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Thomas Cherryhomes edited this page May 24, 2024 · 5 revisions

FujiNet PC

Add support for sockets, alongside serial ports, for FujiNet-PC

There are emulators that support connection to external resources over TCP sockets. An example of this is the "Becker Port" for TRS-80 Color Computer emulators. This is supported in MAME, VCC, and XRoar.

To support this, the UARTManager class needs to be generalized slightly, to handle both serial port devices, and TCP sockets.

At the very least, any TCP port should be usable. A nice to have would be default port numbers for targets that use this (e.g. port 65504 for the Becker port)

The current UARTManager class can be seen here:

Note: The ESP_PLATFORM define is used to differentiate between the ESP32 and Fujinet-PC build.

This will be considered working, when one of the above emulators can connect to a running instance of FujiNet-PC, and be able to use FujiNet functions.

If you're interested:

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