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Config 2.0 Verify Slot Quick Keys

Thomas Cherryhomes edited this page Aug 13, 2020 · 1 revision

For this test, you will need

  • Atari Computer
  • FujiNet


  1. Reset FujiNet
  2. Power on Atari
  3. Wait for CONFIG
  4. Wait for Network
  5. Verify that Host Slot 1 is selected
  6. Press 2. Verify that Device Slot 2 is selected.
  7. Press 3. Verify that Device slot 3 is selected.
  8. Press 4. Verify that Device slot 4 is selected.
  9. Press 5. Verify that Device slot 5 is selected.
  10. Press 6. Verify that Device slot 6 is selected.
  11. Press 7. Verify that Device slot 7 is selected.
  12. Press 8. Verify that Device slot 8 is selected.
  13. Press SHIFT-1. Verify that Host Slot 1 is selected
  14. Press SHIFT-2. Verify that Host Slot 2 is selected
  15. Press SHIFT-3. Verify that Host Slot 3 is selected
  16. Press SHIFT-4. Verify that Host Slot 4 is selected
  17. Press SHIFT-5. Verify that Host Slot 5 is selected
  18. Press SHIFT-6. Verify that Host Slot 6 is selected
  19. Press SHIFT-7. Verify that Host Slot 7 is selected
  20. Press SHIFT-8. Verify that Host Slot 8 is selected
  21. Power down.

Expected Result

  • Pressing the number keys, with shift key should cause the cursor to immediately jump to the selected host slot. Pressing the number key should cause the cursor to jump to the appropriate drive slot.
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