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Releases: octokit/

v0.20 - Probably Australian

14 Jun 22:32
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The big focus for this release is pagination support. This lets the caller
control how much data to retrieve for GetAll* endpoints throughout Octokit.
This was a team effort to apply this across the entire codebase, with
contributions from @dampir, @devkhan, @prayankmathur, @samthedev and @shiftkey.

For more information about how to use pagination in your projects refer to the


  • Renamed IUserKeysClient.GetAll() to IUserKeysClient.GetAllForCurrent() - #1139 via @M-Zuber
  • Add ItemStateFilter enum to differentiate between search and list endpoints - #1140 via @prayankmathur
  • RepositoriesClient.GetAllPublic() fails for Enterprise instanes due to URI structure - #1204 via @ryangribble
  • ConfigureAwait(false) usages added, eliminating deadlocks - #1248 via @shiftkey
  • Renamed CompareResult.MergedBaseCommit to fix serialization issue - #1265 via @kivancmuslu
  • Activity Feed now returns issues and repository events - #1288 via @drasticactions
  • Add Repository property to Issue response - #1292 via @M-Zuber
  • SearchCodeRequest now supports searching without specifying a term - #1338 via @dsplaisted
  • Add required Permission parameter to team management APIs - #1347 via @ryangribble
  • Add ClosedBy property to Issue - #1353 via @maddin2016


Breaking Changes

  • IUserKeysClient.GetAll() was named incorrectly when it was originally implemented
    and only works for the current user's keys. Update all usages to GetAllForCurrent().
  • CompareResult.MergedBaseCommit was never deserialized correctly, and has
    been marked as obsolete. You should use CompareResult.MergeBaseCommit
    instead (note the lack of a d).
  • IEventsClient.GetAllForRepository was incorrectly retrieving issue
    events before this release. Use the new IEventsClient.GetAllIssuesForRepository
    method if you still require issues, or continue to use IEventsClient.GetAllForRepository
    if you require all repository events.
  • IUsersClient has a property named Keys which has been renamed in the
    GitHub API documentation - Octokit has added the name GitSshKey to
    reflect this change, and Keys will be removed in a later release.
  • ItemStateFilter has been introduced to separate it from the search APIs, which still use ItemState. This affects IssueRequest.State, PullRequestRequest.State and MilestoneRequest.State. You'll need to rename any enum usages from ItemState to ItemStateFilter.

v0.19 - Identifying Types

13 Mar 10:48
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  • StatisticsClient should not clobber /api/v3/ in path - #1085 via @shiftkey
  • Fix JSON deserialization of string containing hyphens to List property - #1094 via @ryangribble
  • Incorrect reference passed to RepositoryContentsClient.GetArchive - #1113 via @michael-kokorin


  • Add failing integration test for Issue Search API - #1083 via @hahmed
  • Add integration tests for IReleasesClient.GetLatest - #1090 via @M-Zuber
  • Remove extraneous Bcl .targets reference - #1100 via @shana
  • Add proper syntax highlighting to - #1117 via @tiesmaster
  • Fix issue with optional parameters in .\script\configure-integration-tests - #1118 via @Anubhav10
  • Update Issue creation sample code - #1131 via @AlexP11223
  • IJsonSerializer not used inside Connection - #1133 via @devkhan

Breaking Changes

ISshKeysClient has a number of methods which at the time should have been
implemented in IUserKeysClient - these methods are marked as obsolete and will
be removed in a future release:

  • ISshKeysClient.Get(int id)
  • ISshKeysClient.GetAll(string user)
  • ISshKeysClient.GetAllForCurrent()
  • ISshKeysClient.Create(SshKeyUpdate key)
  • ISshKeysClient.Update(int id, SshKeyUpdate key)
  • ISshKeysClient.Delete(int id)

v0.18 - Bringing The Thunder

02 Feb 23:04
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  • New: support for User Administration API (GitHub Enterprise) - #1068 via @paladique
  • New: support for Admin Stats API (GitHub Enterprise) - - #1049 via @ryangribble
  • New: support for Repository Pages API - #1061 via @M-Zuber
  • New: get stargazer creation timestamps - #1060 via @daveaglick
  • New: support for Protected Branches API - #996 via @ryangribble
  • New: support for creating Personal Access Tokens - #990 via @alfhenrik
  • Fixed: Milestone property added to PullRequest response - #1075 via @Eilon
  • Fixed: Add member role filter to OrganizationMembersClient.GetAll() - #1072 via @ryangribble
  • Fixed: Repository.Content.GetAllContents now support the root of the repository - #1064 via @naveensrinivasan, @shiftkey
  • Fixed: added Id and Locked to Issue, added CommitUrl to IssueEvent - #1039 via @gabrielweyer
  • Fixed: additional fields on Release and ReleaseAsset - #1009 via @gabrielweyer
  • Fixed: ApiException now includes JSON payload when .ToString()- #974 via @asizikov

