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Gijs Molenaar edited this page Feb 13, 2014 · 3 revisions

This document is out of date, and is kept around for historical purposes only

Please refer to CalicoDocumentation for newer documents.


The main calibration script is called The compile-time options menu is a lot busier here, due to the many options available (NB: some of these may change in the future. If you see an option listed here, but can no longer find it in the menu, it is probably because the option has been "optimized away" or something.) Following is an overview of all the compile-time options.

MS Selection Options

...are the same as for any Calico scripts, see here. ["../MSSelectionMenu"]

What do we want to do

This determines the kind of tree that will be built. Three major activities are possible, and may be enabled in any combination. Also, you can choose to invert phases in the input data here (necessary if the sky comes out mirrored...) The major activities are:


If enabled, then the tree will include a calibration step, where a "predict" (sky model with instrumental corruptions) will be fitted to input data. What exactly is fitted (full visibilities, amplitudes, phases, etc.) depends on the "Calibrate on" option, although I have found that full visibilities work so well that I may just disable all the other settings.

Through the "Ignore baselines" options, it is possible to exclude short or long baselines from the calibration equations.

Subtract sky model and generate residuals

If enabled, then the tree will subtract predicted visiblities from input data. If calibration is also enabled, then this is the final, best-fitting prediction of the calibration stage. If calibration is not enabled, then predict is done using the most recently-obtained calibration solutions (from tables on disk.)

Correct the data or residuals

If enabled, then the instrumental calibration (whether just-obtained, or from disk) is inverted and applied to the input data or residuals. This effectively results in visibilities "corrected" for instrumental effects.

Sky model

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