Register before Open in contrib/database/sql.

Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

  • ddtrace/tracer: sql comment extract implementation by @barbinimichael in #1964
  • ddtrace/opentelemetry: Enabled OTel benchmark in CI by @dianashevchenko in #1970
  • contrib/ update version by @rarguelloF in #1971
  • contrib: add support for confluent-kafka-go/v2/kafka by @dferstay in #1889
  • contrib: peer.service precursors for confluentinc kafka integrations by @zarirhamza in #2008
  • contrib/ change gen_endpoints script to generate a json file by @rarguelloF in #2009
  • contrib: GRPC peer.service precursor tags by @zarirhamza in #1994
  • contrib: mongoDB peer.service precursor tags by @zarirhamza in #1996
  • contrib/hashicorp/* peer.service precursor tags by @zarirhamza in #1998
  • contrib/globalsign/mgo: Precursor Fix by @zarirhamza in #2011
  • contrib/go-chi: customize span resource name for go-chi by @opsengine in #1950
  • contrib/net/http: add host and port tags for roundTripper by @rarguelloF in #2016
  • contrib/database/sql: do not require users to Register before Open by @knusbaum in #2022
  • contrib/go-chi/chi.v5: add WithResourceNamer option by @taowata in #2024
  • contrib/ Fallback to dynamic service names if no global is found by @ajgajg1134 in #2048

Application Security Management (ASM)

  • internal/appsec: use latest HTML/JSON blocked response template by @Hellzy in #1952
  • internal/appsec: security rules v1.7.1 by @Hellzy in #2000


  • profiler: remove old delta implementation by @nsrip-dd in #1860
  • profiler: add tag to indicate whether execution tracing is enabled by @nsrip-dd in #1997


  • go.mod: fix opentelemetry dependency issue by @knusbaum in #2005
  • ci: use reviewdog and use gci linter for imports instead of goimports by @rarguelloF in #2010
  • internal/gitmetadata: log failed read build info as debug by @ahmed-mez in #2012
  • internal/dockerfiles: Follow dockerfile security best practices by @ajgajg1134 in #1973
  • build(deps): bump from 1.7.7 to 1.9.1 by @dependabot in #2017
  • go.mod: update datadog-agent/pkg/remoteconfig/state by @Hellzy in #2032
  • tracer: fix telemetry metrics to align with spec (#2049) by @katiehockman in #2052

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.51.0...v1.52.0


24 May 08:56
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⚠️ v1.51.0 contains a regression where a small number of integrations was not configured properly with environment variables, if they were initialized before starting the tracer. Such integrations include contrib/ Please upgrade to v1.52.0 if you're experiencing issues.

What's Changed

Application Performance Monitoring (APM) fixes a few minor OpenTelemetry-related bugs with W3C trace context propagation, 128 bit trace ids propagation, and the use of the Datadog OTel API. There are also bug fixes in contrib/database/sql, contrib/go-redis/redis.v8, and contrib/gomodule/redigo. It also improves span and service naming across several library integrations. Note that this release adds a deprecation notice to contrib/labstack/echo.
There are also several new features, including support for the redis/go-redis.v9 tracing integration and a new WithErrorCheck option in contrib/aws/aws-sdk-go.

Application Security Management (ASM) now allows users to configure their own custom security rules. These custom security rules get added to the list of security rules used by the In-App WAF. This release also includes a couple of bug fixes.


Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

  • ddtrace/tracer: don't set empty tracestate propagation tag by @ahmed-mez in #1910
  • ddtrace/{opentelemetry,opentracer}: add telemetry by @ahmed-mez in #1909
  • internal/telemetry: track tracer init time metric by @lievan in #1896
  • ddtrace/tracer: reset decision maker during fallback behavior of w3c header extraction by @ahmed-mez in #1933
  • ddtrace/tracer: ensure access to trace tags is concurrency-safe by @knusbaum in #1948
  • ddtrace/tracer: mark context updated when SetUser is called by @knusbaum in #1949
  • Set keyTraceID128 on first span in the chunk only by @dianashevchenko in #1946
  • ddtrace/opentelemetry: parent start span options shouldn't be propagated and used during child span creation by @dianashevchenko in #1958
  • contrib/mongodb: use naming schema by @rarguelloF in #1908
  • contrib/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb: use naming schema by @rarguelloF in #1914
  • contrib/tidwall/buntdb: use naming schema by @rarguelloF in #1913
  • contrib/cassandra: use naming schema by @rarguelloF in #1911
  • contrib/redis: use naming schema by @rarguelloF in #1906
  • contrib/kafka: refactor tests by @rarguelloF in #1907
  • contrib/ use naming schema by @rarguelloF in #1919
  • contrib/twitchtv/twirp: use naming schema by @rarguelloF in #1920
  • contrib/http: use naming schema by @rarguelloF in #1929
  • contrib/redis/go-redis.v9: support v9 by @taowata in #1730
  • contrib/net/http: don't set empty string values as span tags by @knusbaum in #1956
  • contrib/internal/httptrace: remove naming schema from init by @rarguelloF in #1960
  • contrib/graphql: use naming schema by @rarguelloF in #1926
  • contrib/database/sql: fix bug where options were always overwritten by register options by @rarguelloF in #1904
  • contrib/aws: use naming schema by @rarguelloF in #1931
  • contrib/ use naming schema by @rarguelloF in #1937
  • contrib/labstack/echo: Add warning and deprecation notice by @ajgajg1134 in #1974
  • contrib/gomodule/redigo: don't ignore the context given as first argument (#1935) by @lbcjbb in #1936
  • contrib/aws/aws-sdk-go: add WithErrorCheck option by @delca85 in #1682
  • contrib/go-redis/redis.v8: fix broken parsing of redis commands by @knusbaum in #1783
  • contrib: peer.service precursors for elasticsearch integrations by @zarirhamza in #1981
  • contrib: peer.service precursors for confluentinc/segmentio integrations by @zarirhamza in #1979
  • contrib/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2: add aws_service, region, and resourcename by @zARODz11z in #1888
  • internal/telemetry: trim the dependencies version prefix v by @Julio-Guerra in #1963

Application Security Management (ASM)

  • internal/appsec: handle user custom rules through remote config by @Hellzy in #1961
  • internal/appsec: fix user ID event detection & other appsec tests by @Hellzy in #1918
  • internal/appsec/remoteconfig: fix rules overrides by @Julio-Guerra in #1921
  • internal/appsec: do not ignore the appsec events rate limiter by @Julio-Guerra in #1927
  • internal/appsec: security rules v1.7.0 by @Hellzy in #1983
  • contrib/gin-gonic: abort context when the request is blocked by appsec by @Hellzy in #1976


  • ddtrace/trace: only tag fully-covered spans as execution traced by @nsrip-dd in #1943
  • profiler: support reconfiguring execution tracing at runtime by @nsrip-dd in #1978

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.50.1...v1.51.0


02 May 17:06
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What's Changed

  • ddtrace/tracer: ensure access to trace tags is concurrency-safe (#1948) by @knusbaum in #1951

Full Changelog: v1.50.0...v1.50.1


26 Apr 15:25
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Application Security Management (ASM) now provides an In-App WAF (Web Application Firewall) which allows you to block suspicious HTTP requests based on your security rules. The main difference with a classic WAF comes from the fact we leverage the full run-time application context and not only the raw wire-format HTTP protocol payloads (eg. the actual Go values parsed from the raw HTTP request). This release also allows you to remotely configure your ASM configuration on the fly, without redeploying your Go services. This makes it possible to customize the In-App WAF rules to apply to each of your services and configure them in blocking mode. You can read more about our new In-App WAF feature in our documentation, and check out the new In-App WAF configuration page.

Application Performance Monitoring (APM) has added several new larger features: support for 128-bit trace IDs, as well as an Open Telemetry compatible tracer provider API. Note this wrapper is a "beta" feature, it may contain bugs and is not recommended for production use yet.


Breaking changes


  • go.mod: upgrade to resolve downstream vuln by @ajgajg1134 in #1865
  • contrib: upgrade labstack/echo/v4 from v4.2.0 to v4.9.0 by @ahmed-mez in #1891
  • contrib: upgrade emicklei/go-restful to v2.16.0 by @ahmed-mez in #1885
  • internal/telemetry: collect telemetry info for gorilla/mux integration by @lievan in #1861

Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Application Security Management (ASM)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.49.1...v1.50.0


05 Apr 18:34
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What's Changed

  • contrib/ Add WithMetadataTags & WithRequestTags to grpc server stream interceptor. It differs with the unary interceptor implementation only in the span the data is added to. Thanks @radykal-com for the contribution!

Full Changelog: v1.49.0...v1.49.1