Breaking Changes:

As part of reaching 1.0 we went through to audit the current implementation
and identify areas that didn't align with our conventions. For this release,
we're marking the endpoints as [Obsolete] and indicating the new location.
These will be cleaned up in the next release:

  • IGitHubClient.Notifications -> IGitHubClient.Activity.Notifications - #1019 via @M-Zuber
  • IGitHubClient.Repository.CommitStatus -> IGitHubClient.Repository.Status - #1043 via @RobPethick
  • IGitHubClient.Repository.Commits -> IGitHubClient.Repository.Commit - #1057 via @M-Zuber
  • IGitHubClient.Repository.RepoCollaborators -> IGitHubClient.Repository.Collaborator - #1040 via @M-Zuber
  • IGitHubClient.Repository.RepositoryComments -> IGitHubClient.Repository.Comment - #1044 via @M-Zuber
  • IGitHubClient.Release -> IGitHubClient.Repository.Release - #1058 via @RobPethick
  • IGitHubClient.GitDatabase -> IGitHubClient.Git - #1048 via @RobPethick

Other breaking changes:

  • a public ApiExtensions.Get<T> extension method was causing a bunch of
    tests to be written in a confusing way. This has been ported to an interface
    method on IApiConnection but hopefully you're not referencing this method
    externally - see #1063 for more information.
  • IRepositoryContentsClient.GetArchiveLink is no longer correct, as the HTTP
    behaviour in Octokit was updated to follow redirects received from the server.
    See #986 for the last bits of cleanup.
  • IRepositoryContentsClient.GetAllContents(string owner, string name, string path, string reference)
    has been renamed to GetAllContentsByRef(string owner, string name, string path, string reference)
    to prevent overlap with methods on IRepositoryContentsClient which do not
    specify a path - and thus look at the root of the repository.
  • IssueEventPayload has two fields which are never populated from the API -
    Assignee and Label - these are now removed. You should use
    Issue.Assignee and Issue.Labels instead. See #1039 for more details.
  • PullRequest.MergeCommitSha is marked as obsolete by the GitHub API - we
    are cleaning up the behaviour for determining whether a PR has been
    merged in #997 - see the PR for more information.
  • IAuthorizationsClient.RevokeAllApplicationAuthentications is no longer
    available through the GitHub API - this will be removed in the next

Shout outs

A lot of extra work went into this release, and I wanted to thank those people
who helped out - without their efforts we wouldn't be at this point:

  • @naveensrinivasan - for helping set up our Travis CI builds to test this on
    Mono - see #995 for the details
  • @hahmed - for contributing a bunch of documentation around the Octokit search
    APIs - see #955, #954 and #951
  • @JakesCode - for clarifying some documentation after he reported an issue - #1054
  • @ryangribble - for helping get our GitHub Enterprise testing off the ground - #987
  • @naveensrinivasan - for catching and addressing an issue with our LINQPad snippets - #987 v0.17

08 Dec 00:47
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  • New: NewRepositoryWebHook helper class useful for creating web hooks - #917 via @alfhenrik
  • New: Overloads to the GetArchive method of RepositoryContentsClient that accept a timeout - #918 via @WillsB
  • Improved: Added EventsUrl to Issue - #901 via @alfhenrik
  • Improved: Added Committer and Author to the GitHubCommit object - #903 via @WillsB
  • Improved: Made EncodedContent property of RepositoryContent public - #861 via @naveensrinivasan
  • Improved: Added ability to create deploy keys that are read only and can only be used to read repository contents and not write to them - #915 via @haacked
  • Improved: Added Content property to NewTreeItem to allow specifying content for a tree - #915 via @haacked
  • Improved: Added Description property to NewTeam to allow specifying a description for a team - #915 via @haacked
  • Improved: Added Description property to OrganizationUpdate to allow specifying a description for an organization - #915 via @haacked
  • Improved: Added Before property to NotificationsRequest to find notifications updated before a specific time - #915 via @haacked
  • Improved: Renamed SignatureResponse to Committer and replaced CommitEntity with Committer - #916 via @haacked
  • Improved: Added URLs with more information to the PrivateRepositoryQuotaExceededException - #929 via @elbaloo
  • Improved: The Merge method of PullRequestsClient now throws more specific exceptions when pull request is not mergeable - #976 via @elbaloo and @shiftkey
  • Fixed: Bug that prevented specifying a commit message for pull request merges - #915 via @haacked
  • Fixed: Added System to required framework assemblies for the net45 NuGet package - #919 via @adamralph
  • Fixed: Change the HasIssues property of NewRepository to be a nullable boolean because it's optional - #942 via @alfhenrik
  • Fixed: Bug that caused downloading release assets to fail because it didn't handle the application/octet-stream content type properly - #943 via @naveensrinivasan
  • Fixed: JSON serialization bug with unicode characters - via ##972 @naveensrinivasan

Breaking Changes:

  • NewDeployment constructor requires a ref as this is required for the API. It no longer has a default constructor.
  • NewDeploymentStatus constructor requires a DeploymentState as this is required for the API. It no longer has a default constructor.
  • The Name property of NewTeam is now read only. It is specified via the constructor.
  • Renamed SignatureResponse to Committer and removes CommitEntity, replacing it with Committer.
  • Changed the type of HasIssues property of NewRepository to be nullable.

v0.16 - ironic ties

17 Sep 23:32
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  • New: Implemented GetMetadata method of IMiscellaneousClient to retrieve information from the Meta endpoint -#892 via @haacked
  • Improved: Add missing ClosedAt property to Milestone response - #890 via @geek0r
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException when retrieving contributors for an empty repository - #897 via @adamralph
  • Fixed: Bug that prevented release uploads and will unblock the entire F# ecosystem - #895 via @naveensrinivasan

v0.15 - Bearded Hijinks

10 Sep 06:41
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  • New: IRepositoryContentsClient.GetAllContents now has an overload to support specifying a reference - #730 via @goalie7960
  • New: Support for retrieving rate limit information from IMiscellaneousClient - #848 via @Red-Folder
  • New: Use GitHubClient.GetLastApiInfo() to get API information for previous request - #855 via @Red-Folder, @khellang
  • New: PreviousFileName returned to show renamed files in commit - #871 via @CorinaCiocanea
  • Improved: CommentUrl returned on Issue response - #884 via @naveensrinivasan
  • Improved: Issue and Code Search now accepts multiple repositories - #835 via @shiftkey
  • Improved: Search now accepts a range of dates - #857 via @ChrisMissal
  • Improved: Documentation on Issue response - #876 via @Eilon
  • Improved: Code Search now accepts FileName parameter - #864 via @fffej
  • Fixed: GetQueuedContent should return empty response for 204 No Content, instead of throwing - #862 via @haacked
  • Fixed: TeamClient.AddMembership sends correct parameter to server - #856 via @davidalpert
  • Obsolete: Authorization endpoint which does not require fingerprint - #878 via @niik

Breaking Changes:

  • #835 has changed the Repos property for SearchIssuesRequest and SearchCodeRequest
    are now of type RepositoryCollection so that multiple repositories can be searched.
  • The workarounds removed in #878 were added initially to support transitioning, but now
    we enforce the use of a fingerprint. See
    for more details.

v0.14 - Jet Lag

18 Jul 22:17
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  • New: Repository redirects are supported natively - #808 via @darrelmiller, @shiftkey
  • Fixed: Support for searching repositories without a search term - #828 via @alexandrugyori

v0.13 - Doof Wagon

17 Jun 02:08
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v0.12 - The Webzone™

19 May 08:53
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v0.11 - Sled Dogs

09 May 02:39
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New in 0.11.0 (released 2015/05/10)

  • New: Added overload to IRepositoryClient.GetAllPublic specifying a since parameter - #774 via @alfhenrik
  • New: Added IGistsClient.GetAllCommits and IGistsClient.GetAllForks implementations - #542 via @haagenson, #794 via @shiftkey
  • New: Added IRepositoryContentsClient.GetArchiveLink for getting archived code - #765 via @alfhenrik
  • Fixed: PullRequestFile properties were not serialized correctly - #789 via @thedillonb
  • Fixed: Allow to download zip-attachments - #792 via @csware